With the strong spread of the deadly Coronavirus that all schools in California are shut down and everyone is using Zoom or GoogleMeet to attend online classes. Ms. Birdie was so nice that she dropped off William’s chrome book at our house. We use this lap top to connect to school meeting everyday for William class.
Category: Abraham Lincoln Elementary School
My Brain Is Not Good!
When I got home from work, William ran out to greet me. Tim said he was sleepy because he did not take a nap. The whole ABA session, he kept saying “I’m tired” and refused to walk around the neighborhood like we do every sessions. Ms. Marylou did not give him any demands because he did look so tired.
After dinner, I asked him to go to bed early. While on the bed, on of sudden he said “My brain is not good!”, “My brain is out!”. I was so surprised so I asked, “Who told you that?”. “Ethan” – he replied.
Ethan again? yesterday we found a deep mark on his back and when asked, he said Ethan hit him. The other day Ethan bit his arm. This is not the first time that William said Ethan hit him. The thing is that William does not talk much like Ethan. He would not tell teachers or anyone when he gets hit, unless I ask. And I always ask him several times to see if his answer is consistent. And it is!
I wrote on the communication book about Ethan and requested that the teachers keep a closed eye when Ethan and William together. Looks like they don’t get along well.

I felt sad that some one told him his brain is not good, and the worse part is that William believes that. I could tell he did not feel good about that. He kept saying “I’m sick!” since he got home. I pulled his head to rest on my arm while we were lying on the bed and touched his head and said “You’re smart, your brain is good, don’t listen to Ethan”. I hope William doesn’t take Ethan’s words too serious. He’s almost 6 years old now so he’s starting to understand things around him. Bad or negative words/talks like that will do too much damage to his naive mind, I’m afraid.
Fall Is Here!
3 days after the Fall season began, the weather is starting to get cold in the morning. A fleece lined jacket can totally keep you warm. It’s time to bring out all the long sleeve uniform shirts for William.

It’s Friday
Another week has passed; here’s a pic of William before heading to school. He still does not like to take pictures and to look directly at the camera. It’s hard to take a good picture of him.

Got Bit By His Peer
On Monday, I got a call from a nurse that William got bit by Ethan; and that Mrs. Newman was doing a report to the principal.
I asked if it hurts in the evening when I got home from work; he said “No!”.
Seems like Ethan and William don’t get along well; the other day William said Ethan hit his head.

It’s been a week but the mark is still dark!

Back To School Nite – Kindergarten 2019
It’s “Back to School” night at Lincoln school. I took off work early around 4 PM and got home around 4:30. William was on bed but aunt Lily already woke him up. Around 4:45 we walked to school.
In the Multipurpose room, the principle Ms. Veleta introduced the teachers. Then we walked to William’s classroom, room #54. Nothing changed much since last year. Ms. Newman put some cookies and bottle water on the table. William ate some chocolate cookie and ran around with Ethan. We stayed and chatted with Ms. Newman and Ms. Sandy and Ethan’s mom for about 10 minutes then we left. Not sure if anyone else came after we left.

It’s Friday!
It’s been 2 weeks since William is back to school. Teachers have been complaining a lot about his non-compliance and taking stuffs from his peers.
This morning when I just pushed his stroller out of the door, the feet holder broke so I told him we had to walk to school. He was ok with it.

While waiting for the teachers at school, he was so hyper, running around with a happy face. Love my little boy!
Meeting With The School Principal
Now that William is in Kindergarten, his school ends at 2:00 PM instead of 1:00 PM like last year. This conflicts with the Speech therapy at Providence of Speech & Hearing center, which is 1:30 PM every Monday. I planned to pull him out early around 1:00 PM on Mondays to take him to the speech therapy because the speech center doesn’t have any availability to move his session to later time.
So I stopped by the office to talk to Ms. Velado, the Lincoln school principal. At first she said the district will not allow it because it’s the parents responsibility to send their children to school; and we could go to jail if there’s so many absences. I explained to her our situation; she then asked how old is William. ‘He’s 5 now, will be turning 6 on November!’. She then said it’s ok until William turns 6 because the district only enforces the rule for 6 years old and up. So we have about 3 months to pull him out early on Mondays. After that we need to have a solution to our problem. The issue is easy to solve if the Providence center has new available spots; but then after a long day at school, I don’t know if it’s a good idea to send him to speech therapy. 6 hours at school is a long time for a 5 or 6 years old boy.
Lately his speech therapy complains that he doesn’t comply well. So maybe we take a break from speech therapy at Providence center. We still have speech therapy at school; 15 minutes a week.
I’m not sure what to do. It’s a hard decision to make because it’s really hard to get a spot at Providence center; If we give it up, there’s no guarantee that we’ll get a new spot that fits our schedule.
Back To School – Day 3
Wednesday, it’s day 3. Nothing new. I took some photos before pushing his stroller out. He doesn’t look straight to the camera as usual, doesn’t matter how many times I told him to look at the camera.

Back To School – Year 2019 – 2020
Summer break is over, time to go back to school. I prepared William mentally for the last 2 days that he would go back to school starting today.
Same school (Abraham Lincoln Elementary School), same classroom #54 and same teachers (Ms. Newman, Birdie and Sandy); except that William is now in the Kindergarten, and his class hour is from 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM (not 1:00 PM anymore)
Waking him up is hard as usual; and “I want to scratch my back!” is the first sentence that he said. He whined as usual, asked for few more times to scratch his back but eventually everything was done and we were ready to go to school. At first I wanted him to walk so I did not bring the stroller out but he said, “The school is far!”. He refused to walk so I had to bring out the stroller.

It was good to see everyone is back: Ms. Newman, Ms. Birdie and Ms. Sandy. (We did not see Ms. Newman and Ms. Sandy during the last month of the last school year, before summer!)