Last Day at Children’s World Preschool

Now that William’s aunt Lily (Tim’s sister) is available to babysit him after school, we’ll stop sending him to the daycare, starting 8/20/2019. This for sure a great arrangement for both William and me. For me, I don’t have to use my lunch time to go pick up him at school and drop him off at the day care and then driving back to work. Every day I have to rush to do that in order to finish the whole driving loop within 1 hour; every minute counts. For William, after a long day at school, he can sleep on his own bed till whenever he likes; and he can eat something and have milk before going to bed; which means he will never be hungry when he’s ready for his nap.

When I pick him up at the school, I usually bring something like a cheese sandwich or hot dogs and let him eat that in the car for about 10 minutes before driving him to the day care. He’s a slow eater so in 10 minutes he can only finish a few bites so if he doesn’t eat much at school, he’d be so hungry while napping at the day care. This always bugs me because I can’t stand the fact that my boy is hungry from 1:00 PM until he gets home around 5:30 PM. Even though I pack some cookies/juice in his lunch bag but he rarely touches it. I keep reminding him to open the lunch bag after nap; and also asked the teachers to remind him that but not sure what’s going on. He’d not go get his lunch bag unless someone remind him to do so.

So the new arrangement is Mrs. Lily will pick William up at school at 2:00 PM, and then walk him home. She’ll stay with him until we get home around 5:30 PM. She babysat William few times before when William was younger; I know she loves him and she’s really good at feeding him.

I just hope that she’s always available to stay with us. I’d hate to send William back to the daycare (any day care).

William’s stuffs at the daycare. The pillow and blanket has been with William at the day care for almost 4 year. The lunch bag with the Pokemon character has been with him for about 2 years. I bought him a new lunch bag but now that we don’t need it any more; I returned it to the store.

When I dropped William off at the day care on Friday – the last day; I said good bye to Mr. Gary, Mrs. Rose Marie and Mrs. Angelina. I can’t believe it has been almost 4 years! I know Mr. Gary loves him; he let William to hang out in his office a lot; and William loves him too. He said if we ever need him/daycare, just give him a call. Saying goodbye is never easy, I had tears on my eyes.

I know for sure William will be happy to stay home with Aunt Lily; that’s all that matters the most! I’m trying my best as a mom to keep my baby healthy and happy. Love you son!

Special Treament

Dropped William off to the day care in the morning as he still on the summer break. I went in to take his swim suit home and put in the new set for this week. I turned around and looked for him in the playground but could not find him. Turned out he was sitting on Mr. Gary’s laps in the office. Whenever Mr. Gary is in the office, William always comes there and hangs around. It’s nice of Mr. Gary that he lets William plays there instead of asking him to go to the playground.

As I saw William scratching his armpit, I walked in the office and tried to put some itchy cream on him. Mr. Gary asked “Eczema?”. Yes, I replied. Then he said if I’ve tried Coconut oil yet. To respond to my surprised look, he stood up and went to the counter near the restroom and took out 1 big Coconut Oil container; he put his hand in and took out some; rubbed both hands together and messaged it on William’s back. Then he put some on his neck too. It’s no question that Mr. Gary loves and is very good around children. And the children love him too; and so does our William.

Mr. Gary messaged Coconut Oil on William’s back.
Lunch menu for this week.

He told me to bring a jar and get some home to try it on William to see if it works for him before buying it. He said he knew about this Coconut Oil for about 7 months; and that it works on other children. Hopefully it’ll work on William too.

Graduation From Preschool

Mrs. Hana took this picture in the school just right before the little ceremony.

This week is William’s last week ( and 4 other friends) at Mitchell Child Development Center after about 1 and 1/2 years going to this school so Mrs. Hana threw them a little ceremony around 11:00 AM on Tuesday, after we returned back from Memorial Holiday.

William refused to stand up when Mrs. Hana called his name and people were starting to clap their hands.  Then finally he got up and Mrs. Hana handed him the Certification.  After that he lost it and started to hit himself on the face using his palm when he got back to his seat.  I think he doesn’t know how to handle all the attention so he felt frustrated.  He hit him few more times after that while eating lunch until we left the room.

More pics:

William with Mrs. Hana Suh in classroom 309

Loving notes from the teachers. Thank you!

Singing songs

Receiving the Preschool graduation certificate


Lunch time – pizza and juice

Mrs. Hana getting the foods for the children

William and the school sign

Can’t believe my baby boy is graduating from Preschool. He’ll be in the Transition Kindergarten next year at Linhcon school which is near our house.