Every day when I pick William up at his Mitchell Child Development School, I always bring 3 items: a wet towel, a bottle of juice and either corn dog or cheese sandwich which is his favorite for the past month. The first thing we do when we got inside the car is to take off his shoes, then he takes off his socks himself. I use the wet towel to clean his face and hands. When the weather is hot, wiping his face with a wet cool towel really helps to cool him down to make him feel better. Then I’d ask him to drink the juice; once he has a few sips of juice then i’d let him eat the snack. While eating snack, he gets to play around in my car. We’d spend around at least 15 minutes in my car for him to eat snack (depends on how much time I have before I have to get back to work). Usually he needs 40 minutes to almost finish the corn dog and the whole bottle of juice.