Last Day Of Speech Therapy

Being a 2nd grader at Thomas Jefferson school, his class will be ended at 2:00 PM, which will conflict with his speech therapy at Providence Speech and Hearing center at 1:00 PM every Mondays with Ms. Gina so we decided to cancel the therapy.

We’ve been using tele-health for the speech sessions but because today is the last day, we wanted to see Ms. Gina for the last time in person and gave her some appreciation gift.  William was so excited to go.  Actually he had been asking to go to the office because he said it was boring to have the on-line meeting.

Second Covid-19 Test

State of Hawaii demands that everyone is traveling to Hawaii that did not get the Covid-19 vaccine will need to take a Covid-19 test within 72 hours of the departure time; and they only allow travelers to enter the state with negative  test result.

Thus we made a 2nd Covid-19 test for William on Monday 8/9/2021 at 9:45 AM (our flight was 8/12 at 8:30 AM so we could take any appointment on 8/9 after 8:30 AM to meet the 72 hours requirement).  Out of 12 family members were going to Hawaii, only William and Victoria are under 12 years old and don’t have the Covid-19 vaccine yet.  So today I drove both of them to Walgreens for the test.

I reminded William the procedure again, he was not scared at all.

This time the result came back quickly, the next day.  I guess because it was not weekend.

It was negative for both kids.   I was so relieved because I was afraid that the result would not come before the departure date: we have to log in to the Hawaii state website to upload the report before departure.