2:00 PM at Lincoln school meeting with Mrs. Newman about William’s annual IEP at his classroom 54. Attendance included Ms. Stephany (speech therapist), principle assistant Mrs. Cynthia, and the General Ed teacher. Mrs. Cynthia and general ed teacher asked to be excused because I have no questions for them.
Monday 11:30 AM. Got a call from the school nurse saying William was sitting in her office because his eyes were swollen. She asked I I gave him any medicine in the morning, I said No; She then asked if we ever used the EpiPen, I said “We never had to.”. Then she said she’d let William stayed in her office to watch and would update me if there’s any news.
After the conversation, it struck me that she mention EpiPen! it must be something worse that she was thinking about using EpiPen. Soon she called me back and told me that the teachers gave out peanut ice cream, even though William did not get it but some how it affected him so that must be why he was scratching his eyes a lot. And she asked that I picked him up. It was 11:50 PM.
I came to the school right away; William was in the nurse office with Ms. Newman. She said she threw away all the peanuts candies (Halloween is coming up, that was why she had candies) but some how William still got infected. He didn’t throw up so that tells me that he did not eat any; so probably he touched it or smelled it. He stopped scratching after the nurse gave him some Benadryl.
The nurse, Vanessa, said that she’s never seen any allergic case so she would not know if it happens right a way or after a period of time so she called Orange County office to find out. They told her allergic reactions would take place right away. I’m a little bit worried that the nurse is not very experienced so I’m a bit concern if she knows what to do and do things in the timely manner.
I took him home, made him a cheese sandwich, and gave him milk. I cancelled the Speech therapy session so that he could stay home and rest. After finish the milk, he felt asleep. I went back to work, leaving him for Tim to watch.
Playing in Mama’s car before heading to the day care.
Thursday, picked him up at Lincoln school; Ms. Birdie brought William and Jordan out to the gate. While waiting for Ms. Birdie to unlock the gate doors, William held both hands to the gate and hit his head slightly against it. When I told him “No, don’t do that”, he said “Do not bump your head!”. I told Ms. Birdie that William has been talking a lot more which is good; then Ms. Birdie shared a story. She said William, Jordan and Dyllan have been playing together at break times and when out in the playground, they would look for each other. I’m so happy to hear that; the fact that he’s starting to make friends is a big big improvement.
I’m always afraid that he’d feel lonely at school but now that I heard that from Ms. Birdie, I’m so comforted.
Friday morning, he whined less then yesterday while brushing teeth. I tried to take a picture of him before taking him to school but the sun got into his eyes so he refused to open them.
Thursday Morning. As usual I woke William up around 7:30 AM, he rolled around on the bed and refused to get up. When he finally did, he cried. I asked why but he did not answer. He cried when he peed, when I brushed teeth for him and stopped crying only when he got back to the bed. I had a hard time to give him eye drops for his dry itchy eyes. But we managed to be at school on time.
2 more days before Autumn; it’s getting cold in the morning but still very hot during noon (75 degree)This pic I took yesterday (not today)Ms. Newman was not here; there was someone substituted for her. When I picked William up, she said “He’s a Smart Boy”.
So with the company’s memo about 60 minutes lunch break in mind, I left work around 12:40 PM and arrive at school around 12:53 PM. Mrs. Newman took William out to the gate at 1:00 PM; and she told me that William ate well today; which really made me happy because I knew he would not be starved if we did not have much time for him to eat today. In the car, he finished the juice pouch so fast, but refused to eat the mini corn dog; That’s ok because he ate well today at lunch. Since he did not want to eat, I changed his pant, put on diaper and we took off around 1:07 PM. Carried William to his tiny bed (he’s now in the bigger room), wanted to ask the teacher how’s he been doing with the new class but was afraid I’d not be able to keep the 60 minutes limit so I quickly headed out to the car after a quick wave to say good bye. Left day care around 1:20 PM, and arrived to work around 1:40 PM.
Everything was a rush! So we’d be able to keep the limit but that means there’s no time for William to eat or to have a quick chit chat with the teachers!
P.S. I’m glad that William enjoyed soccer, was thing about register him to a soccer class but not sure if he’re ready yet!
Thursday Afternoon, got this email (sent to everyone) from Nancy (our company’s office manager)
“Hello All,
As we all know, meal breaks are important to employee health and company productivity. Therefore, I would like to remind you that it is encouraged that you take regular meal breaks but meal breaks should not exceed 60 minutes.
Thank you.“
I went to the bathroom and cried. This means that our boy might be starved when I send him to the day care after school.
Most of the time William would not eat much during breakfast and lunch provided by school; so every day when I pick him up, I’d bring him 2 pack of juice, 2 mini corn dogs and a little bag of cookies and let him eat them in my car before taking him to school. In order for him to finish the 2 corn dogs and juice, it’d take at least 30 minutes. And he’d finish his chocolate filled cookies while I’m driving him to the day care. And we can’t do this within 60 minutes!
Driving from Work to Lincoln School is about 18 minutes, from school to Children’s World Preschool is about 11 minutes; from Preschool to Work is about 20 minutes so total of 50 minutes of driving. I need some time to stop by the house to get his snack (5 min), which is only 1 block away from school. So in total I’d need 70 minutes, and that doesn’t count any delay in traffic. To keep 60 minutes requirement from the company, I’d have to reduce his eating time from 30 minutes to 10 minutes. The boy has to eat faster!
If they’re starting to count the time, should I start to count the time that I’d willing to work at nights to fix bugs or to meet deadline? Of course I didn’t get pay over time for those extra hours! Also, the company offers 15 minutes break for every 3 hours which I never take.
I just wish that I don’t have to work so that I can take William home after school and care for him. But if I don’t work, we’d be in deep financial trouble because I make twice as much as Tim makes a month.
Dreaming for winning the lottery, hopefully one day my dream will come true!
From Work to School – 4.6 miles (18 minutes)From school to Children’s World Preschool – 3 miles (9 minutes)
Got the message from William’s teacher that Lincoln school requires uniform, I was not aware of that! So I looked deep in his closet, luckily I found some white and red polos!
Thursday morning 7:45 AM. It’s getting cold in the morning so I put a jacket on for William before heading to school. Last night he felt asleep around 11:30 PM which is good so assumably he had enough sleep.
William’s sleepy lookPick up friends from the bus with Mrs. BirdieWith Mrs. Birdie and classmates heading to classroom. William is the smallest compare to other 4 peers.