Third Day of Kindergarten

Wednesday 7:50 AM.  It’s 3rd day; he seems to do fine in class, his daily report says so.  But seems like he doesn’t drink/eat much because he’d finish 2 bags of Capri Sun apple juice and still asks for more when I picked him up.  I learned that Wednesday is a Modified Day; which means the class time is shorter.  Usually the class is over at 2:00 pm but on Wednesday it’s over at 1:00 PM.  That’s for other grades; for William he always gets off at 1:00 PM; but the teacher brought that to my attention so that I’d come a bit earlier to find a parking spot because it’d be crowded.

Regular and Modified Schedule (Wednesdays)
Homework binder, homework due every Friday!
The teachers would write about William’s day in this book; and requires the parent to sign once read it DAILY.



Frustration Every Morning!

I set alarm to wake up 7:00 AM every weekday morning.  After brushing teeth and washing my face I’d go to kitchen and prepare lunch bags for William and me.  For him I’d pack 1 small bag of gummy bears and cookie with a bottle of orange juice.  Then 1 small bottle of milk, 1 small cup of orange juice and some chocolate cereal: the bottle of milk I give him around 8:00 AM while he’s still in bed; the orange juice and cereal is for him to eat/drink while I’m driving him to the daycare.

My frustration comes when asking him to go pee and brush his teeth.  It takes him a while to leave the bed to go to the restroom; but the hardest part is to make him brush his teeth: he’d just run back to bed, whine or cry and doesn’t want to go back to the bathroom to brush teeth; so I have to persuade him “Do you want to go to they daycare? yes, then you need to brush your teeth.”  Next in his morning routine is eye drop for his dry eyes (he’d constantly scratch his eyes); he’d roll around on bed trying to avoid taking eye drops.

After that things get easier: put on diaper, pant, sock and ready to go. Oh wait, his toy box: his favorite now is the playing cards, he put all his cards in a carton box and bring it with him every where.  At nite when it’s time to go to bed, he’d pour all the cards on the bed and lie on them!  He’d cry if he wakes up and doesn’t see the cards!  So every morning I’d need to put the cards back into his box so that he can take it to the day care.

Every morning we spent so much time just to do simple routine.  I’m getting tired and tired each day.  Not sure what can I do to improve the situation?


Juice and chocolate filled cereal for him while on the way to daycare
Getting ready to go. William always bring his box of cards everywhere he goes.

Swim Lessons At The Daycare

Ready to go to daycare

Tuesday morning.  Took a few pictures of the pool where William takes swim lessons every morning at 9:45 for 30 minutes.   The first few sessions Mr. Daniel sat him out because he would not listen.  On Friday, Thomas from TASKids said he heard the teachers said they had a hard time to get  William out of the pool!

The fee is $70 for a 2 weeks session; it’s 30 minutes every day.  In the morning, the teacher would change the students clothes and then take them to the pool.  Once they’re done with the session, the teacher would take them back to the room. and change their clothes.  They hang the wet clothes on the fence so that it’s ready for the next day.  On Friday, the teachers send the bag with all the clothes back to us;  So on Monday we’d bring the bag with all the necessities back to the teachers.

In the bag, I packed for William: swim suit, towel, sandals and swim diapers.

Mr. Daniel, the instructor.
Entrance to the pool, the door was not locked!
Jacuzzi next to the pool


Snack At The Daycare

Friday Morning. Dropped off William at the daycare and whiled waited for Mr. Gary to come, I took a few pictures of William.  I did not know that they server snack at 9:00 AM.  Today it’s pop corn and berry juice.

Sitting alone on the little slide

It took a while for William to come to the table, while as other children came to the table right away when they heard the snack was served.  So William sat on the next table.  He reached over to get a napkin, unfold it and placed it down in front of him, waiting to be served popcorn.  I’m not sure he unfolded the napkin because he heard the teachers said so so he saw other children did that.  He ate his portion of popcorn and juice.

William unfolded the napkin and put it in front of him, waiting to be served pop corn.
Does he feel lonely? I always wonder!


Vacation Is Over!

Tuesday 8:30 AM.  Vacation is over, it’s time to get back to reality.  Today William will have his first swimming lesson at the day care.

Looking at me as I was leaving.
The boy ran after the ball but William saw him running so he started to run too.
William likes to sit on the ground a lot.

Victoria 2018

Approaching Victoria

After 3 hours, we reached Victoria without any troubles.  The weather was so beautiful with white clouds and blue sky. Victoria from a distant is a beauty with lots of hanging flowers baskets.

We walked to the Best Western Plus Inner Harbour; it only about 7 minutes.  It has a small pool so we took William down there to cool him down a bit because he was crying when I was checking in at the front desk.

Then we walked to China Town to find something to eat for dinner; we ended up having dinner at Green Leaf Bistro, a Vietnamese restaurant.  The food here is quite good, especially Pho and Hot & Sour Soup.

Just got off the V2V Ferry
In front of Best Western Plus, ready to go to dinner
Check in hotel, William always jumps to bed first.
William loves the water but refused to leave this corner
Checking out the pool
Explore the town

Walking to China town
A gift shop in China town
William’s dinner is pizza, I bought from next door. He finished the whole slice by himself. Must be hungry!
Fried noodle and veggie, looks good.
Hot and Sour soup, very good.
After dinner I took William and grandma & Tracy to go back to the hotel. Tim and Thân, Julie, Danny continue to explore the town.
Tim loves his new t-shirt 🙂


Seattle Trip – July 2018

Tuesday 7/10 – Mon 7/16

Fly from LAX to Seattle, stay 3 nights at AirBnB in Tacoma, about 1 hour drive from Seattle.

Amtrak to Vancouver, stay for 1 night at Holiday Inn in downtown.

V2V ferry to Victoria, stay for 1 might at Best Western Plus Inner Harbour

Clipper ferry to Seattle, stay for 1 night at Red Roof

Flight back home from Seattle airport.