First Day Back to Day Care After Holidays Break

Morning Day 2 of the New Year, 2018; I have to work so I took William to Children World Preschool (Mitchell school is still on break until Jan 8, 2018 so William will spend his time at the day care full day this whole week).

Menu for this week, today lunch is served with Beans & Bacon with sandwich, I don’t think William would want to eat.

ABEST still have not received the authorization from Cal-Optima for William’s ABA services yet so there won’t be any Behavioral Technician coming to the daycare for William.   2 months contract with Magellan has ended on 12/31/2017 so ABEST is waiting for the new contract from Cal-Optima because Magellan is not handling ABA services anymore as of 1/1/2018.  If ABEST doesn’t receive the new contract soon, William will no longer receive any ABA services at the day care; However the sessions at home is still on.

I hope ABEST will receive the new contract soon; otherwise William will spend the whole day at the daycare without any BT to help him.

Allergic Reaction to Peanut Butter

4:45 pm Ms. Nhu from ABEST called telling me that William at the day care was scratching all over his body;  Celestie was the Behavoral Technician  with William at the time.

I called Mr Gary but he did not answer.  Few minutes later he returned my call and his first words were “Your son is fine”.  Then he told me that William threw up, and his eyes starting to get swollen and he was scratching all over his body.  He gave him some Benadryl which I think helped a lot because by the time Tim picked him up, he was scratching less, his eyes still swollen though.  He said he asked Celestie if she gave William some peanut butter chocolate but she said no.  They just had a photo session with Santa Clause at the day care, and Santa gave out peanut butter chocolate and candies to the kids.  Mr. Gary believed that William must eat some of it; otherwise he’d not be allergic like this.

Then when Tim picked him up; Ms. Celestie asked to talk to me on the phone.  She said sorry that she did not know that William is allergic to peanut butter so when William asked for it, she gave it to him.  William took 1 bite then threw the chocolate away. Soon after that he threw up (I’m not sure who changed his clothes but he got home with school clothes on him) and 10 minutes later he started to feel itchy.   She said Sorry so many times.   I’m just so glad that William is fine after this incident.   According to Mr. Gary, he did not have trouble breathing at all so that’s a big relief.

When I got home from work and found that William was happy as usual, jumping up and down; his eyes were still swollen and he scratched his body here and there but other than that, nothing is serious.  And most importantly I don’t see he has breathing problem at all.

And this happened just a few days before Christmas!

Refused to Go to Daycare

Thursday afternoon 1:30 PM.  As usual I picked William up at Mitchell school and dropped him off at Children’s World Preschool.  But today he refused to get off the car seat and go in!

I said, “Let’s go in”

He said, “No”.  I asked why not but he didn’t say anything.  William just learned the word “No” and he has been using it a lot.

Every time I tried to unbuckle the car seat straps, he put it back in and cried and kicked his legs.  So I asked Mr. Gary for help.  He came out to the car, William did the same thing: cried and kicked his legs.  Gary was so determined to take him so he ignored his behavior.   William’s head almost hit the car floor while he was trying to escape.  Mr. Gary carried him inside while William still crying; and took him to the kitchen, let him sat on the counter and offered him water.  I peaked thru the window and he still crying but I needed to go back to work.

Fri day afternoon, William did the same thing.  This time Mr. Gary was not there so Mrs. Anita (new teacher) came out.    William shook his head refused to go in.


Cried at School

Noon 1:10 PM.  When I picked William up at Mitchell school, Mrs. Hana said he had a hard time today.  He refused to sit to eat breakfast and lunch, he cried several times and ran to sit in a corner.  On the communication book on Monday, the note said he cried multiple times too.  So i’m not sure what’s going on with him.

As usual, I put the milk and hot dog on a small chair in my car so that William can have it if he feels hungry.   He took the milk to drink, then grasped the hot dog! it’s the sign that he’s extremely hungry.  As the teacher said, he didn’t eat anything so that explained it.  Then he took the hot dog and climbed to the back of the car to get to the trunk! He sat there and ate his hot dog; he refused to get back on the back seat.  He likes to hang out in the trunk a few times before but would climb back to the back seat after few minutes.  This time he stayed there for a while.  It looked like that he wanted to sit in a corner by himself.

When he almost finished the hot dog, he climbed back out to the back seat and came to the driver seat and hang out there as he normally would.  Few minutes later he pooped.  Right after he finished pooping, he pushed his nose against my nose and smile!  So was it because he had an upset stomach that he behaved the way he did?  I hope that’s just it.

He felt asleep on the way to Children’s World preschool; and when I put him down on his tiny bed, he was still sleeping.

Special Treat From Mr. Gary

Mr. Gary was there when I dropped William off at the Children World preschool after Mitchell school.  Now that Ms. Leila and Mo don’t work there anymore; Mr. Gary is watching the children in the room where William takes a nap.  I told him William didn’t eat at lunch so he went to the kitchen, hit up some tortilla and roll it up with a slice of ham.  William looked so happy when I put the plate in front of him; he bit a small piece.

After a few bites, Mr. Gary asked him to go to bed.  I really don’t like the location where his bed is: it’s under a hangar that full of stuffs.  What if they fall? And it’s right by the entry from the yard where all the dust from the sand, big trees can fly in; his allergies will get worse.  I’m planning to tell Mr. Gary to move his bed today.

His bed is next to the door (right) which is entrance from the play yard full of dust.








The left door is to the next class room and small kitchen. His bed is right under the hangar that full of stuffs; there are 2 buckets of water which I’m not sure what they are. Hopefully it’s not chemical stuffs.

Nap Time at Children’s World Preschool

William and his tiny bed, where he spends his nap time every day at Children’s World Preschool.

Afternoon @1:30 PM.  I dropped William off at Children’s World Preschool after picking him up from Mitchell school.  As usual he hangs up his lunch box to the hook then goes straight to his tiny bed.







William in his classroom and sleeping among peers.

Mr. Gary texted us this picture of William sleeping with the comment “Life is GOOOD”

Not Eating Lunch

William always stands there when i leave the daycare.

Fri morning.   When I dropped William off at Children’s World preschool today; Ms. Leila told me William doesn’t want to eat lunch.  When it’s lunch time, he’d cry and doesn’t want to sit on the chair; and when he finally sits, he’d push food away.  Ms. Leila saved the food for him so that he can have it after nap time but then he’d refuse to eat too.

I felt bad knowing that my boy is starving the whole day; I wish he can talk so that he could tell me why he doesn’t want to eat lunch!

Lunch menu for this week
William loves to walk on these wooden block



William loves to walk on these wooden block.  He looks so sad when I leave!  He doesn’t play with other kids so he must be very lonely.  Poor my little boy.  I just wish I don’t have to work so that he can stay home or I can take him out to have some fun.

A Day with ABEST Staff

William ate a whole plate of lasagna!

Thursday Noon, another hot summer day.

No Mitchell school until beginning of July so William stays at the daycare full day.

Ms. Nhu from AExceLearning Behavorial Services (short for ABEST) sent me a report of this morning session with Ms. Han and Nhi at the Children’s World Preschool via email, including a few pictures.  Needless to say I’m very impressed with how they’re guiding William.  Below is the whole email from Ms. Nhu.

Hi Chi Michelle and Anh Tim!

Session at daycare today went great! William played with peers in the playground and ate snacks (crackers), was able to participate in circle time on and off (for now, we are ok with him sitting from afar since he doesn’t like to sit with peers, but will slowly work to ease him in), and he participated in art project (tracing shapes and letters). During lunch, Ms. Cheryl said that William usually does not eat or he will take a bite and then stop eating altogether. However, we were able to work with him and got him to eat the whole plate of lasagna and carrots (he spoon fed himself), drank his milk, and had jello for dessert. He did a great job today! Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
William and Ms. Han