Lunar New Year Celebration at Main Place Mall

Saturday, a nice winter noon that felt like summer.  Lunar New Year is less than 2 weeks so the malls around us starting to celebrate; Main Place mall the is the one that celebrated earlier compares to other malls.   The stage with dance/singer performance took place near in front of Macy’s.  We came when a group of Taiwanese dancers were performing; very beautiful and colorful costumes.  William seemed to enjoy watching the dance.

There was another area for children with craft activities, face painting and the animal balloons which was at the other end of the mall.  We waited in line for so long to get the balloon; William picked the sword.  William was waited very patiently seating in his stroller without crying.   Finally when we got our balloon; I let him out of the stroller but he refused to get up.  I asked “What do you want?”

– I want home. – He replied.

Finally it’s our turn for the balloon.

I guess the time of waiting in line for a balloon is not really worth it.  He got tired of waiting; and me too.  I should have a asked him if he wanted the balloon or not.  We could just go back to the stage and watch the rest of the performances.  Why I didn’t think of that? I guess I just assumed that he wants the balloon.

Before heading home, we let him ride the elevator once because we know how much he likes it.
It’s the Year of the Dog – 2018.


Tim loves to selfie 🙂
Time to celebrate Valentine’s also.
Year of the Dog. Tim was born in the year of the Dog; William was born in the year of Snake.

Christmas 2017

William and our this year Xmas tree

Dec 25, 2017; William is 4 years old this year. He now knows to open gifts and loves to sing the Jingle Bells songs.

William loves to watch videos of people playing Bowling, Ryan’s Family Toy Review, Family Fun Pack and of course Mickey Mouse, Chíp & Dales, Piggy,etc.
William with Mom & Dad at uncle Vinh’s house.
William and Dad

William and Grandma

Love his innocent smile! Love you son! We took this picture in my car, using the iphone Selfie mode. It was the last day at Mitchell school before the holidays break.

ABA Session In the Community

Sat 11:00 AM at Fountain Valley  Promenade.

Halloween is approaching so I asked Mrs. Nhu if it’s ok to have ABA session while William going Treat or Trick on the Halloween day so she suggested to cancel the Friday session and have the session on  Saturday at the shopping center in Fountain Valley.  We agreed to meet Ms. Han in front of the Albersons supermarket.

I dressed William up as a car racer Lightning McQueen and took him to the meeting place.  10 minutes passed 11:00 I still didn’t see Ms. Han anywhere, turned out she went to wrong location and was waiting for us there.  So while waiting for Ms. Han to come to us, I took William for Treat or Trick.  At first William did not want to walk but I told him we could get candy if he walked so he started to comply.  We walked along the shopping center and went in each store to get candy.  William had a hard time to pick the candy when people presented a bowl of candy in front of him.   Also when people hand him the candies he reached out his hand to take it instead of showing his basket so that they can put the candies in.  It was his first time so maybe he was overwhelmed and did not know what to do.  It struck me that I did not teach him that!

We found a table near by the pizza place, so we sat down to rest and let William enjoyed his earned candies.

Few minutes later Ms. Han found us; we continue our way to knock on the stores for more candies.  It was about noon so we decided to go back to the pizza place and have lunch there.  I bought a slice of pizza and 1 drink for William.  We found a cozy corner inside the restaurant and ate lunch there.  William kept standing on the chair and go under the table; until I let him watched the Winnie the Pooh clips that he sat still.  There’s a game room inside the pizza shop so we let William play in the game room after lunch.

We left the place around 1:30 PM.