Allergy Skin Test

With Dr. Mark H. Ellis, Pediatric Allergy and Immunology.


725 West La Veta Ave, Suite 100

Orange, CA

A skin prick test was done (They drew numbers on William’s back and and used little pricks to punch the skin on those numbers).

Did not know how it was done, William was so ready but the first prick hurt him so he refused to continue.  The nurse came in to help, she held him tightly so the he could not run.  Right way after 5 minutes we could see the marks turned red, and he started to scratch his eyes a lot.  After 20 minutes, the nurse came in to check and wrote down the results.  Then Dr. came to look at the results and gave him Benadryl to help with the allergy.


7th Annual Check up

Monday 12/7/2020, appointment @9:30 AM.

Height: 3 Ft 11. Weight: 48.44 lbls

They asked us to call the office when we got the the parking lot, so we did.  They asked a few questions, and we answered No to all of them then they asked us to come up to the office.  We understand it’s Covid-19 pandemic, and the governor has issued the “Stay At Home” order for the next 3 weeks, that they have to be extra careful about whom they’d allow to come in to their office.  Their questions are: Does William has fever? Has be been to the hospital recently? has he been close to people that has Covid-19? etc.   And they reminded us to wear mask.

We went up to the office, there was no one waiting in the waiting room.  They took us to room #3 right away, but we had to wait about 30 minutes for the assistant to take William to weight, measure his height,  take his blood pressure and check his vision.  Then we waited another 15 minutes for the Doctor.

William as usual, would not sit still to wait, he walked around the room, climbed up the chair to look thru the window, tried to move up the window blind, lied on the table, etc.

Dr. Huy listened to his heart, lungs, checked his legs, etc.  Everything is fine, he’s a healthy boy.  Dr. Huy said he needs to drink 2 cups of milk a day.  Lately he drinks only 1 cup and some days he doesn’t.  And lastly the Dr. gave him a Flu shot:  William tried to withdraw his arm but Dr. Huy was so quick, it was done in second, and William did not feel a thing.   That’s why I love to have Dr. Huy gives William shots :).