April Schedule for ABA Sessions from TasKids

Schedule for Apr 2018 with TasKids

TasKids sent in the schedule for this month April 2018 with Arron covers Mon, Wed, Fri from 5:30 – 7:45; and Jody covers Tues & Thur. from 5:30 – 7:45 as well.   Jody also handles Parent Training on Mondays and Fridays (mostly to make up for the weeks that we did not have PC sessions).

At the daycare, Alexandra (I have not met her yet) covers Tues, Wed and Fri from 3-5 PM; and Jody covers only Thursday (3:15 – 5:15).

So now there are 4 staffs from TasKids in William’s case.

Supervisor: Anh Huy Nguyen.

Behavorial Technician: Jody, Arron & ALexandra.

Huy, is a young man, he’s with TasKids for 3 years but he’s been in the field for 6 years.  He’s a very organized man.  He put the schedule for home sessions in front of the binder so that we can easily know who will come on which day.  He thinks ABEST had too many goals for William so he reduced that to a few.  BT will still set 15 minutes for potty; and William has to sit for 1 minute.  BT will show William the timer on their phone set to 1 minute.  Then after that William needs to wash his hands.

Arron was supposed to start 2 weeks earlier but he was sick.  He’s a very young man; I think there’s something wrong with his legs that he does’t walk normal.  He always comes to our house with only the notebook in his hands: no toys at all.  Other staffs always come with toys to use as re-enforcer but he doesn’t.   I think that’s the reason why William keeps asking “I want Mama” and runs to the kitchen during his sessions because William is bored.

Jody, we first met her when she was with ABEST; she brought sand/sand tray, puzzles and other toys.  William always loves sand so it’s naturally that he keeps asking for sand in her sessions.  She uses it as the re-enforcer to ask him to solve the puzzle and read books.  She brought 25 pieces puzzle which she knows is hard for William to solve; “The purpose is for William to ask for help, not to solve the puzzle.” – Jody explains.

Alexandra, covers at the day care only, called in sick the 2nd day (last week); and then this week.  But then TasKids texted me saying that she felt much better so she could come this week!  I have not met her but I heard from daycare staffs that Alexandra is more involved with William than Jody.  She will also covers the morning sessions when William is at the day care full day.

I feel like TasKids don’t have enough staffs that they send us those are not in good health, besides Jody & Huy (I have no idea what sickness they have. ).

Communications with TasKids has been text messages; looks like it’s the method they prefer because I only got 1 phone call from Tailyn at the beginning, then after that they’re all text messages whenever there’s a schedule or staff change; which is fine with me.

TasKids did not even ask me to sign any paper works at all, which surprised me because with ABEST we had to at least sign the Client Services Agreement which lists all the things that we, as a client, should or should not do.

Another thing, ABEST policy does not allow BT to contact directly with us; TasKids on the other hand allows that, I got text messages from Jody and Alexandra when they wanted to cancel the sessions.

It’s not good or bad, it’s just my experiences with 2 different companies, and I just wanted to write it down.

Process To Switch ABA Vendor

Now that ABEST doesn’t have staffs for William at home; we’re looking for the new vendor.   I searched Google , picked 2 from the list and called them; left them (CARD) a voice message, few days past with no return calls from them.


Tues 3/6/2018.   Called Cal Optima to check on the status; the lady said it’s in PENDING status, which means it’s not being reviewed yet; and that I should call back in a few days to check.  I already told ABEST that the last day of their service is Fri 3/9; looks like it takes a while for CalOptima to process our switching vendor request; which means the  approval for TasKids to start service might not arrive next week.  So William might not have any ABA services at all (home or day care) until TasKids receives the authorization from Cal Optima.

No More Sessions At Home With ABEST

Today Thursday is the last session with Selestie, which is also the last session with ABEST at home because they don’t have any available staffs for us.

So until we can successfully switch to the new vendor, William will not have any ABA sessions at home.  At the day care Ms. Han and Ms. Tracy still continue to be there until the last day of service with ABEST, which we don’t know when yet.

I’m really sad that our relationship with ABEST is about to end.  They had a great team for William case but they lost it.  I’m worried that the team at the new vendor will not be as good; but I guess we have no choice now.  We can’t just wait for ABEST to find new staffs; and there’s no guarantee that the new staffs are good either.

New Funding Source For ABA Services Begins

Nov 1, 2017.  We got approval from Magellan at the last minute before the month of Oct ended; the contract from Magellan is valid till end of this year which means we have 2 months with Magellan.  Then after that we need to get approval from Cal-Optima because according to Ms. Nhu, Magellan will no longer handle ABA Services for Cal-Optima beginning Jan 2018.


ABA Session In the Community

Sat 11:00 AM at Fountain Valley  Promenade.

Halloween is approaching so I asked Mrs. Nhu if it’s ok to have ABA session while William going Treat or Trick on the Halloween day so she suggested to cancel the Friday session and have the session on  Saturday at the shopping center in Fountain Valley.  We agreed to meet Ms. Han in front of the Albersons supermarket.

I dressed William up as a car racer Lightning McQueen and took him to the meeting place.  10 minutes passed 11:00 I still didn’t see Ms. Han anywhere, turned out she went to wrong location and was waiting for us there.  So while waiting for Ms. Han to come to us, I took William for Treat or Trick.  At first William did not want to walk but I told him we could get candy if he walked so he started to comply.  We walked along the shopping center and went in each store to get candy.  William had a hard time to pick the candy when people presented a bowl of candy in front of him.   Also when people hand him the candies he reached out his hand to take it instead of showing his basket so that they can put the candies in.  It was his first time so maybe he was overwhelmed and did not know what to do.  It struck me that I did not teach him that!

We found a table near by the pizza place, so we sat down to rest and let William enjoyed his earned candies.

Few minutes later Ms. Han found us; we continue our way to knock on the stores for more candies.  It was about noon so we decided to go back to the pizza place and have lunch there.  I bought a slice of pizza and 1 drink for William.  We found a cozy corner inside the restaurant and ate lunch there.  William kept standing on the chair and go under the table; until I let him watched the Winnie the Pooh clips that he sat still.  There’s a game room inside the pizza shop so we let William play in the game room after lunch.

We left the place around 1:30 PM.

Neurologist Meeting

Friday morning, we had appointment to see the Neurologist Thanh Le in Newport Beach.   Its location is hard to find so I ended up park in the business center near by and walk to his office.  The building is so beautiful with water fountains and green landscape.  His office is on the 2nd floor, William enjoyed riding the elevator as usual but he he cried and kicked when we approached the office door;  once we got inside he refused to get off the stroller.

I filled out all the paperwork at home so it didn’t take long to check in.   We waited for only 5 minutes then the lady took William to the scale to measure and weight him.  37 inches and 36 Lbs.  About 10 more minutes waiting in room #1 for the neurologist Thanh Le.   The doctor came in, said hi to me and started talking about Autism.  He didn’t try to gain William’s attention or communicate with him but I know he was observing him while talking to me.  About 10 minutes later he turned to William, gave him a little tape measurement so that William can play with and he has another one that he used to measure William’s head.  Then he used some metal tool to knock lightly on William’s knees.

He said William met all the criteria of autistic.   The most important thing is William didn’t look at him when he walked into the room (no eyes contact).  Dr. said normal children would just look at the him  and use eyes to observe.  Normal children would point to this or that when they like some thing, but William would just take my hands and lead me to the things that he likes.  Dr. Thanh explained that autistic children would not understand body language.  If we say the same sentence in 3 different voices: normal, angry or happy. Normal children would understand that but autistic children only understand the words (if they can), not the differences in the way we say.  He used Blind and Deaf person for examples a lot.  He said we don’t yell at Deaf people because we know they can’t hear us.   Autistic Spectrum Disorder, why they call it Spectrum?  Because spectrum is a range.  1 end is Autism, in the middle is normal people and the other end is Politician.  A Politician can talk about 1 small for 2 hours, while Autistic person doesn’t want to talk at all.

He said, ABA services is more important than speech therapy because William doesn’t have problem with speech at all, he can echo what we said.  It’s just that he DOESN’T WANT to TALK! and it’s one of the characteristic of autism.

He also mentioned that in San Jose there’s a company that has a whole building for autistic people to work where they provide foods, shower and couches/beds facilities.   The doctor was trying to say that there’s hope for my boy if I raise him in a right environment, he can find a job and work as normal person.  But first need to teach him to talk so that he can communicate even just at the minimum level.

The meeting took about 30 minutes total, I think, and Dr. Le gave us a report right after that. And he said it’s recommended to see a neurologist every year.

Dr. Thanh Le has been a neurologist for 20 years so I trust his expertise in this field; and plus I really like the way he talked and explained things to me, very easy to understand; and his approach of waiting 10 minutes to interact with William to make sure William is getting used to his presence in the room is brilliant.

Dr. Thanh Le’s office – William was not happy to be here
Room #1, waiting for the doctor.
Newport Plaza
Nice landscape with water fountains


Dr. Thanh Le uses a metal tool to check William’s knees




























New ABA Staff – E. Afzal

Wednesday 5:30 PM.

As I was told before, today we met a new ABA technician named E. Afzal; she’s a young Indian lady.   Supervisor Kevin came too.  William mostly came to Kevin, I guess because he needs time to make acquaintance with Ms. Afzal.  At first I didn’t see her smile  but maybe she was nervous being with a new client?  Later on she smiled more but I’m not sure if William likes her yet.

Later Mrs. Nhu came to talk about the situation with Magellan: we still have not heard from Magellan yet and the contract with RCOC is about to expire in 2 weeks.  I’m a little bit worried.

Welcome Back Ms. Han

Monday afternoon 5:30 PM.

Mrs. Han from ABEST is now back to teach William starting this week for 3 days a week (Mon, Tues, Thurs).  I think he remembers her because he acted so happy to see her.

Ms. Han and Annie were the first ones to teach William since we started with ABEST.  Ms. Han came to Children world’s preschool for almost everyday in the first 2 months when we got the fund from HealthNet insurance.  There she helped him eat using utensils and read books to him.  Other kids liked her too that they hang around when she read books to William.

I just wish that with the funding source from Medi-Cal, we can have ABA services at the day care.

Currently with the funding source is RCOC, they don’t fund ABA services taken place in the day care, in home service only.  So this is why William can only receive ABA services at home AFTER day care hours, 5:30 PM – 8:15 PM everyday.

At the day care after his nap, William always finds a corner to sit in and not playing with other kids; this is the reason why I’m so desperately hoping we’d get funding for ABA services at the day care so that there will be someone there to “drag” him out of his favorite corner and to learn how to interact with peers or at least enjoy the playground or play with toys instead of sitting alone and watching other kids having fun.

Welcome back Ms. Han; We’re happy to see you, a very nice young and patient lady with a soft voice.

ABA Services Is Stopped!

Wednesday 2:30 PM.

Mrs. Nhu from ABEST called to cancel today’s session with William and also the rest of the week.  She said they need to have the staff meeting first then she would update me soon.  I had no idea what was going on but I did not ask more because I wanted her to have time to deal with it first (whatever it is) before I ask more questions.  I simply responded “OK, hope everything goes well!”.

I guessed maybe it’s the billing/payment issue?

Friday 4:00PM.

I texted Mrs. Nhu asking when we could resume session.  She said “I will reach out to you when you come back from vacation on Tuesday to set up a clinic meeting”.  I had no idea what is a clinic meeting, but I just simply said “OK” because I knew we will find out soon.

Wednesday 12:56.

I texted Mrs. Nhu that “we’re back, what’s that clinic meeting that you talked about?”

– “Could I schedule a clinic meeting with you for tonight? At 6:00 pm for consultation.  We will be discuss about our transition team and the barriers that we encounter and review client service agreement.” – Mrs. Nhu responded.

Of course I said yes because I want my boy to be back in ABA sessions as soon as possible.

Wednesday  5:30 PM, ABA technician Dan showed up at my house.  I was so surprised; I thought all sessions were canceled until we had a talk with Mrs. Nhu later this evening.

6:00 PM at my house. Mrs. Nhu came.  She was surprised that she saw Dan at my house too.

So after Dan left, Mrs. Nhu & I sat down on the table to talk.  It turned out it was not the payment issue with RCOC like I thought.  It was me who caused the issue!

Last week, the ABA technician Dan sent email to every one in the team that he felt “uncomfortable walking into a client house knowing that he’s recorded”.  And that he requested to cancel all sessions with William last week!  I almost cried!  Is that it? he should know that we have security camera all around the house and in the living room where the ABA sessions taken place.  “He suspected that I took photo of him”.  This I did not deny; I got the new iPhone so I was testing the various portrait modes in the iPhone 8 Plus: I took several pictures of him and William during the session on Tuesday.  I did not know that made him felt uncomfortable and did not want to continue the sessions; but why did he show up today acting like nothing happened? That Mrs. Nhu could not understand either!

Long story short, we had a long and clear conversation about the issue; Mrs. Nhu proposed the solution is to cover the camera in the living room whenever we have sessions with her staffs; and I will never take photos or videos of the sessions.  I cried toward the end of the meeting; mostly because I think it’s just a silly reason that the sessions were cancelled.  A few pictures would cause that big of a issue? (I cried later at night too; I felt so sad thinking that having an autistic child is hard enough, why people would add more to my burden because of some non sense reasons.  I just simply don’t understand why people can be so sensitive about a few pictures.).

Thursday Morning.

Mrs. Nhu sent me email confirming the sessions would be resumed started today with Kevin.  And that Dan would be out of the case; and Mrs. Han will replace him.

Now I’m relieved that William can continue to learn.  I think he has been learning a lot from these sessions; that’s why I so value them and the ABA staffs that teaching him.

William Is Limping!

Tuesday 10 AM, Mrs. Hana from Mitchell called.  She said William had been limping for 40 minutes now; he looked happy so she wasn’t sure if he was doing that just for fun.  She also sent me a video of William limping via classDojo app.  From the video it’s obviously that he was hurting that’s why he’s limping but he looked happy walking around the area.  I messaged back to Mrs. Hana asking her to have the school nurse checked him out.  11 AM, Mrs. Hana called and said the nurse and the physical therapy (who happened to be in school at the time) took a look at his leg but could not find anything abnormal.

So I took off work around 11:30 AM, picked William up early; he was eating lunch when I came.   He was still limping but I didn’t see any pain from his face.  I called the doctor Huy’s office to make appointment; and they set us up at 2:00 PM.  It was still early for our doctor appointment so I took him home.

Waiting for Dr. Huy (Magnolia Medical Center)

2:00 PM. Doctor Huy Nguyen took a look at his leg, watched him limping around, touched his feet but William but could not find anything wrong either.  He said to give his leg some warm water and massage it.

William and ABA Staff Dan are having snack time. William is looking at Dan’s cup.

He felt asleep around 4:00 PM on our bed; after he woke up around 5:30 PM, he stopped limping.  And I didn’t even give him a massage yet!

No one knows what happened; and William doesn’t talk so we’re clueless.  Hopefully it’s nothing major.  Dr. Huy said to observe, if it doesn’t go away then we might have to take X-ray to check out.  Hopefully we don’t have to go thru that.

Later when he had session with ABA Staff Dan at 5:30 PM, he’s totally fine, no more limping.