When I got home from work, William ran out to greet me. Tim said he was sleepy because he did not take a nap. The whole ABA session, he kept saying “I’m tired” and refused to walk around the neighborhood like we do every sessions. Ms. Marylou did not give him any demands because he did look so tired.
After dinner, I asked him to go to bed early. While on the bed, on of sudden he said “My brain is not good!”, “My brain is out!”. I was so surprised so I asked, “Who told you that?”. “Ethan” – he replied.
Ethan again? yesterday we found a deep mark on his back and when asked, he said Ethan hit him. The other day Ethan bit his arm. This is not the first time that William said Ethan hit him. The thing is that William does not talk much like Ethan. He would not tell teachers or anyone when he gets hit, unless I ask. And I always ask him several times to see if his answer is consistent. And it is!
I wrote on the communication book about Ethan and requested that the teachers keep a closed eye when Ethan and William together. Looks like they don’t get along well.

I felt sad that some one told him his brain is not good, and the worse part is that William believes that. I could tell he did not feel good about that. He kept saying “I’m sick!” since he got home. I pulled his head to rest on my arm while we were lying on the bed and touched his head and said “You’re smart, your brain is good, don’t listen to Ethan”. I hope William doesn’t take Ethan’s words too serious. He’s almost 6 years old now so he’s starting to understand things around him. Bad or negative words/talks like that will do too much damage to his naive mind, I’m afraid.