Trunk or Treat

William’s school Thomas Jefferson Elementary School organized the Trunk or Treat event at the school parking lot on Thursday from 5:30 PM-7:00 PM, so we took William there.  He did not want to go.

It was small but nice to see everyone was having fun.  William did not want to wear any costume, even a mask!  And he did not even want to hold the candy bag and ask for candies,  so I had to do that for him.  One surprise is that we met his teacher Mr. C standing next to his decorated truck to give out candy and also saw his scarecrow on the fence.  Have gave William some skittles.

The music was nice but William thought it was loud so he covered his ears when walking around.  We did not stay long because William did not seem to enjoy it.

We ordered pizza on the way home.   While waiting for the pizza in the car, William hung up the lights and glow in the dark sticks on any hooks he could find in the car, seems like he wants to decorate the car with lights, so I told him, how about next year we’ll decorate our car and give out candies?  He did not response but I think he’d like that.  Let’s see if we can do it next year!  Sounds fun!


Fall-O-Ween event was at Heritage Hill Historical Park in Lake Forest.  A free event.   The scavenger hunt requires 6 stamps, then you’ll get a small bag of goodies.   William enjoyed this place very much, he walked around with us without running around.   We took quite a few pictures because their decorations are very nice.   On the way to dinner, I asked if he liked that event, he said yes.  I said, “It’s nice that you got a bag of candies”.

– “Not much” – he replied.  And he was right, there was only about 4 candies in the big brown paper bag.  I explained to him that there’s lots of kids coming so we have to share the candies,  4 is good enough.    He enjoyed eating the candies while looking out the car window: we were driving to a Japanese restaurant near there: the Ajisen Ramen at Diamond Jamboree shopping center in Irvine.

We ordered 2 special bowls, I asked for an empty small bowl so that I could share with William.  It turned out he wanted to have a big bowl and let me use the small bowl!  I told him he could have the big bowl only if he ate noodle with meat, he said “OK”.   And he did, he actually liked the meat in this ramen bowl.  It’s been more than a year since we’re back to this place.  I remember that time he did not like this ramen as much as he did today: he has changed and knows how to enjoy good foods, which is a good thing.