Is It So Hard to Find Friends?

Everyone has Facebook account these days, and everyone share the photos they took with their family, friends; things they eat, whom they hang out, where they went to, etc.  Some of my friends have children about William’s age; and they posted photos of their children went hiking, shopping, eating, birthday partying with other children; look like they had so much fun.  Looking at those smiley faces and thinking about William: he has no friends at all, not a single one!

So I asked her if William could join if they have any gatherings next time.  She said she had no plan this week.  Few weeks later I asked again, she said No in a nice way.  I felt really sad, why is it so hard for letting a little boy to join her friends?  It’s not like I asked her to babysit William.  Everyday I looked at William playing inside the house by himself,  I ask myself how can I find friends for him.  I don’t want him to be lonely: having at least 1 close friend would be good for him because we’re getting old and we will not be there for him forever.

How do I find friends for William? – It’s the question that I still don’t have the answer yet.

Victoria’s 12th Birthday

Vy (Eliza and Bruce’s daughter) wanted to invite some friends for her birthday and she wanted to have the party at Chuck E. Cheese in Huntington Beach (15511 Edwards St, Huntington Beach, CA 92647).

William & I arrived a bit early; we waited at the table because he refused to go play: he wanted to wait until everyone got here.   10 minutes later everybody showed up, now William was willing to go play! But …

Sophia (his 3 years old niece ) also came.  He kept following her everywhere she went.  I asked why, he said “Little children is not supposed to play in here!”.  I told him this place is for everyone, but he did not listen: some times he would sit on the table next to the game that Sophia was playing and watched.  There was 1 time Sophia got in the little school bus, he got inside also and sat on the back!  Sophia’s mom (Hang) did not like that, I could tell.

William stopped following Sophia when everyone went to the table and had lunch; we sat on the next table which was a bit far from Sophia; and I distracted him by giving him the iPad.  That worked because he enjoyed watching the videos and eating pizza in our booth.  Some times I wanted to take pictures of Vy and her friends so I went to the main table,  he went to look for me 2 times, but the rest of the time he’d sit at our table watching his movies; did not care much about the going on birthday party.

Weird behaviors like this make me feel sad, this is exactly the reason we can’t take him to any friends events, with family is ok because everyone is more tolerance, but other people would not understand.  I felt sad thinking about how lonely he’d be without having any friends.