Last Day at Children’s World Preschool

Now that William’s aunt Lily (Tim’s sister) is available to babysit him after school, we’ll stop sending him to the daycare, starting 8/20/2019. This for sure a great arrangement for both William and me. For me, I don’t have to use my lunch time to go pick up him at school and drop him off at the day care and then driving back to work. Every day I have to rush to do that in order to finish the whole driving loop within 1 hour; every minute counts. For William, after a long day at school, he can sleep on his own bed till whenever he likes; and he can eat something and have milk before going to bed; which means he will never be hungry when he’s ready for his nap.

When I pick him up at the school, I usually bring something like a cheese sandwich or hot dogs and let him eat that in the car for about 10 minutes before driving him to the day care. He’s a slow eater so in 10 minutes he can only finish a few bites so if he doesn’t eat much at school, he’d be so hungry while napping at the day care. This always bugs me because I can’t stand the fact that my boy is hungry from 1:00 PM until he gets home around 5:30 PM. Even though I pack some cookies/juice in his lunch bag but he rarely touches it. I keep reminding him to open the lunch bag after nap; and also asked the teachers to remind him that but not sure what’s going on. He’d not go get his lunch bag unless someone remind him to do so.

So the new arrangement is Mrs. Lily will pick William up at school at 2:00 PM, and then walk him home. She’ll stay with him until we get home around 5:30 PM. She babysat William few times before when William was younger; I know she loves him and she’s really good at feeding him.

I just hope that she’s always available to stay with us. I’d hate to send William back to the daycare (any day care).

William’s stuffs at the daycare. The pillow and blanket has been with William at the day care for almost 4 year. The lunch bag with the Pokemon character has been with him for about 2 years. I bought him a new lunch bag but now that we don’t need it any more; I returned it to the store.

When I dropped William off at the day care on Friday – the last day; I said good bye to Mr. Gary, Mrs. Rose Marie and Mrs. Angelina. I can’t believe it has been almost 4 years! I know Mr. Gary loves him; he let William to hang out in his office a lot; and William loves him too. He said if we ever need him/daycare, just give him a call. Saying goodbye is never easy, I had tears on my eyes.

I know for sure William will be happy to stay home with Aunt Lily; that’s all that matters the most! I’m trying my best as a mom to keep my baby healthy and happy. Love you son!

Another Day …

Another day at the day care. As soon as he went thru the little door, he sat down on the floor and scratched his legs! So I went in, pulled out the chair and told him to sit on the chair, not the floor.

I remember when he first started here, he’d lie down on the same spot. So nothing has improved. He has no awareness that people would get in /out that little door and might step on him.

I’ll try to remind him not to sit on the floor or ground; hopefully one time he’ll stop doing that.

I took this picture thru the shelve, the little door is on the right.

Lonely Boy

Tuesday 8:30 AM

Dropped William off at the daycare today, while I was sign up, he sat right next to the kid entrance door with the lunch bag next to him. So I came in, put his lunch back away and asked him to go outside to play. He said his belly hurt and wanted me to rub. So I told him to wait because I needed to replace his swim suit with the new set I bought from home. He followed me outside to the wooden shelve where they put the children’s swimming stuffs.

So I rubbed his belly; then he wanted to go to the restroom. He sat on the toilet for quite a bit. Then when he was done, I asked him to go outside but he refused. He sat down on the floor in the corner next to the restroom. I told him to go outside several times, finally he did but as soon as he got out of the door, he sat down on the ground! I told him to go sit on any chair because the ground is dirty. He refused to stand up; until I told him I’d rub his belly if he sits on the chair. That’s when he followed me to sit on the bench in the playground. I rubbed his belly a little bit more; but I needed to leave for work so I told him to continue sit there.

As soon as I stood up and turned my back about to leave, he went back inside and sat in that same corner! I came in to ask him again to go out and sit on the chair. “I want mama to go to work!” – he said.

I guess he wanted to be left alone.

Left is the restroom, right is the door to the play yard. He leaned on the door that leads to Yellow Bird Classroom.

I don’t mind if he sits by himself but the fact that he sat on the floor near the restroom really sadden me. Plus, he leaned on the door; what if someone opens the door then he’d get hurt! After 4 years at the same daycare, I thought he’d be better at this place but obviously nothing has changed. He acts the same way as did the first few months when he started going here.

I looked around, Ms. Rose Mary and Jennifer and the new teacher were busy outside with other kids; no one really paid attention to him.

I left the daycare with broken heart and tears on my eyes. What kind of a mom I am that I left my only son there feeling lonely and unhappy. But there’s really nothing I can do; unless I quit my job and stay home to take care of him. Finally, I can’t do that.

Closer look. He has been itchy a lot lately.

Special Treament

Dropped William off to the day care in the morning as he still on the summer break. I went in to take his swim suit home and put in the new set for this week. I turned around and looked for him in the playground but could not find him. Turned out he was sitting on Mr. Gary’s laps in the office. Whenever Mr. Gary is in the office, William always comes there and hangs around. It’s nice of Mr. Gary that he lets William plays there instead of asking him to go to the playground.

As I saw William scratching his armpit, I walked in the office and tried to put some itchy cream on him. Mr. Gary asked “Eczema?”. Yes, I replied. Then he said if I’ve tried Coconut oil yet. To respond to my surprised look, he stood up and went to the counter near the restroom and took out 1 big Coconut Oil container; he put his hand in and took out some; rubbed both hands together and messaged it on William’s back. Then he put some on his neck too. It’s no question that Mr. Gary loves and is very good around children. And the children love him too; and so does our William.

Mr. Gary messaged Coconut Oil on William’s back.
Lunch menu for this week.

He told me to bring a jar and get some home to try it on William to see if it works for him before buying it. He said he knew about this Coconut Oil for about 7 months; and that it works on other children. Hopefully it’ll work on William too.

“No Gary!”

Wednesday Noon 1:00 PM. Picked him up at Lincoln school; He wanted me to carry him up and I heard him said “Time to go home, no Gary!”. I wondered what happened at the daycare that he did not want to go.

When we got to the day care and I carried him to his tiny bed, he threw away his lunch box, luckily it did not his anyone, and ran out of the door. Yesterday he ran out of the door too.

So something must happened that makes him not want to go to the daycare. I asked his dad how William looks when he picked him up: “He looked fine, he ran to me when he saw me. Some times he was playing in the room, some time in Mr. Gary’s office.”

I wish he could talk so that he can tell me what’s going on and what’s his feelings are. I guess not being able to talk about what he feels really makes him feels frustrated and he has to act out.

Winter Break

Thursday Morning 8:30 AM

There’s no school in the morning at Lincoln school so William stays at the day care full day. Dropped him off today at the Children’s World preschool, he was so ready to get out of the car and go in but then when we got to the little door after the big door, he just sat there and refused to get in. I pulled him thru the door, then he lied on the floor just right where i put him down.

He always does this when I take him there in the morning, so nothing has changed for the last few years. That makes me feel sad because it shows that he has not improved much. He doesn’t get it that we should not sit or lie down on the floor right on the entrance; people get in and out of the entrance so they’d have to just step over him to get thru.

We sent him to this day care since he was 2, and now he’s 5. It’s been 3 years and his behaviors and perception has not been improved at all!

ABA Supervisor Decided Not to Send BT to Daycare

Wednesday 10:00 AM.  I texted Huy, the supervisor, about what happened at the daycare yesterday that Mr. Gary was so upset and wanted me to call him.  So Huy called me to talk about it.

Huy came with our new BT Anthony to the daycare yesterday (3:30 – 5:00 as schedule); Huy talked to Ms. Chastity and Ms. Angelina asking how was William doing without aid for the past 2 months.  They both said William has been doing great.  So Huy came to Mr. Gary and asked the same question.  At first Ms. Gary said it William is doing fine but then went on saying that William is talking deficit, and that William doesn’t want to play with other kids so Huy should set up some activities like small group to help William.  Huy replied that it’s not his job to do so; he and his staff are here just to support William, not to interrupt or pull William out of his daily schedule.    I think this is why Mr. Gary is mad because Huy would not take his advise and refuse to do so.

Then Huy concluded that it seems to him William doesn’t need any help at the daycare any more so he will not send BT to the day care!  I felt very sad about his decision; he only came for 1 and 1/2 hour and only based on the 2 teachers’ words who each has about 10 children to watch.

Dropped William at the daycare as usual, Mr. Gary was sitting in the yellow bird classroom, and gave me a signal that he wanted to talk.  So after I put William to his bed, I came to him.  He was very mad, “This is exact his words:  there’s nothing else I can do here”.  Mr. Gary referred to what Huy told him.   Mr. Gary was upset because he thought Huy’s quitting on William by decide not to have sessions at the daycare anymore so he suggested things that Huy still can do for William, like setting up the small group where William can learn to interact with other children but looked like Huy took it the wrong way: Huy said “He told me how/what to do my job!”.   I  explained to Mr. Gary that they’re here just to SHADOW William, they will not interfere or create opportunity because it’s not their job to do so; and Huy preferred natural settings.  Mr. Gary calmed down and he said, “If they’re here just to shadow then he’s right, William is fine here, he doesn’t need any help.”  Then Mr. Gary said “I should apologize to him”, I gave him Huy’s number, he called but Huy did not pick up; he left a message in Huy’s voice mailbox.

Then Mr. Gary turned to Ms. Chastitiy and another staff (?), “Is William lacking of anything that need to improve?”  They both said No; “William is very independent, he wakes up from his nap, put on his shoes, go to the play ground and play, doesn’t make any trouble at all.”  The only thing he needs to improve is Speech.  So they agreed that William doesn’t need any aid here.

Mr. Gary turned to me and said, “if there’s any tears these should be happy tears because William is at a different stage now”.    I agreed with him, William is so much different than he was 1 year ago before he has ABA sessions.  Of course I’m happy that he has growth so much but to say he doesn’t need any more help then I disagree.

I’m so touched that Mr. Gary did not think twice to argue with Huy to fight for William’s benefits.  Other daycare’s director would careless about an ABA supervisor’s decision.  From bottom of my heart, thank YOU Mr. Gary!  I know all you want is the best for all your children under your supervision at the daycare.

On the way driving back to work, I realized that it must be the daycare staffs’ words that influenced Huy’s decision.  They all said William is doing fine.  I just hope that what they said is true.  Although I’m very skeptical about that because to them if a boy doesn’t make any trouble, it means he’s doing fine.

Bottom line is that as a Mom, who knows his son the best, I still think William needs someone to encourage him to participate and socialize at the daycare; otherwise he’d be often stand or sit alone near the fence , just like when I dropped him off in the morning during last summer break.  When William has school in the morning, his time at the daycare is not that much so I would not worry about that too much; but when the school is off and he has to stay at the day care all day, it hurts me when I see him standing and holding on to the fence looking at my car as I drive away.  Other children at his age would just run off to his friends, say hi and play in the group.  Our boy would just stand there and watch with careless  and emotionless eyes.

I felt hopeless that I can’t convince Huy to change his mind.  He took over the case for only a few months; at first he cut the hours (we lost 7 hours/week)  and now plans to stop ABA sessions at the daycare, and based on what? Doesn’t he need to base on the ABC data to decide?   What would another mom do in this case?

Able To Keep 60 Minutes Today!

So with the company’s memo about 60 minutes lunch break in mind, I left work around 12:40 PM and arrive at school around 12:53 PM.  Mrs. Newman took William out to the gate at 1:00 PM; and she told me that William ate well today; which really made me happy because I knew he would not be starved if we did not have much time for him to eat today.  In the car, he finished the juice pouch so fast, but refused to eat the mini corn dog; That’s ok because he ate well today at lunch.  Since he did not want to eat, I changed his pant, put on diaper and we took off around 1:07 PM.  Carried William to his tiny bed (he’s now in the bigger room), wanted to ask the teacher how’s he been doing with the new class but was afraid I’d not be able to keep the 60 minutes limit so I quickly headed out to the car after a quick wave to say good bye.  Left day care around 1:20 PM, and arrived to work around 1:40 PM.

Everything was a rush!  So we’d be able to keep the limit but that means there’s no time for William to eat or to have a quick chit chat with the teachers!

P.S. I’m glad that William enjoyed soccer, was thing about register him to a soccer class but not sure if he’re ready yet!



Break Time Cannot Be More Than 60 Minutes

Thursday Afternoon, got this email (sent to everyone) from Nancy (our company’s office manager)

Hello All,
As we all know, meal breaks are important to employee health and company productivity. Therefore, I would like to remind you that it is encouraged that you take regular meal breaks but meal breaks should not exceed 60 minutes.
Thank you.
I went to the bathroom and cried.  This means that our boy might be starved when I send him to the day care after school.
Most of the time William would not eat much during breakfast and lunch provided by school; so every day when I pick him up, I’d bring him 2 pack of juice, 2 mini corn dogs and a little bag  of cookies and let him eat them in my car before taking him to school.  In order for him to finish the 2 corn dogs  and juice, it’d take at least 30 minutes.  And he’d finish his chocolate filled cookies while I’m driving him to the day care.  And we can’t do this within 60 minutes!
Driving from Work to Lincoln School is about 18 minutes, from school to Children’s World Preschool is about 11 minutes; from Preschool to Work is about 20 minutes so total of 50 minutes of driving.  I need some time to stop by the house to get his snack (5 min), which is only 1 block away from school.  So in total I’d need 70 minutes, and that doesn’t count any delay in traffic.  To keep 60 minutes requirement from the company, I’d have to reduce his eating time from 30 minutes to 10 minutes.  The boy has to eat faster!
If they’re starting to count the time, should I start to count the time that I’d willing to work at nights to fix bugs or to meet deadline? Of course I didn’t get pay over time for those extra hours!  Also, the company offers 15 minutes break for every 3 hours which I never take.
I just wish that I don’t have to work so that I can take William home after school and care for him.   But if I don’t work, we’d be in deep financial trouble because I make twice as much as Tim makes a month.
Dreaming for winning the lottery, hopefully one day my dream will come true!

From Work to School – 4.6 miles (18 minutes)

From school to Children’s World Preschool – 3 miles (9 minutes)

From School to Day care – 9.2 miles (20 minutes)

William’s New Teacher Angelica

One day when I dropped William off at the day care after picking him up at Lincoln school, Mrs. Chastity asked me if I’m OK to move William to higher level.  The other day Ms. Jennie told me that it’s better for William to move up to higher class because looks like he likes to play with older kids; and also with older kids he can learn to talk more.  Huy also asked me if it’s possible to move him up; I guess Jeannie talked to Huy about that.

So I said Yes to Mrs. Chastity, the goal is for William to talk more, with this Yellow Bird class, mostly the children are 2 or 3 years old who don’t know or don’t talk much.  So it’s natural that William would want to play with other kids about his age.  William is almost 5 now, not sure why they still keep him in the Yellow Bird class.

Today I took him to his room as usual, I met Mrs. Angelica, she told he to took him to the other room.  To explain, she told me that William is now moved up to Red Bird class.  Surprisingly I asked, “Since when?”, she said “Since today!”.  So now he’s officially in the big room with a nicer cot to nap :).  His cot is next to the wall and the standing fan, which I think is very nice location.