Is It So Hard to Find Friends?

Everyone has Facebook account these days, and everyone share the photos they took with their family, friends; things they eat, whom they hang out, where they went to, etc.  Some of my friends have children about William’s age; and they posted photos of their children went hiking, shopping, eating, birthday partying with other children; look like they had so much fun.  Looking at those smiley faces and thinking about William: he has no friends at all, not a single one!

So I asked her if William could join if they have any gatherings next time.  She said she had no plan this week.  Few weeks later I asked again, she said No in a nice way.  I felt really sad, why is it so hard for letting a little boy to join her friends?  It’s not like I asked her to babysit William.  Everyday I looked at William playing inside the house by himself,  I ask myself how can I find friends for him.  I don’t want him to be lonely: having at least 1 close friend would be good for him because we’re getting old and we will not be there for him forever.

How do I find friends for William? – It’s the question that I still don’t have the answer yet.