Second Covid-19 Test

State of Hawaii demands that everyone is traveling to Hawaii that did not get the Covid-19 vaccine will need to take a Covid-19 test within 72 hours of the departure time; and they only allow travelers to enter the state with negative  test result.

Thus we made a 2nd Covid-19 test for William on Monday 8/9/2021 at 9:45 AM (our flight was 8/12 at 8:30 AM so we could take any appointment on 8/9 after 8:30 AM to meet the 72 hours requirement).  Out of 12 family members were going to Hawaii, only William and Victoria are under 12 years old and don’t have the Covid-19 vaccine yet.  So today I drove both of them to Walgreens for the test.

I reminded William the procedure again, he was not scared at all.

This time the result came back quickly, the next day.  I guess because it was not weekend.

It was negative for both kids.   I was so relieved because I was afraid that the result would not come before the departure date: we have to log in to the Hawaii state website to upload the report before departure.