First Fever In the Year 2022

Monday Jan 3rd, 2022.  First day back to school after New Year holiday 2022, William had a fever so he had to stay home for 3 days.  Besides fever he complained about the stomachache.

Tylenol 10 ml every 4 hours to decrease the fever.  I also used the warm towels to put on his forehead, body and legs.

By Tuesday afternoon his temperature became normal.  As for his stomachache, Dr. Chi said to monitor; she pressed on his stomach but he did not feel hurt so she said nothing is wrong.

Hearing Test

Whenever he uses the Ipad, he’d push up the volume to maximum and most of the time place the ipad near his ear.  So I asked if Ms. Elyse from Center of Autism can send him to test his hearing; the last time he took the test when he was 3 years old.

Starting Covid-19 Weekly Testing At School

Monday 9/27/2021, starting today students going to Santa Ana district schools will have to take Covid-19 test at school weekly; they asked us, the parents, to sign the consent form last week.  William is not an exception.

We got a text from school this morning about the test; and just now I got another text from school giving instruction how to check the test result.  Nowadays all communication from school are mostly text messages which I find it very convenient.

Yesterday I primed William about the Covid-19 test, that this will be an Oran Swab test, not the Nasal Swab test like we did at Walgreens for our Hawaii trip.  He seemed to be ok with it.

Running Nose

Friday around 9:30 AM William’s school gave me a call asking me to pick him up because he had running nose.  It turned out the nurse for this session is not the same nurse in the summer so she did not know that William has allergies.   But since I was there so I picked him up anyway.  It’s the Covid-19 pandemic, I understand that everyone is so sensitive with Covid-19 symptoms like running nose, cough, fever, etc.

William asked “Did you go to the office?” – I said Yes, then he started to throw tantrums.   He pulled me toward the parking lot while I was talking to the nurse.  I told him to wait but he was so angry that he ran to the car; I had to say sorry to the nurse to run after him.  Once in the car he kept continue to cry and kick.  I asked him what was wrong.  He said, “I don’t want you to go to the office without me!” – “But I have to go to the office to tell them that I’m here to pickup you” – I said and tried to calm him down.   But that did not work, he was upset on the way home.

Anyway, next Monday is Labor holiday so counting today that he was off early, that’s total of 4 days off school for him.


Second Grade 2021

This school year William will be a 2nd grader. How fast time flies!  His  teacher is still Mr. Castenada from the first grade.

First day of school Aug 16, 2021.  This year Santa Ana district decided to start school earlier than previous years: usually the first day of school began after the Labor Day but this year it started before the Labor Day.

Unaware of this change, we planned our trip to Hawaii from 8/12-8/16, thus William missed the first day of school.  Then when we got back, the school said William has to self-quarantine for 14 days, which means he cannot go to school until Monday 8/30/2021.

Not only school, TasKids where we have the ABA sessions, also demanded that everyone in our family to take a Covid-19 tests after 3 days we got back from our trip; and they resume sessions only if the test is negative.

We made appointment with Walgreens for all 3 of us on Saturday 8/21.  Today is Monday but still have not received the results yet, I guess because we were tested on the weekend, it’d take longer to get the result back.

Second Covid-19 Test

State of Hawaii demands that everyone is traveling to Hawaii that did not get the Covid-19 vaccine will need to take a Covid-19 test within 72 hours of the departure time; and they only allow travelers to enter the state with negative  test result.

Thus we made a 2nd Covid-19 test for William on Monday 8/9/2021 at 9:45 AM (our flight was 8/12 at 8:30 AM so we could take any appointment on 8/9 after 8:30 AM to meet the 72 hours requirement).  Out of 12 family members were going to Hawaii, only William and Victoria are under 12 years old and don’t have the Covid-19 vaccine yet.  So today I drove both of them to Walgreens for the test.

I reminded William the procedure again, he was not scared at all.

This time the result came back quickly, the next day.  I guess because it was not weekend.

It was negative for both kids.   I was so relieved because I was afraid that the result would not come before the departure date: we have to log in to the Hawaii state website to upload the report before departure.

Allergy Skin Test

With Dr. Mark H. Ellis, Pediatric Allergy and Immunology.


725 West La Veta Ave, Suite 100

Orange, CA

A skin prick test was done (They drew numbers on William’s back and and used little pricks to punch the skin on those numbers).

Did not know how it was done, William was so ready but the first prick hurt him so he refused to continue.  The nurse came in to help, she held him tightly so the he could not run.  Right way after 5 minutes we could see the marks turned red, and he started to scratch his eyes a lot.  After 20 minutes, the nurse came in to check and wrote down the results.  Then Dr. came to look at the results and gave him Benadryl to help with the allergy.