Monday morning 8:00 AM. It’s first day of back to Mitchell school after 2 week break. Mrs. Hana is not teaching in the summer so William and his friends are transferred to Mrs. Heusser class which is next door, room 310. When we passed by his old classroom 309, William ran back to it and refused to go the the new room. And when we got to the new classroom he lied on the floor near by the door and refused to get in. I held him up to take him to the rug area and sat with him until Mrs. Susan took him to change diaper.
At first he just sat there without touching any toys at all. Luckily I found the foam blocks that he has been playing during the session with Ms. Diana from ABEST; he held on them for quite some time. Then finally he stood up and looked around the room.
Mrs. Heusser said there’s 15 children in the class, which is too many; and I only saw 3 teacher aids, including Mrs. Susan from Mrs. Hana class.
Summer school starts from 8:00 – 12:15 PM, which means it starts 15 minutes earlier and ends about 1 hour earlier; from July 1 – July 28. No day off on Fridays.