About This Site

Bought a note book, intended to write major things that happen in William’s life but it has been 3 years since William was born, I have not written ONE single word on it! Busy? I can’t use that as an excuse because anyone would have few minutes to write down something in 1 day. I guess mostly because I don’t write that much for so long that my hands get awkward; but most importantly it’s because when you write things on paper, you have to think about the full sentence in your head first before putting the pen down unless you want to keep erasing and writing to perfect a sentence. This takes too much thinking!
I’m a Web Programmer, I sit in front of a computer for at least 8 hours a day; I prefer to use keyboard to type than hand writing; so I thought “Why not write it on-line?” . That is how this site was born!
About William
William was born on Nov 23, 2013 at Fountain Valley Hospital at 2:00 PM.
To William

Son, we love you with all our hearts; we love you just the way you are and who you want to become. So lead a simple and happy life because remember, money can buy a lot of things but it cannot buy real happiness or true friends. So be yourself and don’t waste time on people who don’t care about you and ignore those ugly words that they say about you.
Life is not easy, it’s full of obstacles but don’t be discouraged. There will be times you’d feel sad, there will be times people would let you down; there will be times your heart would be broken; there will be times you might fail; there will be time you’d feel you’re all alone and no one understands you; there will be time you’d feel helpless but please don’t give up because when you give up you’ll loose a chance to succeed. Most importantly, there are at least 2 people in this world love you unconditionally and support you wherever you are: Mom & Dad. So come to us whenever you need a loving arm.
So my son, when you fall, stand right up and try again; Don’t ever give up HOPE and COURAGE. And be KIND.
Mom & Dad (Michelle & Tim)
Important Events
Nov 24, 2013 – William was born at Fountain Valley hospital.
Jan 2014 – Jan 2015: William was sent to Babysitter at Mrs. Loan’s House (Westminster) when he was 2 months old because Mom had to go back to work.
Apr 13, 2014 – William was baptized when he was 4 months old at La Vang Church, Santa Ana, California by Father Bảo Thai. William’s Holy name is Paul.
Jan 2015 – Nov 16, 2015: Stayed home with Dad because Dad was laid off from work.
Nov 16, 2015 – Aug 16, 2019: Day care at Children’s World Preschool in Westminster, CA. He started at the daycare two weeks before he turned 2 years old (because Dad came back to work). He goes 5 days a week from 8:30 AM – 6:00 PM. Mom drops him off and Dad picks him up.
When he started school on 11/28/2016, Mom picked him up from school then drove him to the day care and then went back to work. For those days that are no school, he’d spend the whole day at the day care.
From 8/20/2019, his aunt Lily picks him up from school then babysit him at our home until we get home from work.
Nov 28, 2016 – May 31, 2018: Mitchell Child Development Center in Santa Ana, CA because he’s diagnosed with Autistic. He’s 4 years old as of May 31, 2018. This is a special education school for children with Speed Delay. The school principle is Mr. Bello . His first school teacher is Mrs. Hana Suh at room 309. School schedule is from 8:15 AM – 1:10 PM. Hot breakfast and lunch is provided. At 8:30 AM, there will be DTT (discreet training trile) session for 30 minutes. And there’s 15 minutes a week for Speech therapy. So in the morning he goes to Mitchell school; Mom picks up at 1:10 and then drops him off at Children World Preschool; Around 5:30 Dad comes and picks him up at the day care.

May 2017 – Feb 2018: ABA sessions with ABEST.
Feb 13, 2018 – Now: Started Speech therapy at Providence Hearing and Speech Center, Fountain Valley branch; every Tuesday for 30 minutes.
Apr 2018 – Now: ABA sessions with TasKids.
- Supervisor: Huy Nguyen (4/2018-3/2019), Elizabeth (4/2019-now)
- PC: Jody Nguyen (4/2018-now)
- BT: Alex, Anthony, Brenda (5/2019-9/7/2019), Thomas (4/2018-now), Maria (9/5-now)
Aug 2018 – Now: Australian Swim School, once a week, 30 minutes per session.
Aug 2018 – Oct 2020: Abraham Lincoln Elementary school (Santa Ana) in Special Ed class.
- Transition Kindergarten (2018-2019) : 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM. Room 54. Teachers: Mrs. Newman Heather, Ms. Birdie, Ms. Sandy. The class has about 7 children, all boys. Breakfast, Lunch is provided. The school is right by our house so we walk to school every morning. Then pick him up by car and take him to Children’s World Preschool so that I can go back to work.
- Kindergarten 2019-2020: 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM. Room 54. Teachers: Mrs. Newman Heather, Ms. Birdie, Ms. Sandy. The class has about 7 children, all boys. Breakfast, Lunch is provided. The school is right by our house so we walk to school every morning. Then pick him up by car and take him to Children’s World Preschool so that I can go back to work. Starting 8/20/2019 Aunt Lily picks him up and then takes him home and babysit him until we get home. This arrangement is really great for William because he can sleep on his own bed until 4 PM or 5 PM. Aunt Lily loves him; she always brings something for him to eat after school (pizza, mac & Cheese, noodle soup) before let him go to bed.
- Sept 2019 – Mar 2020: kindergarten, in person class
- Mar 2020 – May 2020: kindergarten , online class due to Covid-19 pandemic. William did not get to have the Kindergarten Graduation, not even a picture! :(.
- Jun 2020 – July 2020: Summer school, kindergarten, online class due to Covid-19 pandemic.
- Sept 2020 – Oct 2020: 1st grade, online class due to Covid-19 pandemic.
- Mrs. Newman said William is much more advance in math and reading than his classmates so she transferred him to Thomas Jefferson elementary school which has “moderate” level.
Nov 2020 – Nov 2021: Thomas Jefferson Elementary School (Santa Ana) in Special Ed class
- Mr. Castaneda, Ms. Crystal & Ms. Dora
- Nov 2020 – May 2021: on line class due to Covid-19 pandemic; first grade.
- Jun 2021 – July 2021: Summer school, in person
- Aug 2021 – Now: In person, 2nd grade, room #4.