Running Nose

Friday around 9:30 AM William’s school gave me a call asking me to pick him up because he had running nose.  It turned out the nurse for this session is not the same nurse in the summer so she did not know that William has allergies.   But since I was there so I picked him up anyway.  It’s the Covid-19 pandemic, I understand that everyone is so sensitive with Covid-19 symptoms like running nose, cough, fever, etc.

William asked “Did you go to the office?” – I said Yes, then he started to throw tantrums.   He pulled me toward the parking lot while I was talking to the nurse.  I told him to wait but he was so angry that he ran to the car; I had to say sorry to the nurse to run after him.  Once in the car he kept continue to cry and kick.  I asked him what was wrong.  He said, “I don’t want you to go to the office without me!” – “But I have to go to the office to tell them that I’m here to pickup you” – I said and tried to calm him down.   But that did not work, he was upset on the way home.

Anyway, next Monday is Labor holiday so counting today that he was off early, that’s total of 4 days off school for him.