Started on Saturday which was 5 days ago, William’s poop was all watery. There’s nothing new in his diet: still Mac & Cheese and Spaghetti. But I’m not sure what he ate at the day care though. Usually he’d “Poo” once a day or at most 2 times. These days he went 3 or 4 times!
So I made an appointment to see the doctor today. Picked him up at the day care around 3:45 and took him to the doctor. As we got near to the doctor office, he said “No Doctor!”. I told him the doctor will check out his stomach to make sure everything is ok; and that there would be no shots. He kept quiet and did not cry or kick.
Last time we had a hard time to get him up on the scale. This time was easy, he went straight to the scale when his name was called.

Dr. Huy was off, so we met with Dr. Chi this time. She said he only went 3 or 4 times so there’s no need for medicine. Just watch out for what he eats: no milk. If he goes more than 6 times a day we can let him have Imodium. She checked his stomach and said it’s ok. So that was it!
I asked if taking Pedialyte is ok; she said yes since we’re reducing the amount of milk that he’s gonna take.

We went to Walmart to buy the Pedialyte after leaving the doctor office. William’s behavior was so good, he did not run or sit on the floor. While paying the the Pedialyte; he grabbed the Mentos mint and ate some on the way home.
So we limited the amount of milk that he had at night. We could not just totally take it all away because he has to have milk before bed; otherwise he could not sleep.
8/4/2019: in the afternoon his poop was fine but then later at night, it was all watery again.
8/5/2019: it seems to go back to normal.
Waiting to be called.. Waiting in the room, can’t stop playing with the keyboard and mouse.