First Fever In the Year 2022

Monday Jan 3rd, 2022.  First day back to school after New Year holiday 2022, William had a fever so he had to stay home for 3 days.  Besides fever he complained about the stomachache.

Tylenol 10 ml every 4 hours to decrease the fever.  I also used the warm towels to put on his forehead, body and legs.

By Tuesday afternoon his temperature became normal.  As for his stomachache, Dr. Chi said to monitor; she pressed on his stomach but he did not feel hurt so she said nothing is wrong.

First Tooth Extraction

William got sedated. Waited for about 1 hour after the sedation. They wrapped him in the pedi-wrap with his arms tied along his body. They asked me to wait in the the lobby. William cried so hard. And I was crying inside too.

The procedure took about 1 hour. When it was done, William was still crying.

I was asked to leave the room, William was crying so hard inside.
More X-rays
After sedation, waiting about 1 hr for the procedure
Needed to sign some papers for for the procedure.
And the result!

I Want To Scratch!

“I want to scratch!” is the phrase that William has been using every day for a few months now. He loves to be massaged/scratched on his back. In the morning, in order to get him out of bed, i have to scratch on his back; and few more times before heading to school; and then few more times at night too. I’d count from 1 to 3; and often time he would ask “I want scratch so many times!”, which simply means he wants more.

Why do you want to scratch? – Because it hurts!

But it’s not really because he’s hurt, he just feels itchy.

We always apply lotion all over his face & body after shower; in the morning after washing his face, I’d put more lotion on the itchy areas but he still scratches here and there. Some day is better than the other days. Like today, the teacher said he was scratching all over his body so she took him to the nurse to put on some hydrocortisone cream.