Tuesday 7:50 AM. He sat on the stroller voluntarily and said “Stroller”, meaning we will take the stroller, no car. And he didn’t cry at all. I took a few pictures of him wearing sunglasses in front of our house before going to school. He put on the sunglasses himself, not sure why! I took him to the classroom and took few more pictures of him and the colorful wall right next to his classroom. We were early!
On the way out, I took few pictures of the school. I think most students are Mexican; the fact is I have not seen any Asian students. In his class, William is the only Vietnamese. It’s just my observation, nothing else.
Ready to go to school, no crying today. He takes the playing cards with him everywhere.He was still very sleepy.
That door is to the OfficeParents looking thru the fence watching their children after dropping them off. The doors are locked inside and outside; you need to have a key to get in or out.
William was born in Nov so he’s not ready to go to Kindergarten yet; they send him to TK instead; and today was his first day at the Lincoln Elementary School. He started to cry when I pushed the stroller pass my car. He pointed his hand toward the car signaling that he wanted to take the car. I told him “The new school is near so we can just walk”. He cried all the way from home to the class room. It was so crowded with students. We stopped by the office first to find out his room number: 54 with Ms. Newman Heather.
It was a surprised to see Ms. Birdie in the classroom too. William stopped crying once we got inside the room but refused to get off his stroller. After a while, he came sit next to me at the breakfast table. Ms. Newman brought in breakfast: juice and mini-donuts and asked if he wanted donuts; he kept saying No but I took one chocolate donut anyway because i know he loves it. After a few times saying No, he reached to the donut and had 1 bite. Then eventually he finished it! I encouraged him to go play, and he ran over to the Legos.
His class is from 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM. Breakfast is served around 8:00 AM in the classroom (he doesn’t need to go get it like at the Martin school); and lunch is served around 11:30 AM.
He was sent home with homework on the first day of school! (it’s 4 pages of learning about letter A).
Refused to get off the strollerEventually he finished the donut, and drank juice that we brought from home. He didn’t want to try to juice in the carton that Ms. Newman gave him.With classmates, some are in 1st and 2nd grades.Ms. Newman (black and white stripes blouse) Ms. Sandy (black & white flowers blouse) in the background talking to parents.After breakfast, he went under a table to get to this play mat and legos.
Breakfast: Orange juice in carton box, Chocolate milk in plastic bag and mini-donut
One corner of the classroom
Another cornerHis classmates already finished their breakfast; William still taking his time…
Wednesday Morning 8:30 AM. Dropped William off at the day care and talked with Mrs. Rose Mary. She said William is doing good at swim lessons. He listened and followed instructions; but it’s hard to get him out of the pool when session ends :). The boy loves water! She sent me a picture and a video of William at the pool.
Tuesday morning. Took a few pictures of the pool where William takes swim lessons every morning at 9:45 for 30 minutes. The first few sessions Mr. Daniel sat him out because he would not listen. On Friday, Thomas from TASKids said he heard the teachers said they had a hard time to get William out of the pool!
The fee is $70 for a 2 weeks session; it’s 30 minutes every day. In the morning, the teacher would change the students clothes and then take them to the pool. Once they’re done with the session, the teacher would take them back to the room. and change their clothes. They hang the wet clothes on the fence so that it’s ready for the next day. On Friday, the teachers send the bag with all the clothes back to us; So on Monday we’d bring the bag with all the necessities back to the teachers.
In the bag, I packed for William: swim suit, towel, sandals and swim diapers.
Mr. Daniel, the instructor.Entrance to the pool, the door was not locked!Jacuzzi next to the pool
Friday Morning. Dropped off William at the daycare and whiled waited for Mr. Gary to come, I took a few pictures of William. I did not know that they server snack at 9:00 AM. Today it’s pop corn and berry juice.
Sitting alone on the little slide
It took a while for William to come to the table, while as other children came to the table right away when they heard the snack was served. So William sat on the next table. He reached over to get a napkin, unfold it and placed it down in front of him, waiting to be served popcorn. I’m not sure he unfolded the napkin because he heard the teachers said so so he saw other children did that. He ate his portion of popcorn and juice.
William unfolded the napkin and put it in front of him, waiting to be served pop corn.Does he feel lonely? I always wonder!
Monday morning 8:00 AM. Dropped William off on time. He started to scratch him eyes again, I put some Aquaphor cream on his eyes. There was only Ms. De Leon and the teacher aid that were receiving all the classmates at the gate so they were busy holding hands of other children while waiting for other childen. William sat on the ground with both hands touching the ground, and the teachers did not seem to notice. Few minutes later when they started to walk, that’s when William stood up and walked with the group, I guess to the cafeteria.
11:00 AM, got a call from Mrs. Gloria from school, saying William was scratching his eyes so bad that she gave him a dose of Benadryl. She called to let me know that.
11:52 AM, got another call from Mrs. De Leon while I was driving to school, saying his eyes didn’t get better. I told her I was on the way.
He looked sleepy when I picked him up at his class. When we got home, he laid on my thigh several times. So I cancelled his Speech therapy session at 1:30 PM.
Not sure what’ s going on with his eyes but he’s been scratching his eyes for the last few weeks. Some days it’s worse, some days it’s better. But his left eye lid always look swollen and red.
William’s morning look; he’s always handsome in my eyes 🙂
Last day of school. I picked William’s medicine at the office and then stopped by the room on the way out. William was watching the movie with his peers.Walking to classroom after picking up breakfast with Ms. De Leon.
Monday morning 8:00 AM. It’s 3rd week of Summer School already. William seems to be fine with everything. When we approached Mrs. Birdie, he reached out for her hands immediately and turned around and waved Bye to me.
William likes to touch the numbers and letters on the busWilliam and Mrs. BirdieWilliam and Mrs. BirdieSomething is bothering William’s eyes lately, he keeps scratching it. William and Ms. DeLeon after class.
I was informed by school yesterday that William will be moved to a new class room #49 with a new teacher today, with Ms. DeLeon; Mrs. Newman Heather ‘s class will be closed and she will no longer teach summer (it’s understandable because her class only has 3 students). However Mrs. Birdie will go with William to new class.
So after I sent him in with Mrs. Birdie, I went to the office to get the pass to check out his new classroom and say hi to his new teacher.
Knocked on the room #49 3 times, no one answered so I attempted to open it. It was locked!
So I looked around, he was not out there at the pick up location with Mrs. Birdie, he was not there at the seating area where children were having breakfast. Then finally I found him standing in line at the cafeteria holding his breakfast tray that was full of food ! Ms. De Leon were there so I approached her and said hi; she’s a very young lady, I think about the same age as Mrs. Hana from Mitchell.
Mrs. Birdie is helping William with the breakfast tray
Then everyone walked to their classroom with their breakfast trays. I’m so surprised that William did follow thru, walked in line with the breakfast tray in his hands without any frustrated signs. I was like “Wow, how did he cope with the new changes? At Mitchell school, breakfast was brought to them!”
I’m just simply happy that he seems fine for that past week, despite all the new changes that he has to follow.
Walking to classroom and lining up before the doorIt’s a big breafast!Room #49 with Ms. DeLeonRoom @49 is nearer to the drop off/pickup location, which is to the right of the building at the end. Behind that building is the parking lot.William started his breakfast with crackers
Teacher aids helping children eating their breakfast
This room looks cleaner than the other room.
Class is over! Walking to the drop off location with Mrs. BirdieMy handsome boy!Communication from Ms. DeLeonNeed this pass whenever we need to go inside the school. Get it at the Office which is a bit far from the parking lot. It’s 1 time pass.
Tuesday Morning. It’s 2nd week of summer school already. This morning when I washed his face and told him that we were going to school; he said “Gary” (what he meant is Children’s World Preschool, where Mr. Gary is the director).
– School first, and then we go to Gary after lunch! – he seemed to be upset a bit; tears came to his eyes. “Gary after lunch OK William?” I said it again.
After that he was fine. When I dropped him off and handed his hand to Mrs. Newman, he turned to me and said Good Bye; and then walked with her.
Class is over, walking with Mrs. Newman toward the drop off / pickup location.