Welcome Year 2022

The year of 2021 ended with lots of unfortunate events happened to us, but it was also the year that we first took the longest road trip to Monument Valley (8 hours driving).   William is now 8 years old; he loves to travel but is not really fond of hiking.  If the weather is hot or the hiking roads have flowers or butterflies, he’d just refuse to go.

It was 10:00 PM, I opened the Apple Cider bottle to get ready to count down but he wanted to drink right away.  Then he felt asleep around 11:00 PM, before the count down.

Here’s to a new year, looking forward to lots more travel and the end of the Covid-19 pandemic.  Cheers!



Trunk or Treat

William’s school Thomas Jefferson Elementary School organized the Trunk or Treat event at the school parking lot on Thursday from 5:30 PM-7:00 PM, so we took William there.  He did not want to go.

It was small but nice to see everyone was having fun.  William did not want to wear any costume, even a mask!  And he did not even want to hold the candy bag and ask for candies,  so I had to do that for him.  One surprise is that we met his teacher Mr. C standing next to his decorated truck to give out candy and also saw his scarecrow on the fence.  Have gave William some skittles.

The music was nice but William thought it was loud so he covered his ears when walking around.  We did not stay long because William did not seem to enjoy it.

We ordered pizza on the way home.   While waiting for the pizza in the car, William hung up the lights and glow in the dark sticks on any hooks he could find in the car, seems like he wants to decorate the car with lights, so I told him, how about next year we’ll decorate our car and give out candies?  He did not response but I think he’d like that.  Let’s see if we can do it next year!  Sounds fun!


Fall-O-Ween event was at Heritage Hill Historical Park in Lake Forest.  A free event.   The scavenger hunt requires 6 stamps, then you’ll get a small bag of goodies.   William enjoyed this place very much, he walked around with us without running around.   We took quite a few pictures because their decorations are very nice.   On the way to dinner, I asked if he liked that event, he said yes.  I said, “It’s nice that you got a bag of candies”.

– “Not much” – he replied.  And he was right, there was only about 4 candies in the big brown paper bag.  I explained to him that there’s lots of kids coming so we have to share the candies,  4 is good enough.    He enjoyed eating the candies while looking out the car window: we were driving to a Japanese restaurant near there: the Ajisen Ramen at Diamond Jamboree shopping center in Irvine.

We ordered 2 special bowls, I asked for an empty small bowl so that I could share with William.  It turned out he wanted to have a big bowl and let me use the small bowl!  I told him he could have the big bowl only if he ate noodle with meat, he said “OK”.   And he did, he actually liked the meat in this ramen bowl.  It’s been more than a year since we’re back to this place.  I remember that time he did not like this ramen as much as he did today: he has changed and knows how to enjoy good foods, which is a good thing.

Tio’s Tacos

It’s Monday, Labor holiday so we had no school/work.  We heard about this Tio’s tacos place and decided it check it out.

It’s a Mexican restaurant but the unique thing about this restaurant is that the owner built those art sculptures using junk and recycled materials; some of the tables are hand-made and decorated with soft drink or beer caps.   It’d be a better place if there’s no trash around and not too much dust.  We bought 4 tacos (beef & chicken) and 2 quesadillas (beef & chicken) for total of $21.00 which is reasonable price.

William at first did not want to go in because he said it’s too hot outside. Yes, yesterday it was hot! I tried to persuade him that inside the restaurant it’d not be so hot, but he did not want to get out of the car.  Finally I had to carry him thru the parking lot.  Once we were in the shade I put him down and he was ok since then.  He was running around and extremely curious about those soft drink caps on the tables and walls: he kept touching them.

Thanksgiving 2020

Thanksgiving this year we had a small gathering due to Covid-19 at William’s grandma house.

We brought Korean beef bbq while grandma cooked Hot Pot.   Aunt Julie made some coconut waffles, William loved it so much that he ate that for dinner.   He helped me set up the table; and pour the Cider into the cups for everyone.  He was trying to be helpful!  Thank you William!

Xmas 2019

This year, William is 6 years old, we had a Xmas party at Grandma Tuyet’s house on Xmas day at noon. After lunch, we got to open the gifts as usual. William still does not behave well when receiving the gift: when his name was called, we had to call his name a few times before he’d come up and get his gift. After received it, he’d just throw the gift on the floor without open it. He would not open it if we did not encourage him to do so.

However, his perception of Xmas and Santa Clause has improved. He asked to write a letter to Santa, he asked for a Ginger Bread House, he asked for the Xmas tree and ornaments to decorate, and he’s been sing along the Xmas songs, especially “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!”. He even helped me with gift wrapping: he put the bows on the gifts once I’m done wrapping.

“Can we have a Christmas tree?” – He asked all of sudden while we were watching TV. “Sure, we’ll bring out the tree on weekend!” – I replied. So the weekend came, as promised, we took the artificial tree out from the box. He helped me to plug in the lights. He saw a box of ornaments in the garage and tried to carry the box to the living room where the tree was. I had to tell him, “let Mama do it, it’s too heavy!” . He hung the ornaments up; he even pulled out the little ladder so that he could hang up high on the tree!

One day while we were lying on bed watching TV, he suddenly asked, “Can we make a Ginger Bread house?”. I was so surprised as to how he knew about the Ginger Bread house, must be from school because we never tells him about this. “Sure, mama will get you one!” – I replied. So next day I went to Costco and bought a Ginger Bread house for him. He was so excited; Ms. Marilou, the TasKid ABA therapist, helped him to decorate the house. In fact, he was just watching and eating all the candies while Marilou did all the work :).

I asked what’d he want for xmas. “Lego City” – he said. But when I took him to Walmart to pick, he would not pick any; he asked me to pick it for him. I guess because he does not know what kind of Lego that he wants.

I wrapped his Lego city, he put the blue bow on the box and put it under the Xmas tree. He came in while I was wrapping his toy so I had to tell him Santa already delivered his toy; and that he could not open it until Xmas day. And he respected that: he waited until Xmas Eve; he only opened the box when I told him it’s ok to open now. He and Tim worked together to build the Lego spaceship: the set that I picked for him at Walmart. It was the first time ever that he was sitting on the chair patiently to put together a toy. I was surprised!

It’s the things that he asked to do for Xmas really amazed me that he has grown up and learned a lot about this wonderful holiday. He still believes in Santa, which is a good thing. (I use Santa as a good reinforcement whenever he does not listening).

4th Of July 2019

Thursday 6:00 PM. We went to my Mom’s house for dinner and to have some fun with the fireworks. Tim bought some firework while we on the way to pickup some pizza for the kids. My brother in law bought some too.

It’s always great to spend time with family. William this year especially enjoyed the fireworks a lot! He ran around with excitement, and kept asking for those Sparklers!

Watching fireworks

Valentines’ Day

Thursday. William still coughed a lot so we designated Tim to stay home and watched him. It’s Valentine’s day, and I already prepared all the little treats for his teachers and classmates so I took out the umbrella and headed to his school. It was raining hard so instead of waiting for the teachers to come out, I came to the office and fortunately Ms. Newman was there. So I gave her the Valentine’s treats; and filled out the absence card for school.

We also bought 1 box of cookies for the teachers at Children’s World Preschool.

The cookies box is for the teachers, the little bags are for classmates.
Poor little baby, he looked so tired.

Later at night, it was 11 PM and he still could not sleep, so I asked if he wanted a cookie. He said yes and followed me to the kitchen. He grabbed the chocolate box that Tim bought for me on V-day and went back to bed. He picked 1 chocolate; I broke the chocolate in half to check if there’s peanuts; it looked like just toffee so I let him eat it. He ate 1 half and put his finger into his mouth; I though the sticky toffee stuck in his teeth so I took him to the bathroom to brush his teeth; then took him back to bed.

I went back to the bathroom to clean up and heard some noise coming from the bedroom; sounded like he was throwing up. Uh oh! I ran back to the bedroom and there he was, standing on the edge of the bed and threw up on the floor. He said, “It’s Peanuts”.

Definitely peanuts, otherwise he would not throw up that much.

I woke Tim up to help me change William and clean up the floor. Then we gave him 6ml of Loratadine and let him use the Nebulizer to make sure his airways are not clogged. I watched his breath and his stomach and luckily his breath was normal.

William likes his new Nebulizer mask.

Turning 5, Celebrate Birthday at School


William’s Birthday is Nov 24 but school is closed the whole week (11/16 -11/23) so Ms. Newman decided to celebrate his birthday few days earlier.  I asked if I could bring a cake but she said she was gonna bring cup cakes so I can bring cookies and juice.

So after work I went to 85 Bakery to buy 3 little fruit tarts for the teachers as a appreciation token in the spirit of Thanksgiving.  Then stopped by Walmart to get 1 cookie box, 1 pop corn box and 1 pack of juice.  I was gonna go to Costco but it was too late and dark; and Costco is far.

Picked him up at school, he seemed to be happy wearing a Birthday hat.

Happy Birthday my precious boy!


I had William trace out the card, and color the red heart.

The card we got for the teachers to say THANKS

Trunk and Treat – Halloween 2018

Friday, our ABA session was taken place at the Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church, where the Truck or Treat event was held.  William’s cousins went to this private school so we got to tag along to the school’s private event.  All participants opened their trunks and decorated with Halloween theme which is really cool.  The children then lined up and went to each car for candies.  There was music, and lots of children participated.  I think William had a great time.  We only went 2 rows but he already had a full bag of candies; he looked tired so we decided to go his cousins car to sit down.  It was a long day for him: class in the morning at Lincoln school, then Children’s world preschool till 5:30, then we picked him up and took him directly to the event.  So he must be hungry too.   One of the car offered the chicken nuggets, he grabbed that and took 1 bite; that was when I realized it was late and he must be tired and hungry.

With BT Jody and Thomas always around William, I felt very relieved; and lucky for us William behaved that day, he did not run off around; he actually stayed on line and followed it.

The event opened the gate at 5:30 PM, started the line for Treat or Trick at 6:30 and ended at 7:30 PM ($5.00 per car).

More photos (Trunk & Treat)

More photos 2 (Grandma’s House)

Our little Ninja

Jody and Thomas are really taking their job seriously; they follow William wherever he goes. Thank YOU!

Shopping for Halloween, somehow he was so attached to the chain that we had to buy it.

Treat or Trick at Providence Speech & Hearing Center where William goes to for Speech therapy every week