I Did Not Make Coffee For Papa!

The last few days when William woke up in the morning, he cried and said “I did not make coffee for Papa!”.  That’s because Tim leaves for work early in the morning around 6:00 AM while William is still sleeping.

During the weekends when Tim does not work,  he does not need to wake up that early so when Tim makes coffee, William would stand next to him and make coffee together: Coffee for Tim and hot chocolate for William.  They both sit down at the dining table and enjoy their drinks together.  William is always looking forward to this every morning.  Lately he really loves to do things together with his Dad.  Which is a good thing.

If he wakes up early during the weekday and sees that his dad still home, he’d run off the bed to the kitchen to help make coffee.  Then Tim’d carry him back to bed so that he can go back to sleep.   One day when Tim got out of the bathroom, Tim found his coffee mug on the wooden box near the door, and William was sitting on the bench next to it waiting: William put the coffee mug there ready for Tim to take it to work! What a thoughtful boy!

“I love you!”  I’ve never heard Tim say that phrase so many times and kiss William that much until lately.  These 2 boys are in love :).