After about 7 months under construction, the school is now has a new beautiful look. William’s classroom still remain the same; the new building is mostly for front desk, principle office, nurse office and other administrative staffs.
Now we don’t have to walk that far to get to the class anymore; and because William is so excited with the new building he has not asked for the stroller; and he’s willing to walk.
Tuesday 11:30 AM. I picked William up a little bit early to take him to the Speech therapy. The children were learning the word O when I came in. They each had a little stack of papers with words that start with O. They need to glue in the O to the word. I took a few pics of William doing so. William was not really concentrating on working on his paper, the teacher had to remind him to work several times.
12:50 PM, as usual, I picked William up at Mitchell school and let him play in my car while trying to feed him some food before taking him to the day care. He loved the chocolate brownie!
Thursday Morning; dropped William off at Mitchell school. He walked in and did not run into the corner; he sat down on 1 of the chairs, and when Mrs. Hana took out the race tracks, he came and played with other children. I’ve been paying attention to where he goes to when I drop him off at school and noticed that for that past few days he did not run into a corner anymore. He either sat on the bean bag, or chair or stood near his peers to watch; which is a really good sign.
Here are a few pictures of William playing in my car after I picked him up when the class is over. I usually let him play and at the same time I try to feed him some thing before taking him to the day care. For the past 2 days he loved the cheese sandwich that I made. Yesterday he ate 2 slices of sandwich with 2 slices of cheese; 1 bottle of orange juice and 1 piece of chocolate.
William’s favorite spot in my car. He climbs down here from the back seat at least 1 time a day.William loves the Dashboard camera in my car. I have to turn it on before driving; otherwise he’d cry.
Having snack in Mommy’s car: 1 slice of cheese and milk, then chips.
Wed Morning 8:30 AM. Dropped William off at Mitchell school; he didn’t cry at all (today is the 3rd day after back to school, he cried the last 2 days); and when I stopped the stroller in front of his classroom, he stood up, gave me the pillow (he always wants to take the pillow with him) and headed to the door. Once got in the classroom he came and sat down on a chair near his classmate! Usually he’d just run and sit in a corner. So I said, “Say Hi to your friend William!”, Mrs. Hana also encouraged him, “Hi Victoria”; and he repeated, “Hi Victoria!”
I’m so happy that it looks like he’s starting to blend in instead of separating himself from his peers. I hope everyday he’d act like this.
12:50 PM. I came to his classroom to pick him up and found out he already had his backpack on his back sitting on a chair watching the movie. Ms. Delma said he was so ready for me to pick him up. When he saw me, he came running toward me and gave me a hug. Love you, son!
After 2 weeks break from Mitchell school, I took William to school, he cried and did not want to leave his car seat when we got to school.
I asked, “Don’t you want to see Mrs. Hana? Mrs. Hama really wants to see you.”
He said “No”.
So I asked “How about Ms. Susan?, do you want to see Ms. Hana or Susan?”.
To my surprise, he said “Susan”‘!
“OK then, let’s go to see Mrs. Susan.”
He got off the car seat and let me put him in the stroller, so I took him to his classroom. When we approached the room 309, he cried again and refused to go in. It just happened that Ms. Susan took another kid to the other classroom. I asked, “Do you want to go to that room?”
He said, “Yes” and got off his stroller and ran after Ms. Susan! I was so surprised. All the time I thought Ms. Hana is his favorite :).
Looking handsome, son!
Tuesday Morning.
He cried just like yesterday and refused to get off his car seat. So I asked ” Do you want to see Ms. Susan?”. He said “Yes” again. It was raining lightly when we walked to the classroom. The water felt on his face and he smiled, I think he found that was fun.
William is eating snack in my driver seat after I picked him up from Mrs. Hana class. He always has at least 10 minutes playing around in my car and eating snack before we head to Children’s world preschool. William loves Onion rings and Shrimp Chips.
Tuesday morning. As usual I took him to Mitchell school around 8:15 AM but today he refused to get off his car seat when we arrived at school. I used chocolate and chips but he said no to both; finally I told him he could play in the sand box then he let me carry him of the car seat and put him in his stroller to get to his class. But then when we got to his classroom, he refused to get in. He cried with tears coming off his face, sitting down on the concrete floor in front of the classroom door. Finally when I told him he could take the pillow with him to the room, then he stood up and walked in.
Yesterday when I picked him up, Mrs. Hana said that he was easily upset the whole day. He either sat in the corner or ran to the bathroom and sat there without peepee. Mrs. Hana had no idea what was going on with him.
Today when I picked him up, Mrs. said she found out what’s wrong. She said she has more students than 1 lunch table can handle so she arranged a 2nd table. When she asked him to come to the yellow lunch table, that was when he totally lost it. Other time is that she turned on the Mickey Mouse video, he said “Trolls” and totally lost his temper again. In her conclusion, if things are not the way he wanted then he’d act out like that. When she said “we’ll watch Trolls tomorrow” then he’d calm down. She said, at least now she knows what triggers his behaviors, she’ll know how to calm him down and gradually teach him to tolerate more to changes.
Wed Morning. As usual I took William to his classroom and the first thing he did is to run to a corner. He does that almost all the time. Seems like he likes to sit there and watch others playing; or maybe he’s just sleepy?
Mrs. Hana said when he’s upset, he’d run to the corner and sit there.
One time he put his hand under the door that scratched his hand! :(. Mrs. Hana said this room has 3 doors, and she’s trying to block his access to the doors whenever she can so that won’t happen again.
Picked William at school today, he likes to sit on the stroller.
Tuesday Nov 21 at Michelle Child Development Center.
It was the last day before the Thanksgiving break at school; I bought a birthday cake and brought to school to celebrate William’s 4th birthday. Mrs. Hana recorded and sent it to me via the Class Dojo mobile app. I love the smile and expression on his face! I forgot to bring the candle; I’m surprised to see the candle on his cake. Thank you Mrs. Hana for the candle so that William can blow it off. He loves to do that!
Noon 1:10 PM. When I picked William up at Mitchell school, Mrs. Hana said he had a hard time today. He refused to sit to eat breakfast and lunch, he cried several times and ran to sit in a corner. On the communication book on Monday, the note said he cried multiple times too. So i’m not sure what’s going on with him.
As usual, I put the milk and hot dog on a small chair in my car so that William can have it if he feels hungry. He took the milk to drink, then grasped the hot dog! it’s the sign that he’s extremely hungry. As the teacher said, he didn’t eat anything so that explained it. Then he took the hot dog and climbed to the back of the car to get to the trunk! He sat there and ate his hot dog; he refused to get back on the back seat. He likes to hang out in the trunk a few times before but would climb back to the back seat after few minutes. This time he stayed there for a while. It looked like that he wanted to sit in a corner by himself.
When he almost finished the hot dog, he climbed back out to the back seat and came to the driver seat and hang out there as he normally would. Few minutes later he pooped. Right after he finished pooping, he pushed his nose against my nose and smile! So was it because he had an upset stomach that he behaved the way he did? I hope that’s just it.
He felt asleep on the way to Children’s World preschool; and when I put him down on his tiny bed, he was still sleeping.