Last Day Of Speech Therapy

Being a 2nd grader at Thomas Jefferson school, his class will be ended at 2:00 PM, which will conflict with his speech therapy at Providence Speech and Hearing center at 1:00 PM every Mondays with Ms. Gina so we decided to cancel the therapy.

We’ve been using tele-health for the speech sessions but because today is the last day, we wanted to see Ms. Gina for the last time in person and gave her some appreciation gift.  William was so excited to go.  Actually he had been asking to go to the office because he said it was boring to have the on-line meeting.

Meeting With The School Principal

Now that William is in Kindergarten, his school ends at 2:00 PM instead of 1:00 PM like last year. This conflicts with the Speech therapy at Providence of Speech & Hearing center, which is 1:30 PM every Monday. I planned to pull him out early around 1:00 PM on Mondays to take him to the speech therapy because the speech center doesn’t have any availability to move his session to later time.

So I stopped by the office to talk to Ms. Velado, the Lincoln school principal. At first she said the district will not allow it because it’s the parents responsibility to send their children to school; and we could go to jail if there’s so many absences. I explained to her our situation; she then asked how old is William. ‘He’s 5 now, will be turning 6 on November!’. She then said it’s ok until William turns 6 because the district only enforces the rule for 6 years old and up. So we have about 3 months to pull him out early on Mondays. After that we need to have a solution to our problem. The issue is easy to solve if the Providence center has new available spots; but then after a long day at school, I don’t know if it’s a good idea to send him to speech therapy. 6 hours at school is a long time for a 5 or 6 years old boy.

Lately his speech therapy complains that he doesn’t comply well. So maybe we take a break from speech therapy at Providence center. We still have speech therapy at school; 15 minutes a week.

I’m not sure what to do. It’s a hard decision to make because it’s really hard to get a spot at Providence center; If we give it up, there’s no guarantee that we’ll get a new spot that fits our schedule.

Occupational Therapy Evaluation

Recommended by William’s speech therapist, we scheduled for an OT evaluation from the same place, Providence Hearing and Speech center.

I took a day off to take William there, but first we stopped by at Dunkin Donuts: William loves chocolate donut.

The whole evaluation session lasted about 30 minutes; they asked me to fill out some questions: make a check mark next to the item that William can do or a cross mark if William cannot do. While I’m working on that, the lady worked with William: asked him to cut a circle, trace and color shapes and some other activities. And she took notes while doing so.

At the end, she recommended that we should have 1 hour / week for OT. Give it about 2 weeks for her to complete the report and then we should call in to schedule the sessions.

She asked what’s our concerns are. It’s that William is almost 6 years old but he still cannot button/un-button shirts/pants or tie his shoe laces. His skill of using utensils is very poor: he changes to left or right hand very often; it looks as if his fingers/hands get tired easily.

Questionare I need to fill out
The OT Evaluator