2nd Visit To The Dentist

William has been complaining about the pain in his mouth, his teeth so I decided to take him to the dentist; he was due for annual check up anyway.

Luckily, we got an appointment on Wed at 1:00 PM, before our trip to Mammoth Lakes.

Picked him up early at school around 12:30 PM. He said “No Gary!”. I could see why he said that because before we have aunt Lily to pick him up; I’d pick him up and take him to Gary’s daycare. So when he saw me, he was wondering if I would take him there. So I said, “No, No Gary; we’re going to the dentist.”. He said “No dentist” but did not kick or cry. I comforted him by telling him that this was just a check up, no pulling teeth.

He was doing ok with the X-Ray even though he kept moving his head. He could not wait in the room for the doctor; he kept walking around and checking out the rooms.

We did not get to see the doctor; the doctor’s assistant came and looked into William’s mouth; asking about if he’s hurt. Then he said he’d look into the X-rays.

William kept running around while we were waiting.

Then another assistant came in and asked if he’s ok to drink medicine. I said Yes but I was totally lost why he was asking that question. He kept on saying if William is not ok with medication then they’d refer him to other dentist.