Back to School After Vacation

Looking so sad!

Tuesday morning 8:30 AM.  After 1 week in Cancun, William has returned to school since yesterday.  He was fine yesterday but today he didn’t want to step in to class.  He eventually stepped in after I opened the door wide open but would not  run to the play area as he used to do.  Then finally he walked to the play area and sat down near the wall.

He just sat there while his peers play with toys.

Nap Time at Children’s World Preschool

William and his tiny bed, where he spends his nap time every day at Children’s World Preschool.

Afternoon @1:30 PM.  I dropped William off at Children’s World Preschool after picking him up from Mitchell school.  As usual he hangs up his lunch box to the hook then goes straight to his tiny bed.







William in his classroom and sleeping among peers.

Mr. Gary texted us this picture of William sleeping with the comment “Life is GOOOD”

Back to Mitchell School – 2nd year

Received this letter from Santa Ana School District few days before the school starts.

Monday morning @ 8:30 AM.  Today marks William’s 2nd year going to Mitchell Child Development Center.  Hopefully he’ll learn more this year.  He cried at home and didn’t want to go but he did not cry when I dropped him off at Mrs. Hana Suh classroom 309.  He ran straight to a corner and sat down; I saw his smile while he’s sitting down and then he’s just sitting there and watching his friends playing toys.  I wish he’d know how to interact with other children or at least grasp a toy and play instead of just watching.

Hope that he will eat something for lunch under Mrs. Hana Suh’s supervision.  I’m still sad and curious as why he didn’t eat lunch during summer school with Ms. Heusser.

William and Mrs. Hana, waiting for the gate to be opened so that I can picked him up after school.

Not Eating Lunch

William always stands there when i leave the daycare.

Fri morning.   When I dropped William off at Children’s World preschool today; Ms. Leila told me William doesn’t want to eat lunch.  When it’s lunch time, he’d cry and doesn’t want to sit on the chair; and when he finally sits, he’d push food away.  Ms. Leila saved the food for him so that he can have it after nap time but then he’d refuse to eat too.

I felt bad knowing that my boy is starving the whole day; I wish he can talk so that he could tell me why he doesn’t want to eat lunch!

Lunch menu for this week
William loves to walk on these wooden block



William loves to walk on these wooden block.  He looks so sad when I leave!  He doesn’t play with other kids so he must be very lonely.  Poor my little boy.  I just wish I don’t have to work so that he can stay home or I can take him out to have some fun.

William Cried At the Daycare

Wednesday morning.  I dropped William at the Children’s World preschool daycare (it’s summer break at Mitchell so we send William to the daycare full day for 2 weeks, until Mitchell school starts on Aug 14th), and he started to cry when I opened the door.

He didn’t want to go in!  I felt bad because that means that he doesn’t want to stay; there must be something that he doesn’t like about this school but he can’t talk about it.

He’s been going to this daycare for more than a year, so I find it very strange that he cried today.

Hopefully his time of staying here is fun;  I wish they can share their camera videos so that we can watch how’s he doing at school.

It’s Friday!

Another hot summer day; and Friday is the day for water activities at Mitchell school so I had William wear short with waterproof shoes.  Today breakfast was egg hamburger but I noticed Ms. Heusser did not give William burger; she gave him tater tots (potatoes) instead so I asked.   She said because the record shows that William has allergy with egg so that’s why they serve him different breakfast.  I stood there and observed for 15 minutes while they were eating breakfast.  William picked up only small piece of tater tots; some times he tried to use the fork to pick a bigger piece but he could not.  Ms. Susan sat next to him but seemed to didn’t notice any thing. Not sure what ‘s she there for? Is she supposed to pay attention to them and help them eat their breakfast.  She only tried once “Karen, try this!” and put the food down on her plate because Karen refused.  That’s all she did!  I just don’t think she tries enough!

Signs of Participation

Eating muffin for breakfast

On the way to his classroom, we saw a class doing some exercise and stretch outside, William stopped and imitated some of the moves; I was so surprised that he was willing to participate in the group activities even though he’s not aware that it’s not his class.

Then when we got to his classroom, and it was breakfast time; he sat down on the chair, picked up the muffin and ate without the teacher to repeatedly remind him to eat.  Seeing William sat and ate his muffin along with his peers made me happy.

Our son is starting to learn to participate in group activities!

First Day at Summer School

William looked so sad in the new classroom that is full of toys.

Monday morning 8:00 AM.  It’s first day of back to Mitchell school after 2 week break.  Mrs. Hana is not teaching in the summer so William and his friends are transferred to Mrs. Heusser class which is next door, room 310.   When we passed by his old classroom 309, William ran back to it and refused to go the the new room.  And when we got to the new classroom he lied on the floor near by the door and refused to get in.  I held him up to take him to the rug area and sat with him until Mrs. Susan took him to change diaper.

At first he just sat there without touching any toys at all.  Luckily I found the foam blocks that he has been playing during the session with Ms. Diana from ABEST; he held on them for quite some time.  Then finally he stood up and looked around the room.

Mrs. Heusser said there’s 15 children in the class, which is too many; and I only saw 3 teacher aids, including Mrs. Susan from Mrs. Hana class.

Summer school starts from 8:00 – 12:15 PM, which means it starts 15 minutes earlier and ends about 1 hour earlier; from July 1 – July 28.  No day off on Fridays.