Parents’ Worse Nightmare

Tuesday Noon.

Picked up William from Lincoln school at 1:00 PM as normal. Ms. Newman said “He threw chairs today!”. Last week I was told William hit his friend. In the Teacher/Parent Communication book, the teacher wrote down that William threw sand on his classmate’s face while in the playground; and also kicked his classmate when he did not get what he wanted.

Whenever I heard complains like that, I felt really bad. At home I always remind him that it’s not nice to hit, to fight; he seems to understand!

William is physically the smallest boy in the class but he’s always the one to cause trouble.

William was racing with Jason toward me after class.
Taking him to the class in the morning. Today was the first time that he actually look straight, even though his eyes were not looking directly at the camera or me. It’s so hard to take picture of him because he’d never stay still and his face never looks forward.

William is 5 and 1/2 years old now but I still have to use stroller to take him to school every day. I still need to brush his teeth every morning and night. We still have to give him shower every evening; and feed him spoon by spoon at dinner time. And I think worse of all is that he still prefers to drink milk from the bottle while lying on the bed at nites. And top all that is that he stays up really late: he’d never fall asleep before 12:00 AM. If he doesn’t take a nap at the day care then he’d sleep early around 10:00 AM but usually he’d take a nap at the day care from the moment I drop him off around 1:20 PM. Ms. Angelina would wake him up around 3:00 PM.

Whenever we go out, to shopping malls or park, he’d just run off to see what he’s interested in without asking me so we’d have a hard time to run after him. He’s very fast, that little boy! This is not good because we’d loose sight of him; and if in the parking lot, cars might hit him.

His favorite food now is Spaghetti, Macaroni & cheese and Pop Eye crispy chicken. Occasionally I feed him Vietnamese Noodle Soup called Phở, he’d eat it but not much. Hot dogs and Pizza are next in the line.

He’s 43 lbls now and healthy. His dry skin make him feel itchy though so he always asked “My back is hurt, i want to scratch!”. What he meant is itchy, not hurt, and he wants us to message and scratch his back. I have to scratch his back every morning to get him out of bed to get ready for school in the morning.

First Time At a Circus

Saturday evening. The American Clown Circus is coming to town, set up their tent at Westminster mall which is about 15 minutes from our house; thinking that William has never been to a circus before so we decided to take him.

The price is $25.00 per adults, up to 2 children under age of 13 is free per paying adult.

While driving there I reminded him that in the circus we have to be quiet, sit down on your seat and do not run around. He seemed to understand that but I did not have high hope that he’d do what was told.

It was so windy and cold, but William seemed very excited. He wanted to pay as usual ( take my credit card and put in the card reader slot).

Got in and he saw the pop corn stand, he immediately ran off to it, touched in so bought a box. Turned out he was eating the pop corn the whole evening!

To our surprise, he did sit on his chair the whole time, occasionally stood up on the chair but I asked him to sit and and he did. Except for the 15 minute break, he ran around the tent; and followed 1 of the staffs to the restricted area. Luckily I caught him on time.

At first he was enjoy it but I think toward the end he got bored. I wish the show was catered for the kids more because there was not a clown with big nose and balloon. Actually there was balloons but they were selling it during the break for $3.00. William broke his after 5 minutes! But his cousin Bryan was nice to enough to give William his balloon. Thank you Bryan, you’re such a handsome and nice boy!

Another School Day

Fri 7:45 AM. William did not give me hard time when brushing his teeth today! Here’s a few pictures before we headed to school.

8:30 AM The nurse at school called, saying he’s been scratching his eyes and asking if it’s ok to give him Benadryl. I said “Yes” and asked the Nurse to tell the teacher to wash his hands and face.

He was fine when I dropped him off. There must be something got into his eyes that caused him to scratch. I also checked his breakfast/lunch menu, there’s no peanut served today.

It’s cold today..
School Menu for Jan 2019
Love my handsome son

No Awareness Of Safety

Thursday Morning. Woke him up at 7:30 AM, as usual he whined when I was trying to get him brush his teeth; but today he kept whining while I put on lotion on his body and dressed him up. When I carried him out the door he whined again, “I want to turn off the light”, so I put him down on the bench, ran back to the bed room to turn off the light.

Taking him on his stroller to school. At the traffic light stop, as usual he always wants to press the button on the pole so I took him there; and he pressed it. When the walk light was on, I started to push the stroller, and he started to whine and put his feet down on the ground that I could not push the stroller: he wanted to push the button again! Of course, we missed that walk light so had to wait for the next walk light.

It did not end there, we finally got to the school gate, Ms. Newman and Sandy were busy picking up his friends from the bus, I un-buckled his seat bell and was getting his backpack out of the stroller, he stood up and started to run toward the road. I ran after him; and only could catch him when he stopped. Luckily that he stopped on the side walk, not on the middle of the road!

Watching him walked with his teachers and friends to the classroom behind the gate, I felt so sad and helpless. This is how my morning goes everyday, mostly depends on his mood on that day (today he was cranky), which draws all the energy from me. I really don’t mind doing the hard work, but the thought that he’d never get better, and I have to deal with this for the rest of my life really makes me feel down.

“No Gary!”

Wednesday Noon 1:00 PM. Picked him up at Lincoln school; He wanted me to carry him up and I heard him said “Time to go home, no Gary!”. I wondered what happened at the daycare that he did not want to go.

When we got to the day care and I carried him to his tiny bed, he threw away his lunch box, luckily it did not his anyone, and ran out of the door. Yesterday he ran out of the door too.

So something must happened that makes him not want to go to the daycare. I asked his dad how William looks when he picked him up: “He looked fine, he ran to me when he saw me. Some times he was playing in the room, some time in Mr. Gary’s office.”

I wish he could talk so that he can tell me what’s going on and what’s his feelings are. I guess not being able to talk about what he feels really makes him feels frustrated and he has to act out.

Back To School

Monday 8:00 AM. After 2 weeks of break, it’s back to school time. I woke William up around 7:25 AM, he refused to get up as usual, and the hardest part is to make him brush his teeth. Of course we don’t have much time in the morning so I ended up brush his teeth for him after all whining, crying, kicking. After brushing teeth, and his face is washed, he runs to sit on the bed and smile: a totally different attitude than few minutes ago. This happens every morning; nothing is improved!

Then I put lotion on his face, especially over his eyes because if I don’t, his skin will be dry and he’s gonna scratch his eyes like crazy. Lotion really helps a lot. And more lotion all over his body before I dress him up: jean, uniform polo, socks, jacket and ready to go! I try to finish everything by 7:45 AM so that we’d be at school before 8:00 AM. The teachers usually pick up the kids around 7:50 AM from the bus, so if we miss this time, we’ll have to wait till 8:00 AM, when the teacher comes out again to pick up whoever was not picked up yet.

Zero Tolerance for “No”

Saturday 9:30 PM on our bed. William saw me reaching out for the phone so he tried to take it away from me. I said, “No, William, it’s time to sleep”. He repeatedly said “I want the phone” but I refused to give it to him. I was sitting on the bed and he was standing next to me. He kicked me on my head!

That was the first time ever he used his leg to kick me; before used his hand to hit on my face or body but never his leg; I was so shocked! He attempted to hit me several more time after that even though I told him ‘Hitting is not nice.’

Winter Break

Thursday Morning 8:30 AM

There’s no school in the morning at Lincoln school so William stays at the day care full day. Dropped him off today at the Children’s World preschool, he was so ready to get out of the car and go in but then when we got to the little door after the big door, he just sat there and refused to get in. I pulled him thru the door, then he lied on the floor just right where i put him down.

He always does this when I take him there in the morning, so nothing has changed for the last few years. That makes me feel sad because it shows that he has not improved much. He doesn’t get it that we should not sit or lie down on the floor right on the entrance; people get in and out of the entrance so they’d have to just step over him to get thru.

We sent him to this day care since he was 2, and now he’s 5. It’s been 3 years and his behaviors and perception has not been improved at all!