William’s hairs were getting longer, looking at the pictures that I took of him on the Special Olympics day made me realized that it’s time for another hair cut. He kept saying No when I told him we would go to a barber shop to cut his hairs. Today I tried again and told him we’d go to Chuck-E-Cheese if we go the cut his hairs first. Few more “No”. I kept my strong voice, “No cutting hairs, no Chuck-e-cheese”, then he finally agreed to go.
Before… After!
I was debating which barber shop we should take him to, must be some where that we don’t have to wait so that he can’t change his mind. Then I remembered I saw this sign on the way to the Mom’s supermarket so I decided to go there. It”s Tiffany Salon.
Luckily there was no waiting time. He was ok to sit on the chair and did not cry or ran out of the door like his first time; but I had to hold his head still so that the lady can cut his hairs; otherwise he’d move his head too much.
Everything went well because he was concentrating on watching the videos on my phone; except when the lady tried to use the scissor to trim, he said No, so she had to stop using scissor.
This time it cost only $7.00!
After that we took him to the Chuck-E-Cheese like promised. He was happy!