After 3 days, he still complained about hurting where the tooth was removed. Even when we gave him Tylenol.
Mrs. Sandy from school called this morning saying William kept complaining about his teeth pain and refused to eat/drink anything.
Fortunately I took a day off today for his IEP meeting, but the meeting was not until 2:00 PM So I asked my friend Nhi if I could bring him in today for check up. She said OK and set up appointment at 11:00 AM.
Taking X-ray of the painful toothWaiting for the doctor to finish with her patient.
The doctor said his gum was swollen that causing the pain. The extraction are was starting to heal so there’s no issue there. She advised to keep brushing the teeth to keep them clean; and keep giving him Tylenol when needed.
There’s nothing else they can do.
Then we met Nhi for lunch at the ILanet Coffe in Westminster. It was her day off.
Beautiful Nhi with Shaking Beef saladWilliam only wanted to eat fries
William got sedated. Waited for about 1 hour after the sedation. They wrapped him in the pedi-wrap with his arms tied along his body. They asked me to wait in the the lobby. William cried so hard. And I was crying inside too.
The procedure took about 1 hour. When it was done, William was still crying.
I was asked to leave the room, William was crying so hard inside.More X-raysAfter sedation, waiting about 1 hr for the procedureNeeded to sign some papers for for the procedure.And the result!
Friday night, I called one of my long time friends Nhi who works at the All Children’s Dental office to ask her about teeth in general. She asked why not bring William to her office. It turns out she’s the office manager there so she could get us the appointment at 8:00 AM the next day! She said we should go as early as possible to beat the crowd because Saturdays are always crowded. She’d be there about 7:30 AM.
A little bit early for William but he did not cry when I carried him out to the car. We came in, filled out the paper works and my friend Nhi came out to take us in right away. They took some X-rays, Nhi & the doctor looked at the X-rays and declared that William would need to remove 1 tooth, crown 2 teeth and 1 filling. And we agreed to do the procedure next week.
My friend Nhi in purple uniform
All happened within an hour. Thanks to my best friend Nhi. I did not know why I did not take William to her in the first place.
As promised, I drove William to Chuck-e-Cheese on the way home; turned out we were 20 minutes too early, they open at 9:30 AM. So we went to Carl’s Jr. next door for breakfast.
It basically was empty in the morning, William enjoyed running around without running into any other kids. He did not care much for playing games, he enjoyed putting the tickets into the machine and watched it running thru the slot.
He went home happy did not know that there’s a big procedure waiting for him next week.
When I got home from work, William ran out to greet me. Tim said he was sleepy because he did not take a nap. The whole ABA session, he kept saying “I’m tired” and refused to walk around the neighborhood like we do every sessions. Ms. Marylou did not give him any demands because he did look so tired.
After dinner, I asked him to go to bed early. While on the bed, on of sudden he said “My brain is not good!”, “My brain is out!”. I was so surprised so I asked, “Who told you that?”. “Ethan” – he replied.
Ethan again? yesterday we found a deep mark on his back and when asked, he said Ethan hit him. The other day Ethan bit his arm. This is not the first time that William said Ethan hit him. The thing is that William does not talk much like Ethan. He would not tell teachers or anyone when he gets hit, unless I ask. And I always ask him several times to see if his answer is consistent. And it is!
I wrote on the communication book about Ethan and requested that the teachers keep a closed eye when Ethan and William together. Looks like they don’t get along well.
About 1 inch long of scratch that William claimed Ethan did.
I felt sad that some one told him his brain is not good, and the worse part is that William believes that. I could tell he did not feel good about that. He kept saying “I’m sick!” since he got home. I pulled his head to rest on my arm while we were lying on the bed and touched his head and said “You’re smart, your brain is good, don’t listen to Ethan”. I hope William doesn’t take Ethan’s words too serious. He’s almost 6 years old now so he’s starting to understand things around him. Bad or negative words/talks like that will do too much damage to his naive mind, I’m afraid.
William has been complaining about the pain in his mouth, his teeth so I decided to take him to the dentist; he was due for annual check up anyway.
Luckily, we got an appointment on Wed at 1:00 PM, before our trip to Mammoth Lakes.
Picked him up early at school around 12:30 PM. He said “No Gary!”. I could see why he said that because before we have aunt Lily to pick him up; I’d pick him up and take him to Gary’s daycare. So when he saw me, he was wondering if I would take him there. So I said, “No, No Gary; we’re going to the dentist.”. He said “No dentist” but did not kick or cry. I comforted him by telling him that this was just a check up, no pulling teeth.
He was doing ok with the X-Ray even though he kept moving his head. He could not wait in the room for the doctor; he kept walking around and checking out the rooms.
We did not get to see the doctor; the doctor’s assistant came and looked into William’s mouth; asking about if he’s hurt. Then he said he’d look into the X-rays.
William kept running around while we were waiting.
Then another assistant came in and asked if he’s ok to drink medicine. I said Yes but I was totally lost why he was asking that question. He kept on saying if William is not ok with medication then they’d refer him to other dentist.
3 days after the Fall season began, the weather is starting to get cold in the morning. A fleece lined jacket can totally keep you warm. It’s time to bring out all the long sleeve uniform shirts for William.
A size 6 jacket fits him nicely.It’s hard to get him looking directly at the camera
When we were watching TV at night, William asked for a bandage; he said , “It hurts!”. Where? – I asked.
He showed me his little toe that was bleeding. I asked what happened but he did not answer.
I wish that one day he’ll learn how to describe what happened in the past. Questions like What did you do in the classroom, what did you eat for lunch at school, etc. he usually doesn’t give me the answer right away. Some times I have to ask several times. If I get lucky he’ll reply in 1 or 2 words; most of the time he just simply doesn’t answer.
Not sure it’s because he doesn’t remember what happened or he doesn’t understand the question or he doesn’t know how to describe.
It was William’s 4th class at New Hope Gymnastics. Watching William playing in the class is fun. He looks at the coach and tries to do what’s the coaching is doing, especially during the stretch time. He’s really enjoying doing any activity in the class. The only issue he has is to wait for his turn: he cannot sit still on his spot (he chose the red square on the carpet), he’d sit down for a few seconds and the stand up and walk around the room; some times he’d run out of room to the hallway or just to sit on the chair in the waiting room. I’d try to remind him to ask the coach’s permission whenever he needs to go.
Coach Paul
Last week there were no-one showed up so it was just coach Paul and William, he did great, no running around and listening to coach all the time. I guess one-on-one would be best for him because he doesn’t have to wait for his turn.
There are 3 other children in the class who’s about the same age: 5 or 6 years old: 2 girls Kira & Olivia and 1 boy Dean.
The class starts at 6:30 PM on Tuesdays; around 7:00 PM, the coach will take them to the big room to play in the foam pit or to work on the rope. This is William’s favorite time. They stay there for about 15 minutes and then go back to their room, which I think is a good size for the children: enough space for few children and there are 2 bars which are appropriate for their height perfectly.
Coach Paul is great; he’s so patient and nice; never see him mad or yell when the kids are not listening or running around. He’d just talk individually to the child in a very soft voice to make sure the child understands what he/she did wrong.
Learning to do cartwheel
At the end of the class, everyone gathers & sits down around coach Paul and gets to pick 2 stickers of their choice before going home. There’s always a smile on William’s face when we’re leaving the gym.
If I know he loves gymnastics so much, I would send him to this gym sooner.
Another week has passed; here’s a pic of William before heading to school. He still does not like to take pictures and to look directly at the camera. It’s hard to take a good picture of him.