Tooth Hurts!

Late Thursday afternoon, William complained that his tooth hurt.   I asked him to open his mouth and point to where he felt hurt, he pointed on the bottom right.  I saw swollen gum so I thought that’s where it hurt.

I told him rinsing his mouth with salt water would help to sooth the swollen gum; and to my surprise, he was willing to try.  I asked him to keep the salt water in his mouth until I counted to 20; and we needed to do it 3 times.  I did it without any problem.

Later he seemed to feel hurt more, so I gave him some Motrin; that helped him to sleep easier.  He woke up around mid night and complained about his tooth; it was more than 6 hours since I gave him Motrin so I gave him another 5ml; and 5ml Benadryl to help with his running nose.  He felt asleep about 1 hour later.

Friday morning, he was still sleepy so I texted Mr. Castenada about his tooth and asked for excuse from class.  “Toothache is no fun, let him rest” – replied Mr. C.

The whole Friday I’d give him Motrin every 6 hrs and had him rinse his mouth with salt water several times.  I texted my good friend Nhi at the All Children Dental for appointment, we got one at 9:00 AM on Saturday.  Knowing how he was so terrified on his first visit to the dentist about a year back, I primed him that we needed to see the dentist to check on his pain.  “No pulling tooth?” – He asked.  “No, the dentist will just check to see why your tooth is hurt” – I assured him.  I also primed him that they’d need to take the X-ray so that he needs to sit still while doing the X-ray.

Saturday morning, he woke up early around 7:30 AM.  I gave him some milk and cereal for breakfast before we headed to the dental office.  We arrived around 8:30 AM, he did not seem to be scared at all, I’m glad.

After filling out the forms and waiting for 10 minutes, they called his name.  They asked me to wait in the waiting area but I told the dental assistant that she would need my help because he would not sit still; so she let me in with him

She took him to the x-ray machine; to my surprise, he sit still and listened and did what the lady told him to do.  Two year ago I had to sit on the X-ray chair and hold him!  My little boy is growing up and starting to understand things.

After the X-ray, he was asked to sit on the chair and wait for the dentist.  He jumped on it with some enthusiasm.  I primed him that the doctor would need to see his teeth so he need to lie down still and open his mouth.  He nodded.  The assistant came to clean his teeth.  As soon as he saw she picked up the cleaning tool, he jumped off the chair so quickly and stood next to the wall!  Finally I had to hold him and lie down on the chair for the lady to clean his tooth.  It was a quick clean for about 2 minutes.

We were told to wait for the doctor; so I got off the chair and let him sit there by himself.  I reminded him again that the dentist will need to check his teeth so he needs to lie down still and do not move his head.  But then when he saw the doctor  apply some cream on his teeth, he jumped off the chair again and spit out on the floor!  One more time I had to hold him lying down so that the doctor could exam his teeth.

“We need to pull out this tooth!” – the doctor said.  Later when we got home, I realized that it’s the tooth that had the root canal 2 years back!  Why he has pain on the root canal tooth and that we have to pull it out?  Does that mean the root canal failed?  I felt so sad that William has to go thru this for the tooth that is NOT supposed to hurt if the doctor did a good job on the root canal.  The root canal procedure was supposed to save the tooth, but it did not!  He went thru that traumatized experience 2 years ago for nothing!

Doctor Vo said to make appointment for pulling the tooth.  I told her we’d call to make the appointment, so for now please prescribe him some antibiotics to help with the infection. So she did! ( She was not gonna prescribe anything until I asked).

William left the office feeling happy I think (no teeth was pulling out as I promised him).  We stopped by the SaiGon pharmacy to get his antibiotics medicine right after leaving the dental office.

We got him, gave him some lunch and we started the antibiotics and continue with Motrin because he still felt hurt.    He said the pink medicine does not taste good at all and that he hated it.  He said last time we had white medicine which tasted better.  I do not remember what was the color of the antibiotics last time but he kept saying it was white!

After 3 days with antibiotics, we finished 1 bottle, his pain is gone, so I stopped giving him antibiotics.

I was debating if I should make dental appointment for him for next Saturday or not; it’d be Memorial holiday weekend;  We need to have him start on the ADHD medicine that Ms. Elyse prescribed for him; she said that would give him headache and tummy ache for about 3 days so we should start on the weekend, which means this Memorial weekend is perfect to start.  If we don’t, then we’d have to wait till the next weekend.  This is the 2nd weekend after her prescription so I don’t think we should not delay further.  Thus, I decided not to make that dental appointment; and that we’d start on the ADHD medicine instead.

He’s no longer feel pain on his bad teeth, last time I checked.  “My tooth feels better now!” – He said.

Check Up After Tooth Extraction

After 3 days, he still complained about hurting where the tooth was removed.  Even when we gave him Tylenol.

Mrs. Sandy from school called this morning saying William kept complaining about his teeth pain and refused to eat/drink anything.

Fortunately I took a day off today for his IEP meeting, but the meeting was not until 2:00 PM So I asked my friend Nhi if I could bring him in today for check up. She said OK and set up appointment at 11:00 AM.

Taking X-ray of the painful tooth
Waiting for the doctor to finish with her patient.

The doctor said his gum was swollen that causing the pain. The extraction are was starting to heal so there’s no issue there. She advised to keep brushing the teeth to keep them clean; and keep giving him Tylenol when needed.

There’s nothing else they can do.

Then we met Nhi for lunch at the ILanet Coffe in Westminster. It was her day off.

Beautiful Nhi with Shaking Beef salad
William only wanted to eat fries

First Tooth Extraction

William got sedated. Waited for about 1 hour after the sedation. They wrapped him in the pedi-wrap with his arms tied along his body. They asked me to wait in the the lobby. William cried so hard. And I was crying inside too.

The procedure took about 1 hour. When it was done, William was still crying.

I was asked to leave the room, William was crying so hard inside.
More X-rays
After sedation, waiting about 1 hr for the procedure
Needed to sign some papers for for the procedure.
And the result!

3rd Time To The Dentist

Friday night, I called one of my long time friends Nhi who works at the All Children’s Dental office to ask her about teeth in general. She asked why not bring William to her office. It turns out she’s the office manager there so she could get us the appointment at 8:00 AM the next day! She said we should go as early as possible to beat the crowd because Saturdays are always crowded. She’d be there about 7:30 AM.

A little bit early for William but he did not cry when I carried him out to the car. We came in, filled out the paper works and my friend Nhi came out to take us in right away. They took some X-rays, Nhi & the doctor looked at the X-rays and declared that William would need to remove 1 tooth, crown 2 teeth and 1 filling. And we agreed to do the procedure next week.

My friend Nhi in purple uniform

All happened within an hour. Thanks to my best friend Nhi. I did not know why I did not take William to her in the first place.

As promised, I drove William to Chuck-e-Cheese on the way home; turned out we were 20 minutes too early, they open at 9:30 AM. So we went to Carl’s Jr. next door for breakfast.

It basically was empty in the morning, William enjoyed running around without running into any other kids. He did not care much for playing games, he enjoyed putting the tickets into the machine and watched it running thru the slot.

He went home happy did not know that there’s a big procedure waiting for him next week.

2nd Visit To The Dentist

William has been complaining about the pain in his mouth, his teeth so I decided to take him to the dentist; he was due for annual check up anyway.

Luckily, we got an appointment on Wed at 1:00 PM, before our trip to Mammoth Lakes.

Picked him up early at school around 12:30 PM. He said “No Gary!”. I could see why he said that because before we have aunt Lily to pick him up; I’d pick him up and take him to Gary’s daycare. So when he saw me, he was wondering if I would take him there. So I said, “No, No Gary; we’re going to the dentist.”. He said “No dentist” but did not kick or cry. I comforted him by telling him that this was just a check up, no pulling teeth.

He was doing ok with the X-Ray even though he kept moving his head. He could not wait in the room for the doctor; he kept walking around and checking out the rooms.

We did not get to see the doctor; the doctor’s assistant came and looked into William’s mouth; asking about if he’s hurt. Then he said he’d look into the X-rays.

William kept running around while we were waiting.

Then another assistant came in and asked if he’s ok to drink medicine. I said Yes but I was totally lost why he was asking that question. He kept on saying if William is not ok with medication then they’d refer him to other dentist.

It Hurts!

Wednesday night while we were eating dinner, William pointed to his lower right teeth and said “It hurts!”, and he did not enjoy eating too much. Later in the early morning around 1:00 AM his cries woke me; I kept asking him “Where does it hurt?” but he didn’t reply. So I asked “Is it nose or mouth?”. “Nose!”, he said.

So I thought he had trouble breathing, but I looked closely on his face, his throat and stomach, he did not seem to have breathing issues at all but I still took out the albuterol nebulizer but he pushed it away. I also gave him 5ml of Loratadine for his allergies.

He went back to sleep and woke up again crying around 2 AM, then again 3:40 AM!

I wish he could tell me what was hurting him but he did not so I was sitting there looking at him and trying to guess what was wrong. I recalled he said his teeth hurt while eating dinner so my best guess is that his teeth was hurting, not his nose like he said.

So I pulled out a list of dentist that our Service Co-ordinator Kim Than gave me last time we meet. Called the one that she recommended, Tustin Pediatric Dentistry, but they don’t accept Medi-cal. Then I googled it, found a few near me, and decided to try the South Coast Pediatric Dentistry which is ranked #5 in Yelp. It was 8:00 AM, I called several times but all I got was the machine so I left a voice message. Around 9:10 AM someone called me back, and we settled for 11:00 AM appointment.

It was raining so hard outside; in fact it had been raining for a few days already!

William was still in deep sleep so I let him, poor little guy he could not sleep much last night. I woke him up around 9:30 AM so that he could have some breakfast before heading to the dentist. I only told him that we were going shopping :).