As our service coordinator Kim Than said, in order for the RCOC to help pay for the day care fees we have to become a vendor to RCOC. So yesterday I got a package from RCOC Accounting department; and so overwhelmed with all the paperwork that we need to fill out and sign. But it’s ok; and I love the fact that they highlighted the items that we need to do.
Mon 6/5/2017: Haven’t heard from them for more than 2 weeks since I sent in the application so I asked our Service Corordinator Kim Than for contact info for accounting department. Called Ms. Anhely Camacho but she did not picked up so I left a message asking her about the status of our application.

Tues 6/6/2017: it’s 1:00 PM and still haven’t heard from anyone so I called again. This time Ms. Anhely Camacho picked up. She said our application is on her stack to be sent out this week. I asked if there’s any paperwork that I missed or does she need anything else from me; she said no “Otherwise I’d call/email you to let you know.. Your application is approved.” She said she’d mail out the confirmation letter this week.

Fri 6/9/2017: I still have not received any mails from her! Hopefully we’ll get it soon. This is important to us because the sooner we get it, the sooner we can get reimbursement for our William’s daycare expenses. Even though it’s not a lot, but little helps along the way.