Thursday. William still coughed a lot so we designated Tim to stay home and watched him. It’s Valentine’s day, and I already prepared all the little treats for his teachers and classmates so I took out the umbrella and headed to his school. It was raining hard so instead of waiting for the teachers to come out, I came to the office and fortunately Ms. Newman was there. So I gave her the Valentine’s treats; and filled out the absence card for school.
We also bought 1 box of cookies for the teachers at Children’s World Preschool.

Later at night, it was 11 PM and he still could not sleep, so I asked if he wanted a cookie. He said yes and followed me to the kitchen. He grabbed the chocolate box that Tim bought for me on V-day and went back to bed. He picked 1 chocolate; I broke the chocolate in half to check if there’s peanuts; it looked like just toffee so I let him eat it. He ate 1 half and put his finger into his mouth; I though the sticky toffee stuck in his teeth so I took him to the bathroom to brush his teeth; then took him back to bed.
I went back to the bathroom to clean up and heard some noise coming from the bedroom; sounded like he was throwing up. Uh oh! I ran back to the bedroom and there he was, standing on the edge of the bed and threw up on the floor. He said, “It’s Peanuts”.
Definitely peanuts, otherwise he would not throw up that much.
I woke Tim up to help me change William and clean up the floor. Then we gave him 6ml of Loratadine and let him use the Nebulizer to make sure his airways are not clogged. I watched his breath and his stomach and luckily his breath was normal.