A Day with ABEST Staff

William ate a whole plate of lasagna!

Thursday Noon, another hot summer day.

No Mitchell school until beginning of July so William stays at the daycare full day.

Ms. Nhu from AExceLearning Behavorial Services (short for ABEST) sent me a report of this morning session with Ms. Han and Nhi at the Children’s World Preschool via email, including a few pictures.  Needless to say I’m very impressed with how they’re guiding William.  Below is the whole email from Ms. Nhu.

Hi Chi Michelle and Anh Tim!

Session at daycare today went great! William played with peers in the playground and ate snacks (crackers), was able to participate in circle time on and off (for now, we are ok with him sitting from afar since he doesn’t like to sit with peers, but will slowly work to ease him in), and he participated in art project (tracing shapes and letters). During lunch, Ms. Cheryl said that William usually does not eat or he will take a bite and then stop eating altogether. However, we were able to work with him and got him to eat the whole plate of lasagna and carrots (he spoon fed himself), drank his milk, and had jello for dessert. He did a great job today! Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
William and Ms. Han

Is the day care good for William?

On Fri June 16, Ms. Nhu from AExceLearning called me right after she went to the Children’s World Preschool to see how William is doing there.  She told me that she’s concern about 2 safety issues:

One  is that William’s bed is right under the hanger; if that falls then it’ll be on top of William.  I drop William off at school every day and watch him running to his bed but didn’t notice that.  I knew his bed is right next to a table but didn’t notice the hanger is hanging above his bed from the other side of the bed.  So the next day after that conversation, instead of just watching him running to his bed from the door, I followed him and sat by his bed, now it’s very clearly to me that the hanger is really over his bed!  I felt really bad that I didn’t notice this before.  So I told Ms. Cheryl who was in the room at the time to move his bed up away from the hangar.

Second issue is that, about 5:0 PM everyday the children will be in the big room waiting for parents to pickup.  William just sits in the corner staring at his classroom door.  The bathroom is between the big room and his classroom; which means he sits right next to the bathroom; it’d not be too much of an issue if the teachers don’t clean the bathroom at that time.  But they do, they use Clorox to clean the bathroom everyday about 5:00 PM so William has been breathing that stuff everyday!  Ms. Nhu said that is not good for William so she asked if it’s ok for her to take William back to his classroom so that he doesn’t have to breath that stuff.  Mr. Gary said it’s ok as long as she tells the teachers that she’s watching William.

Today when I dropped William off at the daycare and had a little chat with Ms. Jennifer.  She told me how nice the ladies from AExceLearning  agency are, “she’s really nice that she took William to the back room (means William’s classroom)  and spend 30 minutes with him there”, “William loves to sit at this corner to stare at his classroom”.   Now that I know the exact location where my boy sits, I felt so sad just to imagine William sits there everyday and no one cares to pull him away from the corner that’s full of toxic smell!

I don’t blame the teachers at the daycare, they have to watch quite a few children and have to clean up at the end of the day; they already have their hands full so they don’t have time to care for an Autism boy.

For the first time, I really appreciate the presence  of the AExceLearning staffs at the day care to watch over William!


William is Happy as Usual at School

Tuesday. Cloudy Day.

The class is over but the door is still lock so I waited outside the metal fence while William and Mrs. Hana waited inside the fence.  While waiting I took a few pics of William jumping up and down all happy holding Mrs. Hana’s hand.


























William’s Work

A Usual Morning: School Time

William loves this Pokemon jacket (so does Max, his classmate)

Tuesday morning, a cloudy day with light drizzling but not cold.

William woke up early today around 8:00 AM (usually I have to wake him up around 8:15 AM) so I dressed him up and took him to school a little bit early.  The Mitchell school is under construction so now we have to walk a bit from the car to the classroom.  Mrs. Hana said the construction will be done in the Fall.

Once got to his classroom, William ran directly to this play area after put down his backpack in his designated slot.
Mitchell school is under construction, metal fences are everywhere
Mitchell school playground where William spends his time once a day.

What a Happy Day!

William was so happy to see me waiting for him after class at Mitchell

Yesterday i was feeling so down because I could not find any ABA Services providers that meet William’s schedule.  After class at Mitchell school and his nap at the daycare, he’s only available for 2 hours after 3:30 PM.

A week ago I called Morning Star ABA services, talked to a lady named Amanda and sent her our insurance info.  She said she would call back but did not received any thing from her so I emailed her asking for status.  She said with William’s schedule it’s hard to find available staffs.   Then yesterday I called several providers from the list that HealthNet rep sent me:  Bloom Behavorial Health Inc said they have a 3 months waiting list, some providers didn’t answers (Behavior Support Svc, Creative Solution for Hope) . Finally I reached down to the bottom of the list: AExceLearning Behaviorial Education Support and Training.  A nice lady named To Nhu Le answered, and it turned out she’s Vietnamese.  So later in the day she sent me more info about her agency and requested that I sent her our insurance and the report from RCOC.

He loves this stamp

Today I sent what To Nhu Le from AExceLearning Behaviorial Education Support and Training requested, and soon she replied that she already verified William qualification with HealthNet and that we don’t have to pay co-pay or deductibles; and that she sent in the authorization request and waiting for the answer from HealthNet.

In the mean time, I also emailed Mrs. Annette Glass from Healthnet (who sent me the providers list in the first place) and telling her that the provider AExceLearning Behaviorial Education Support and Training has staffs available for William’s schedule and that they were waiting for authorization approval.

Few minutes later, got an email from Mrs. Annette, she said she talked to To Nhu Le and authorized 8 hour assessment effective today!  I’m so happy that things turn out pretty good.  I’d never expect that Mrs. Annette would act so fast!

Not just that, around noon our service co-odinator Kim Than called, saying that we got approved for Day Care.  Even though the amount is not much but it’s better than nothing.  She also encouraged me to call the RESPITE agency to schedule for at least 1 time; which will help in the process of requesting Medical for William.  Once William get approved for Medical then RCOC will cover all the RESPITE fees so we don’t have to pay anything.

This really relieves the financial burden that I’ve been feeling ever since William was diagnosed with Autism.  If we have Medical we’d not have to worry about the lack of money to pay for Insurance co-pay and deductibles for doctor visits (and my boy is sick so often!).


Play Time at Children’s World Preschool

It’s Friday; and no school at Mitchell so I took William to the day care.  At this time of the day the children are asked to play outside.  William likes the slide but he is afraid.  Ms. Lila said most of the time he’d just climb up and then sit there; refuses to slide down.   So I stood at the end of the slide to encourage him to slide down and finally he did; a bid smile on his face!

When I picked him up around 5:30 PM, he was holding a paper basket with some plastic eggs.  It’s because this weekend is Easter so the all children bring home an egg basket.






William’s eating chocolates

Easter Holiday

Thursday at noon, waiting to to pick William up at Mitchell school; he came out with Mrs. Hana looking so cute with the Bunny hat and a paper bucket in his hand.  So I sat him down on the rock and snapped few pictures of him :).

Mrs. Hana holding William hand to lead him out to the door










William is looking for the candies


William likes to touch the bus’s STOP sign every day after school


Wiiliam has half cup of milk every day before going to the day care.