No School at Mitchell today!

William is 3 yrs and 4 months. He likes this little piano and mickey mouse books.

There’s no school at Mitchell today so William is staying at Mr. Gary’s Children World Preschool full day.  I looked at William thru the mirror while driving him to the preschool: he’s so cute and tiny.  He looks like he’s only 2 years old but he’s already 3 years and 4 months.

Love you little turtle!

Didn’t Want to Go to School

Monday morning…

William cried & kicked his legs when I tried to put him on the car seat to go to school.  He cried out loud on the way to school.  He continued to kick and cry when I tried to carry him out of the car to go to his classroom.  Not sure why!

Today Tim stayed home (sick) so he was in charge of taking William to the day care after Mitchell school.  He said William started to cry when he made to U-turn to get the day care.