Last Week Of Summer School 2018

Monday morning 8:00 AM.  Dropped William off on time.  He started to scratch him eyes again, I put some Aquaphor cream on his eyes.  There was only Ms. De Leon and the teacher aid that were receiving all the classmates at the gate so they were busy holding hands of other children while waiting for other childen.  William sat on the ground with both hands touching the ground, and the teachers did not seem to notice.  Few minutes later when they started to walk, that’s when William stood up and walked with the group, I guess to the cafeteria.

11:00 AM, got a call from Mrs. Gloria from school, saying William was scratching his eyes so bad that she gave him a dose of Benadryl.  She called to let me know that.

11:52 AM, got another call from Mrs. De Leon while I was driving to school, saying his eyes didn’t get better.  I told her I was on the way.

He looked sleepy when I picked him up at his class.  When we got home, he laid on my thigh several times.  So I cancelled his Speech therapy session at 1:30 PM.

Not sure what’ s going on with his eyes but he’s been scratching his eyes for the last few weeks.  Some days it’s worse, some days it’s better.  But his left eye lid always look swollen and red.


William’s morning look; he’s always handsome in my eyes 🙂


Last day of school. I picked William’s medicine at the office and then stopped by the room on the way out. William was watching the movie with his peers.
Walking to classroom after picking up breakfast with Ms. De Leon.




Fever Is Gone, Thanks God!

Sunday 6 AM. William woke up early at 6:00; I touched his forehead and his fever was gone!  I’m so relieved because I was so worried that he had to skip school.  We took a walk around the neighborhood and then went to church.  He felt asleep during the mass, I guess because of the Benadryl that I gave him before going to the church.

Played in the back yard

Later in the afternoon he wanted to go to water park but it was too late, the water park would be closed by the time we arrived so we took him to the beach instead.  He walked with us to go near the water which is a big improvement because before he’d refuse to go near the water.

More photos:

Ready to take a walk around the neighborhood. He loves to take the cards with him everywhere (he put the cards in the bucket)
I turned on the light, he loved it so much that he let the tassels touched his face. Minutes later he started to scratch his cheeks so I gave him some Benadryl.

William and Dad Tim

He loved it that I put sand over his feet.
He picked up a shell and threw it back to the water



William looked tired; poor my little baby boy!

Friday Night.

While William was  eating yogurt after dinner, he threw up!  His forehead was warm to the touch.  Soon later, his temp raised to 102.6 so I gave him 7.5 ml of the Children Tylenol Fever & Pain Reliever.  His temp decreased later to 101.2  and he felt asleep. His eyes are still swollen and I put some Aquaphor cream on it.

Saturday Morning.  William woke up around 7 AM.  His temp risen back to 102.3 so I gave him another dose of Tylenol.  He acted very normal later: play, watch ipad, run around, eat lunch.   He played with water in our garden for about 15 minutes then I took him to shower and had lunch.

Saturday 2 PM.  Another dose of Tylenol; he looked sleepy but somehow he could not sleep.  Later afternoon around 5 PM, I fed him some sweet cake,  smoothie yogurt, some french fries.  Then we played for half an hour in the garden.  He peed in his pants so I gave him another shower with warm water with hoping that could lower his temp.

8 PM, his temp rose again to 102 therefore another dose of Tylenol.  He had a bottle of milk and felt asleep around 9:30 PM.

Hopefully he’ll feel better tomorrow so that I can go to school.   In order to go to school one has to be fever free for at least 24 hours.


In our garden

There’s something on his right leg that is getting bigger. Not sure what that is.

Trouble Breathing Again

William taking break in my car as usual.

Early morning Thursday at 2:30 AM, William woke up and cried.  We could see he had trouble breathing; and the kept pushing his finger against his nose; looked like he had a stuffy nose.  So we gave him the albuterol treatment.   He felt back to sleep after finishing the rest of his milk.

Poor little guy; he didn’t fall asleep until midnight last nite; and only 2 and 1/2 hour later woke up because of the stuffing nose.

8:30 AM I took him to the Mitchell school nurse, Mrs. Higbie.  She checked on him and said everything was clear.  William looked like he was fine so I took him to his class and asked Mrs. Hana to watch him for any trouble of breathing.

The day went by, I picked him up around 12:50 PM; William was running toward me as usual with no sign of sickness.

Having fun jumping around in the car.

Medi-Cal System Is Not Updated

Tues 1/3/2018

For the past month we could not get medication for William; when we came to the pharmacy, their system shows Williams has active coverage with Anthem BlueCross thus they cannot use Medi-cal.  The billing lady at the doctor office told us the same thing.

I was so surprised because we requested to remove William out of Tim’s policy few months back when we got Medi-cal.  So I had Tim to talk to his HR again.  Not sure if they did not do it that time or it just took that long to be effective.  Finally it shows up as in-active at Anthem web site on Dec, with the Ended Date is 11/1/2017.

I thought the Medi-cal system would update automatically so I gave it 2 weeks to come to the pharmacy again; and guess what? The status is still active!

So I called Cal-Optima, they said I have to send in the Termination Letter from Anthem before they can TEMPORARILY REMOVE William’s insurance so that I can get medication for William; but this is just temporary.  To PERMANENTLY remove insurance, we need to contact Social Service.

So I called Ms. Juliana from Medi-Cal office; she was our Medi-cal case manager.   She said that we no longer have a specific case worker, we need call the Medi-cal number.

So I called the Medi-Cal number Ms. Juliana provided (waiting time was 1 hour, I left the phone number and they called back).  The lady temporarily remove William’s insurance so that we can get medication for William but she said that we still need to send in the termination letter from Anthem so that it can be permanently removed.  She said the system gets updated by the State so she has no control over it.  She removed it temporarily but the state will put it back unless it’s permanently updated by the state.

Later in the evening, I asked the pharmacy, and they said the system is still not updated!

Thursday 1/4/2018

8:10 AM We called Anthem requesting the termination letter.   It took about 20 minutes, finally I got the letter sent to me via email.  It’s a 2 step authentication process to open the pdf file: From the email, clicking on the link to register (name, email, password, etc. ) then it’d load the pdf file after account is created.  When opening the file it’d ask for password, which is given to me by the Anthem rep.  It’s Anthem1234.

12:00 PM I came to Staples to fax the termination letter to Cal Optima and Medical.  I tried both fax numbers given to me by the lady at the Medi-cal but they all failed.  So I went to Medi-cal website to get a fax number and faxed to that.  I also faxed to CalOptima.

Friday 1/5/2018

10 AM I called CalOptima, it took 15 minutes for the rep to find our fax; then she said she temporarily update the system so that William can get his medication.

12:00 PM I came to the Social Security office because no-one from Medi-cal office returned my call.  The front desk said for this I need to see a case worker; so I waited for 1 hour and 10 minutes to see one.  His name is Alex.  He checked the system and said that the system  was still not updated! I was so disappointed because I just talked to CalOptima 2 hours ago, and she assured me that it was temporarily updated.  At this point, I really felt that I can’t trust what people say anymore.

Alex said he would email Sacramento and once they receive the email, they’d process it within 24 hours, which means by Tuesday the system should be updated.  He also said he’d try to see if he can temporarily remove the insurance; he’d call me in 30 minutes to let me know.

So I went back to work; Half hour later Alex called and said that he was able to remove BlueCross insurance temporarily.

Monday 1/8/2018

A case worker returned my call!  She confirmed that BlueCross doesn’t show up in the state system anymore.  I called CalOptima to confirm, Molly said the same thing.

Tues 1/9/2018

So I asked our pharmacist  to check, he still could not bill Medi-cal!

5:00 PM.  I called CalOptima, talked to Molly again; and she still said the same thing.  William’s record only shows United Care Group which is the group that I selected from Cal-Optima.

So at this point I really don’t know what else to do.  Everyone from Medi-cal and CalOptima said there’s no private insurance in William record but the pharmacist still cannot bill Medi-cal; which means I still cannot get medication for my son.  Unbelievable!

The pharmacist suggested that we call United Care Group.

Fri 2/2/2018

I called Cal-Optima, they confirmed that the BlueCross Health Insurance is no longer listed in the system.  I’m so happy that this is finally taken care of.

Annual Check Up and Fever!

Monday 9:30 AM, William had doctor appointment for annual check up.  The doctor gave him 2 immunization shots.

Later at night his head felt warm to the touch and around 3:00 AM, he had a fever with the temp of 103.6.  We gave him 1 tablespoon of Tylenol.  He also had stuffy nose that caused him to breath heavily so we let him use the Albuterol machine. We let him watched the youTube videos while using the Albuterol treatment.  Half and hour later his temp decreased, we took away the iPad and gave him a bottle of milk,  He felt asleep shortly after that.

Today morning, his temp rose up to 103 again so I decided to let him stay home: send Mrs. Hana from Mitchell a message saying he’s not going to school; emailed ABEST to cancel session at the day care and emailed my work that I’d be working from home today.

9:00 AM, I gave him another spoon of Tylenol and gave him a bottle of milk.

11:30 AM: his temp came down to 98, which is good.  I let him using his iPad the whole morning to distract him from any irritations his fever might cause; and also so that I can work.

Weight: 37 lbls. Height: 39 inches.

Allergy – Skin Reactions

Itchy all over the face

Sunday noon.  We were cleaning up the toys box; and William was playing with the toys as normal.  When I prompted him that it was about time to have lunch, I noticed that his face skin near the left eyes turned red so after he sat down on the chair, I used a wet towel to clean his face.  Today we had chicken soup vermicelli.  After only a few spoons, his face got worse and he was scratching on over his face and neck, especially his left eye.  So we stopped feeding him; I gave him a teaspoon of Claritin and asked Tim to give him a shower.  Then we applied some itchy cream on his face.  Other than feeling itchy, he didn’t not have any signs of breathing problem which told me that it was only skin reactions.

We continued lunch; but I changed his diet.  I fed him spaghetti instead.  Obviously he was feeling terrible with the itch that he ran to bed and didn’t want to eat just after a few spoon.  So I gave him a bottle of milk instead; and applied 1 more time the itchy cream.

By 2:00 PM, less itchy and the redness on his face gradually disappeared but his eyes still not getting better but I could tell it was less swollen.

By 4:00 PM he didn’t take a nap so we took him to Chuck e Cheese.

Tim said it might be the vermicelli but I really don’t think so because his eyes started to get swollen before I fed him the chicken soup.  Must be something from the toys; these toys are sitting in the box for so long so there might be dust or something that triggered his skin reactions.

Neck too!
His left eye looked really bad

Getting better!
William enjoyed eating Zebra popcorn.


Speech Evaluation

Monday Nov 13, 2017.  We had speech evaluation appointment at 1:30 PM at Providence Hearing and Speech Center in Fountain valley location, which we had to schedule 1 month ahead.  Seems like with Providence center, the normal time frame is 1 month.  Last time we had to wait 1 month for the Audio test too.

Tim picked William up a little bit early from Mitchell school to make it on time for the speech eval.

They arrived home around 2:30 PM.

Neurologist Meeting

Friday morning, we had appointment to see the Neurologist Thanh Le in Newport Beach.   Its location is hard to find so I ended up park in the business center near by and walk to his office.  The building is so beautiful with water fountains and green landscape.  His office is on the 2nd floor, William enjoyed riding the elevator as usual but he he cried and kicked when we approached the office door;  once we got inside he refused to get off the stroller.

I filled out all the paperwork at home so it didn’t take long to check in.   We waited for only 5 minutes then the lady took William to the scale to measure and weight him.  37 inches and 36 Lbs.  About 10 more minutes waiting in room #1 for the neurologist Thanh Le.   The doctor came in, said hi to me and started talking about Autism.  He didn’t try to gain William’s attention or communicate with him but I know he was observing him while talking to me.  About 10 minutes later he turned to William, gave him a little tape measurement so that William can play with and he has another one that he used to measure William’s head.  Then he used some metal tool to knock lightly on William’s knees.

He said William met all the criteria of autistic.   The most important thing is William didn’t look at him when he walked into the room (no eyes contact).  Dr. said normal children would just look at the him  and use eyes to observe.  Normal children would point to this or that when they like some thing, but William would just take my hands and lead me to the things that he likes.  Dr. Thanh explained that autistic children would not understand body language.  If we say the same sentence in 3 different voices: normal, angry or happy. Normal children would understand that but autistic children only understand the words (if they can), not the differences in the way we say.  He used Blind and Deaf person for examples a lot.  He said we don’t yell at Deaf people because we know they can’t hear us.   Autistic Spectrum Disorder, why they call it Spectrum?  Because spectrum is a range.  1 end is Autism, in the middle is normal people and the other end is Politician.  A Politician can talk about 1 small for 2 hours, while Autistic person doesn’t want to talk at all.

He said, ABA services is more important than speech therapy because William doesn’t have problem with speech at all, he can echo what we said.  It’s just that he DOESN’T WANT to TALK! and it’s one of the characteristic of autism.

He also mentioned that in San Jose there’s a company that has a whole building for autistic people to work where they provide foods, shower and couches/beds facilities.   The doctor was trying to say that there’s hope for my boy if I raise him in a right environment, he can find a job and work as normal person.  But first need to teach him to talk so that he can communicate even just at the minimum level.

The meeting took about 30 minutes total, I think, and Dr. Le gave us a report right after that. And he said it’s recommended to see a neurologist every year.

Dr. Thanh Le has been a neurologist for 20 years so I trust his expertise in this field; and plus I really like the way he talked and explained things to me, very easy to understand; and his approach of waiting 10 minutes to interact with William to make sure William is getting used to his presence in the room is brilliant.

Dr. Thanh Le’s office – William was not happy to be here
Room #1, waiting for the doctor.
Newport Plaza
Nice landscape with water fountains


Dr. Thanh Le uses a metal tool to check William’s knees




























New ABA Staff – E. Afzal

Wednesday 5:30 PM.

As I was told before, today we met a new ABA technician named E. Afzal; she’s a young Indian lady.   Supervisor Kevin came too.  William mostly came to Kevin, I guess because he needs time to make acquaintance with Ms. Afzal.  At first I didn’t see her smile  but maybe she was nervous being with a new client?  Later on she smiled more but I’m not sure if William likes her yet.

Later Mrs. Nhu came to talk about the situation with Magellan: we still have not heard from Magellan yet and the contract with RCOC is about to expire in 2 weeks.  I’m a little bit worried.