Happy 8th Birthday

Cannot believe he’s 8 years old now.  He looks so handsome and grown up.  Because of our trip to Monument Valley during Thanksgiving week that we had to postpone his birthday party to 1 week after.

This time I took him to the supermarkets with me because Tim had to work on Saturdays.  First we went to Costo, then Arirang Korean market to buy some marinated BBQ ribs.  Then to 85 Bakery to get birthday cake but there was no chocolate cake so we stopped by Albertsons.

It was just a small gathering of our closest families (Tim’s family could not make it this time); but from the look of his face I think he was happy.  One thing I felt bad that he does not have any friends so that we could invite them.

Happy Birthday Son.  We love you!  Hopefully next year you’ll have some friends that we can invite on your birthday.

Victoria’s 12th Birthday

Vy (Eliza and Bruce’s daughter) wanted to invite some friends for her birthday and she wanted to have the party at Chuck E. Cheese in Huntington Beach (15511 Edwards St, Huntington Beach, CA 92647).

William & I arrived a bit early; we waited at the table because he refused to go play: he wanted to wait until everyone got here.   10 minutes later everybody showed up, now William was willing to go play! But …

Sophia (his 3 years old niece ) also came.  He kept following her everywhere she went.  I asked why, he said “Little children is not supposed to play in here!”.  I told him this place is for everyone, but he did not listen: some times he would sit on the table next to the game that Sophia was playing and watched.  There was 1 time Sophia got in the little school bus, he got inside also and sat on the back!  Sophia’s mom (Hang) did not like that, I could tell.

William stopped following Sophia when everyone went to the table and had lunch; we sat on the next table which was a bit far from Sophia; and I distracted him by giving him the iPad.  That worked because he enjoyed watching the videos and eating pizza in our booth.  Some times I wanted to take pictures of Vy and her friends so I went to the main table,  he went to look for me 2 times, but the rest of the time he’d sit at our table watching his movies; did not care much about the going on birthday party.

Weird behaviors like this make me feel sad, this is exactly the reason we can’t take him to any friends events, with family is ok because everyone is more tolerance, but other people would not understand.  I felt sad thinking about how lonely he’d be without having any friends.

Happy 7th Birthday, Son!

Video – Blow Candles

Video – Open Gifts

This year due to Covid-19 pandemic, as Governor Gavin Newsom ordered to not have a big garthering , we could not throw a birthday party for William.  His birthday felt on Tuesday Nov 24, so after working hour, we took him to 85 degree bakery so that he could choose a cake that he liked.  We also stopped by Pop Eyes to get some chicken for dinner.  When asked “What do you want for your birthday?” – Nothing! He replied. He’s the only kid that I know doesn’t want any toys.  I love him for the fact that he’s a very simple kid.  And I can’t believe that he’s 7 years old now!

After dinner, we took out the cake, light up all the candles that we had.  He really enjoyed watching the lighted candles: he asked to light them up again after blowing them.

He chose a chocolate cake, no surprise there because everyone knows he loves chocolates!

His 6th year marked the start of his great improvements on everything; and this 7th year is a continuing of his improvements.  Everyone is so surprised how much he progressed compared to 2 years ago.  He talks a lot more now; he pays attention to his surrounding as well as what people is talking, even thought it might seem he’s not listening.  He now starts to eat hamburger with meat  (before he’d just have cheese, no meat in burgers) and crispy chicken.   What I really would love is for him to eat veggie; he’s still saying no to any kind of vegetable: he’d spit out if I try to feed him that.

Ms. Gina, his speech therapist from Providence Speech and Hearing center said that his language is so good now; she suggested to discontinue the one-on-one session to start the social group.  But too bad with the pandemic, we’re having the speech sessions at home; we can’t go to the office for social sessions so for now we’ll keep doing one-on-one thru the zoom meeting.

Another thing that we’re really proud of him is that he got transferred to a less severe autism school: Thomas Jefferson elementary school.   Mrs. Heather Newman from Lincoln school said that his level is higher than his classmates.  And the best thing is that he loves the new class with Mr. Castaneda!   His new class starts at 8:30 AM, which gives him some extra time to sleep; but so far when I wake him up around 8:10 AM, he’d just wake up without me dragging him out of bed like before, which proves that he’s really looking forward to his class.  And when in the sessions, he’s only get out of his chair when he wants to get something; some times he leaves the chair to dance with the characters from the videos that Mr. C is showing.   One thing I’d like him to do is to focus more, he still like to have something in his hands and play with that toy and doesn’t look at the monitor much.   So far his reading level is about right with his classmates but the words math is a little bit hard for him.

As for ABA goals, he has to know mom & dad phone numbers, house address and ask for permission when someone is at the door.  He knows our phone and address now; and he’s getting better at asking to open the door when someone rings the bell: before he’d just open it with or without me being there.

Another thing that I have to note down that he’s so attached to his dad now.  He especially enjoys watching Tim making coffee in the morning before Tim goes to work; and that’s 5:30 AM in the morning!  His sleeping hours some times is so messed up: since he wakes up so early he’d fall asleep around 4 PM and wake up around midnight! Then he would not go back to sleep.  It seems like he wants to wait till his dad to wake up to make coffee together with dad: Tim has coffee and he has milk, both sitting at the dining table at 5:30 AM!  One day when he woke up late and looked at the security camera monitor and did not see Tim’s car, he begun to cry: I slept too much! – he said.  And at dinner time, he’d wait for Tim to have dinner together: he’d sit next to Tim and want to eat whatever Tim eats.  He basically wants to do whatever his dad does.  “Papa, what are you gonna do next? ” is the question he always ask Tim.  Now they brush teeth together at night and do exercise together too!   He even goes to extreme by posting a sign “Boys Only” on the door while they’re exercising!

I’m happy that the 2 men in my house is getting along well (that gives me some free time to do what I need! :)).

Looking him blowing candles with no friends around singing the birthday song really sadden my heart.    At this age he does not need any friends but as he gets older, what happens if he cannot make any friends at all? His loneliness will eat him alive!  The last thing I want is for him to go thru life with no friends, especially he does not have any siblings.

Well I guess as a Mom I’m worried too much.  It’s William’s birthday today, let’s just enjoy that moment.

I love you to the moon and back, William!  Wish you to become a good and kind man; have lots of good friends and happiness always finds you.

Jason’s Birthday

Talking to Jason’s granmda – Mrs. Jose while waiting for the teachers to go out to take everyone to classroom. She showed me the pictures she took in the classroom when it was Jason’s Birthday so I asked her to send me some pics.

William must eat a few cup cakes with blue cream because his poop was all blue :).

Turning 5, Celebrate Birthday at School


William’s Birthday is Nov 24 but school is closed the whole week (11/16 -11/23) so Ms. Newman decided to celebrate his birthday few days earlier.  I asked if I could bring a cake but she said she was gonna bring cup cakes so I can bring cookies and juice.

So after work I went to 85 Bakery to buy 3 little fruit tarts for the teachers as a appreciation token in the spirit of Thanksgiving.  Then stopped by Walmart to get 1 cookie box, 1 pop corn box and 1 pack of juice.  I was gonna go to Costco but it was too late and dark; and Costco is far.

Picked him up at school, he seemed to be happy wearing a Birthday hat.

Happy Birthday my precious boy!


I had William trace out the card, and color the red heart.

The card we got for the teachers to say THANKS

Daddy’s Birthday

May 5th, it’s Tim’s birthday; and in May we have aunt Eliza and cousin Tracy’s birthday also so we threw a little party for everyone at our house on Sunday May 6th.  As usual, William loves to sing Happy Birthday song and blows the candle.

Aunt Eliza and cousin Tracy also were born in May. Tracy is 13 years old and William is 4 years old.

From Porto’s Bakery, it’s delicious but the store was crowded, took too much time just to get the cake and some pastries.

William and Grandma (bà Ngoại)

Tim and brother in law Thân Võ

2 Grandpas & uncle Duy

Grandpa and our guest Hoạt Trần





Happy 4th Birthday, William!

Thursday Nov 23, Thanksgiving day at noon.

William’s birthday is Nov 24 so we threw him a little party on Thanksgiving day at our home; with aunt Julie and uncle Than out of town, and relatives from Tim’s side were not available so it’s just my family.  I set up a theme of Cars for him and rented a bounce house set up in the back yard.  I booked for a Train bounce house but it’s too high (13x13x17) that touched the electricity cable so the delivery man hesitated to continue.  Turned out he had a smaller castle (10×10) in his truck so we used that.  I had to pay extra $10 for removal fee ( total cost of $73.00).

William only played in the bounce house for few minutes; not sure why he didn’t like it.  Last time when we were at the park, he saw a bounce house and wanted to get in the bounce house so badly.   That’s why I decided to rent him a bounce house for his birthday.

Menu for this special day is Hot Pot and Korean BBQ.  For William, it’s just simply the Mac & Cheese.   I got him a birthday care from tTou le Jours bakery shop.  ($32.00).  Since William likes chocolate so I got him a chocolate cake with cars for decoration, which is exactly our party theme.

The best part is that he loved that everyone singing Happy Birthday song to him, we sang 3 times because he looked so happy whenever we sing the song.  He knows how to blow candles now.


4th Birthday Celebration at Mitchell School

Tuesday Nov 21 at Michelle Child Development Center.

It was the last day before the Thanksgiving break at school; I bought a birthday cake and brought to school to celebrate William’s 4th birthday.  Mrs. Hana recorded and sent it to me via the Class Dojo mobile app.  I love the smile and expression on his face!  I forgot to bring the candle; I’m surprised to see the candle on his cake.  Thank you Mrs. Hana for the candle so that William can blow it off. He loves to do that!

William is the center of attention today!


Blow the candle


Aunt Eliza’s Birthday

Everyone thought it was William’s birthday! 🙂

Sunday at Noon.

We threw a little party for William’s aunt Eliza Huyen at our house, invited some close family members.  William loved to sit next to cousin Danny to watch Danny’s playing game.  When aunt Julie brought out the cake, William got so attached to it.  I’m not sure if he likes the candles or the cake but he patiently sat there waiting.  Finally we got everybody out to sing Happy Birthday song and had aunt Eliza to blow the candles, he attempted to blow too so we lighted the candles again for him to try.

I felt so in love with his innocent smile!