With Dr. Mark H. Ellis, Pediatric Allergy and Immunology.
725 West La Veta Ave, Suite 100
Orange, CA
A skin prick test was done (They drew numbers on William’s back and and used little pricks to punch the skin on those numbers).
Did not know how it was done, William was so ready but the first prick hurt him so he refused to continue. The nurse came in to help, she held him tightly so the he could not run. Right way after 5 minutes we could see the marks turned red, and he started to scratch his eyes a lot. After 20 minutes, the nurse came in to check and wrote down the results. Then Dr. came to look at the results and gave him Benadryl to help with the allergy.
Monday 1:00 PM, Tim texted me saying that William was scratching his eyes a lot and they were starting to swollen when he picked him up at school. He asked me to call and cancel Speech therapy. He also sent me a few pictures of William: he was crying and saying “it’s hurt!”.
1:00 PM
2:00 PM
6:00 PM
10:30 PM
So I called the doctor’s office, the receptionist said they already fully booked so they would not take more patients; and asked that I left my phone number and the doctor would call me back.
1:40 PM, doctor Yen Chi called me back, I told her William’s eyes are swollen and said it hurts; and that I was not sure if something bit him or it was allergies. “If it’s allergies then it’d be itchy, not hurt.” – Dr. replied. She said she had to see it to be sure and asked that we brought him in.
So I told Tim to take William to the doctor’s office as soon as possible, William was still crying at this time.
3:00 PM, Tim got him from the doctor; the doctor said it was allergies so she prescribed some medicine to drink and some eye drops.
5:30 PM, I picked up the medicine from the pharmacy, stopped by the bakery to buy some chocolate cake slices that I know William loves so much; There’s Phở’s Lovers near by so I brought 2 bowls to-go for our dinner.
6:30 PM, got home and William just got out of shower, he was lying on the bed and crying. Tim said he could not take a nap. We gave him 10 ml of Loratadine for allergy and some eye drops.
Then we had Phở for dinner and chocolate cake for dessert. Now his eyes seemed to stop bothering him: he began to laugh while watching the videos of Oddbods.
11:00 PM His eyes started to look better. We gave him more eye drops.
This morning, his eyes still not back to normal yet but it seemed that it doesn’t bother him anymore. I gave him another 10 ml of Loratadine and some eye drops.
I was expecting calls from school saying that he’s scratching eyes but no body called, which I was so glad.
Next day, in the morning, much better but still swollen a little bit.
Monday 11:30 AM. Got a call from the school nurse saying William was sitting in her office because his eyes were swollen. She asked I I gave him any medicine in the morning, I said No; She then asked if we ever used the EpiPen, I said “We never had to.”. Then she said she’d let William stayed in her office to watch and would update me if there’s any news.
After the conversation, it struck me that she mention EpiPen! it must be something worse that she was thinking about using EpiPen. Soon she called me back and told me that the teachers gave out peanut ice cream, even though William did not get it but some how it affected him so that must be why he was scratching his eyes a lot. And she asked that I picked him up. It was 11:50 PM.
I came to the school right away; William was in the nurse office with Ms. Newman. She said she threw away all the peanuts candies (Halloween is coming up, that was why she had candies) but some how William still got infected. He didn’t throw up so that tells me that he did not eat any; so probably he touched it or smelled it. He stopped scratching after the nurse gave him some Benadryl.
The nurse, Vanessa, said that she’s never seen any allergic case so she would not know if it happens right a way or after a period of time so she called Orange County office to find out. They told her allergic reactions would take place right away. I’m a little bit worried that the nurse is not very experienced so I’m a bit concern if she knows what to do and do things in the timely manner.
I took him home, made him a cheese sandwich, and gave him milk. I cancelled the Speech therapy session so that he could stay home and rest. After finish the milk, he felt asleep. I went back to work, leaving him for Tim to watch.
Monday morning 8:00 AM. Dropped William off on time. He started to scratch him eyes again, I put some Aquaphor cream on his eyes. There was only Ms. De Leon and the teacher aid that were receiving all the classmates at the gate so they were busy holding hands of other children while waiting for other childen. William sat on the ground with both hands touching the ground, and the teachers did not seem to notice. Few minutes later when they started to walk, that’s when William stood up and walked with the group, I guess to the cafeteria.
11:00 AM, got a call from Mrs. Gloria from school, saying William was scratching his eyes so bad that she gave him a dose of Benadryl. She called to let me know that.
11:52 AM, got another call from Mrs. De Leon while I was driving to school, saying his eyes didn’t get better. I told her I was on the way.
He looked sleepy when I picked him up at his class. When we got home, he laid on my thigh several times. So I cancelled his Speech therapy session at 1:30 PM.
Not sure what’ s going on with his eyes but he’s been scratching his eyes for the last few weeks. Some days it’s worse, some days it’s better. But his left eye lid always look swollen and red.
William’s morning look; he’s always handsome in my eyes 🙂
Last day of school. I picked William’s medicine at the office and then stopped by the room on the way out. William was watching the movie with his peers.
Walking to classroom after picking up breakfast with Ms. De Leon.