Thursday May 31, 2018. It’s William’s last day at Mitchell Child Development Center.
Mrs. Hana, Ms. Delma, Ms. Melissa, Ms. Susan gave William a big hug. We also stopped by Mrs. Kerstin (the school nurse) to said good bye and to pick up William’s medicine.
William was not aware of what was happening; he probably was wondering why was everyone hugging me!
I wanted to stop by to principle’s office to say good bye but he was busy so we didn’t want to bother.
After 17 months (Nov 2016 – May 2018) going to this school, we felt so in love with it. It’s a beautiful place with a nice playground and lots of empty space for the kids to run around. William didn’t know anything at all when he first came here; now he knows the alphabets, can count, can sing alphabet, wheel on the bus, happy birthday songs. The teachers also potty trained him. He now can talk using a complete sentence even if it’s just a few words:
I want this/that.
William/Mama do it.
It’s so cute!
Open the Door
I’m much thankful and appreciate all the hard works that Mrs. Hana and her assistants have done for William. Without their love and patience, William would not progress this fast and learn so much in such a short time.
So Thank YOU from the bottom of our hearts!