Journey to Bethlehem At Crossline Church

Every year Crossline church organizes this beautiful and meaningful event that we enjoy going for some hot chocolate and re-live the journey of Jesus.  This year we had my sister Eliza and her 2 children (Bryan and Victoria) accompanied us.   To my surprise, William was ok to ride the camel by himself!

They took our photo taken by a professional for free at the Nativity scene: beautiful angel stood next the beautiful Mary & Joseph with Jesus on their hands.

Note: Need to register to attend this event.  The photo they took would be available on their web site  (link is below) 2 days after the event.  They organized the pictures by day so you have to scroll thru the day folder to find your picture.

Journey to Bethlehem

Another Day At School

Wednesday, it’s cool in the morning but will be really later today.  The weather is so weird: it was raining and cold on Monday and 3 days later it’s hot!

While waiting for Ms. Crystal and Ms. Dora, William could not stand still, he kept walking back and forth.

His eyes are still red because he always scratch his eyes. It’s been 2 weeks already! 🙁


Another Day At School

Wednesday 7:45 am. We arrived to school a bit early as usual.  William rolled down the window and watched people passing by. He still liked the idea of playing flute and asking for money.  He did not really ask people for money, he only told me, I want people to give me a million dollars. So by playing flute really loud he hopes that people will pay attention to him but he did not say anything else so no one knows his intention is for money:)


Friday, Yay!

It’s Friday, which means weekend, which means I can rest more: my tooth has been hurt so much that I can barely eat, and it’s giving me a strong headache.  William said, “Mom, You have to go to the dentist!” – Thanks my boy, he’s a sweet cute boy (when he’s not upset).

Ms. Dora was back today, “I had doctor appointment yesterday” – She explained when I said we missed her yesterday.

Ms. Dora in white T-shirt and red backpack holding William’s hand.

Today Mr. C held William and another boy hands while walking them out to the gate when the class was over.  Usually Ms. Dora walks William out.  He told me that today the school serve pizza and William ate everything! That is great!

Ms. Dora stopped me while we were about to leave the school and told me that William was very compliant today, he was waiting patiently for his turn.  I’m so proud of you son.  And I’m very appreciate the fact that Ms. Dora always tries to give me a brief report of how William is doing at school.  I think it’s better to take William to school than let him ride the bus, because if he rides the bus then we would not have a chance to talk to his teachers.  I always ask him what did he do at school but he keeps saying “I’m not gonna tell you”, so the only way to know what’s going on is thru his teachers.

It’s Thursday!

Second week at school is almost gone.   Time flies! While we were waiting for Ms. Dora, I took a few pictures of him in front of the school.  The school is so old; but I like that there are 2 big trees to save us from the sun.  Where’s Ms. Dora? usually she’d wait for us here around 7:50 AM but we did not see her.  Then Ms. Crystal approached us with other children so William followed her.

Waiting to pick up their children under the strong sun and hot weather. That can only mean LOVE!

I Want You To Pay Me 1 Million!

Lately William keeps saying, pay me 1 million dollars!  And he came up with the idea of asking people to pay him $1 million while waiting in the car every morning when I drop him off at school.  One day he used the flute to make some music (noise!) when he saw some body walking by.  These are the parents that taking their kids to school.  Today he hung up the little coin bag on the flute and handed it out!  I told him $1 mill dollars is a very big amount of money, no one will have that much, even if they have they’d not give out that much.  But I don’t think he understands that 🙂

9/8/2021: Second day in a row that he did that: hang the little bag in the flute and wait for someone to walk by then he’d point the flute to them without saying anything.  Sometime he blew on the flute so loud that people turned around and looked at us!

My Little Cocoon

Lately William loves to cover his whole body with the blanket when he sleeps, only his face and sometimes hands/arms are not covered.  And the way he twists the blanket to cover his head and his body is so funny :).

He loves this blanket a lot: he’d not go to sleep without this one.   Sometimes I replace with a different one while this one is being washed, he’d refuse to use a different one, he’d just wait for this blanket to ready.  Also he hates any blankets that have lots of flowers prints.  He’d throw it down on the floor, and does not want his blanket to touch the flower patterned blanket!

I Did Not Make Coffee For Papa!

The last few days when William woke up in the morning, he cried and said “I did not make coffee for Papa!”.  That’s because Tim leaves for work early in the morning around 6:00 AM while William is still sleeping.

During the weekends when Tim does not work,  he does not need to wake up that early so when Tim makes coffee, William would stand next to him and make coffee together: Coffee for Tim and hot chocolate for William.  They both sit down at the dining table and enjoy their drinks together.  William is always looking forward to this every morning.  Lately he really loves to do things together with his Dad.  Which is a good thing.

If he wakes up early during the weekday and sees that his dad still home, he’d run off the bed to the kitchen to help make coffee.  Then Tim’d carry him back to bed so that he can go back to sleep.   One day when Tim got out of the bathroom, Tim found his coffee mug on the wooden box near the door, and William was sitting on the bench next to it waiting: William put the coffee mug there ready for Tim to take it to work! What a thoughtful boy!

“I love you!”  I’ve never heard Tim say that phrase so many times and kiss William that much until lately.  These 2 boys are in love :).

In Search For Yellow Leaves 2020

Our short trip to Utah in autumn Oct 17,2020 – Oct 20, 2020.

Oct 17: Left house around 8:00 AM, stopped by Las  Vegas for lunch at Phở Số 1 and Bellagio for its beautiful garden: it’s Pumpkin time! Then headed to Comfort Inn in Hurricane Utah around 4:00 PM.  Our dinner for tonight was Canh Bún.

Oct 18: Took the Cedar / Kolob loop to search for yellow leaves, but we were too late.  First stop at Parowan Visitor Center but they closed on Sunday.  Then continue on 143 for Yankee Meadows Reservoir;  Then hwy 148 for Cedar breaks (but we did not go in) then turn to hwy 14 (cedar canyon) -> Left turn on Right Hand Canyon Rd which will become Kolob Rd.  Only the first part of the Kolob Rd. is paved, the rest until it reaches the Kolob Reservoir is unpaved with lots of small gravels and dust! But it’s full of aspens!  Too bad we were too late.  Once we reach the Kolob Reservoir, the road is paved to hwy 9 (30 miles from here to Hurricane town but it’d take about 1 hr because there’s lots of curves and it goes thru the Kolob canyon and Zion canyon.  Our dinner for tonight was Bánh Canh Tôm Cua.

Oct 19: Zion Park.  We could not get the shuttle tickets so we took 2 hikes on Canyon Junction and Canyon Overlook (right after the tunnel). Canyon Junction with the view of the Watchman mountain in the background is beautiful; we found a little waterfall after crossing 2 bridges.  The parking lot for the Canyon Overlook is really small (for about 20 cars) but we were lucky to get one after waiting for about 10 minutes.  Otherwise one would have to park along the road and walk back to the trail head which is about 10 minutes walking.  It’s easy trail with some parts have hand rails; and it’s beautiful along the way.  William & I did not hike to the end because it was hot and he was tired; but we enjoyed the hike regardless.

It was still early so we decided to go back to Kolob Reservoir because we saw some yellow leaves on the other side of the reservoir yesterday.  To our disappointment, when we got there, we could not go in because it’s “Private property”.

On the way back to the hotel, we got some Domino’s pizza and some wings for dinner.

Oct 20: Checked out the hotel around 8:30 AM. Stopped Palazzo and Venetian and then Phở Số 1 for lunch then headed home.  It was 5:00 PM.