Love Gymnastic!

It was William’s 4th class at New Hope Gymnastics. Watching William playing in the class is fun. He looks at the coach and tries to do what’s the coaching is doing, especially during the stretch time. He’s really enjoying doing any activity in the class. The only issue he has is to wait for his turn: he cannot sit still on his spot (he chose the red square on the carpet), he’d sit down for a few seconds and the stand up and walk around the room; some times he’d run out of room to the hallway or just to sit on the chair in the waiting room. I’d try to remind him to ask the coach’s permission whenever he needs to go.

Coach Paul

Last week there were no-one showed up so it was just coach Paul and William, he did great, no running around and listening to coach all the time. I guess one-on-one would be best for him because he doesn’t have to wait for his turn.

There are 3 other children in the class who’s about the same age: 5 or 6 years old: 2 girls Kira & Olivia and 1 boy Dean.

The class starts at 6:30 PM on Tuesdays; around 7:00 PM, the coach will take them to the big room to play in the foam pit or to work on the rope. This is William’s favorite time. They stay there for about 15 minutes and then go back to their room, which I think is a good size for the children: enough space for few children and there are 2 bars which are appropriate for their height perfectly.

Coach Paul is great; he’s so patient and nice; never see him mad or yell when the kids are not listening or running around. He’d just talk individually to the child in a very soft voice to make sure the child understands what he/she did wrong.

Learning to do cartwheel

At the end of the class, everyone gathers & sits down around coach Paul and gets to pick 2 stickers of their choice before going home. There’s always a smile on William’s face when we’re leaving the gym.

If I know he loves gymnastics so much, I would send him to this gym sooner.


My sister Eliza told me about New Hope Gymnastics, where she sent her children to. She said that she saw lots of children about William’s age taking the class. Being hyper all the time, this maybe a good place for William to spend his energy?

So last week I took him in for the free trial: he loved it! He got to roll, to jump, to stretch, to play in the foam pit. So I signed him up for once a week: every Tuesday at 6:30 – 7:30 PM with coach Paul.

Today was his first day after the free trial class. He got so excited that he could not sit still. He sometimes did not listen that the coach asked him to go sit with me: he’d run around without waiting for his turns or he touched the bars without coach’s permission. During 1 hour, he was asked to sit out 3 times! He behaved better when he took the free trial last week.

The class has total 4 children about his age or younger (including him). Looks like coach Paul had his hand full with all 4 kids that some time don’t listen to him.

William loves it here so we’ll continue to come but I’m just afraid that the coach will not like it if William’s compliance is not improved. Let’s see!

The big room where the foam pit is
Waiting for the class to start