Social Group Is Suspended!

William’s compliance is getting worse so Jody/Elizabeth recommended that we stop sending William to social group on Saturdays.  So from 7/20/2019 the session with Brenda will be at home instead at TasKids office.

“William bad behaviors of not listening and taking toys away from his peers affect other children” – Jody said.

I felt sad when I heard that; I’m always hoping that with Social Group, he can improve his social skills and learn how to interact with other children; so that he’s less likely to sit in the corner all by himself.

Another reason that I want him to go to Social Group is because I think it’s more fun to have sessions outside of the house settings. They have all kind of activities like read book, craft, dance; and especially when there’s a birthday party, he get to have a balloon which he likes.

Now that the session is held at home, a 3 hour session is too long!

“We will resume Social Group when his’s compliance level is improved” – Jody continued.

With William’s current behaviors, I can see that date will not coming soon!


8/7/2019 We’ve had 3 sessions with Brenda on Saturdays at home since the stop going to the TasKids office. I could see that William is not enjoying time with Brenda; I guess he’s simply just bored. So I’m trying to find any events near by that we can go so that the whole session doesn’t have to be at home.

First Time Watching Movie In Theater

We’ve been afraid that William would not sit still and cannot be quiet inside a movie theater so we did not take him there until now.

We’ve been preparing him mentally of what to do in the theater: sit in your seat, do not run around, be quiet. He seems to understand all these rules.

So finally William got to see a movie in the theater: the Secret Life of Pets 2 at the Outlets of Orange, which is only 10 minutes from our house. We were late; and someone took our assigned seats so we ended up sitting near the screen but that seems ok with William. He could not sit still: he kept standing up or climbed on the rail in front of us. One time he got out of the chair and went up to the big screen to touch it. Anothe time he wanted to get out to go up the stairs but I blocked him and said No. Few times he used normal voice so I asked him to be quiet then he lowered his voice. Overall his behaviors was better than I expected. At first he did not pay much attention to the movie; he was looking around, up to the projector, then to the screen but toward the end of the movie, he seemed to enjoy the movie because I saw him laughing / smiling.

After the movie, he loved to run around and sit on the lobby floor.