First Time on Medication for ADHD

As Ms. Elyse, the Nurse Practitioner from Center of Autism, suggested to try the medicine (Methylphenidate HCL 5mg) on weekend because the side effects might be tummy aches, headaches, and lost of appetite for the first few days, I decided to let him have it on Saturday.

He was ok when I told him that he needed to take this medicine to help him focus.  He took the medicine with no problem.  After 10 minutes, he complained about the tummy aches, so I rubbed his belly, but that went away after 10 minutes.  Other than that, he did not have headaches or loss of appetite at all.

After 1 week of medicine, I noticed he had more aggressive behaviors like slamming doors, kicking things he saw when he was upset.  So I stopped giving him the medicine.   His aggressive behaviors went away after we stopped the medicine so it’s definitely this medicine is not good for him.