William’s Baptism

William 4 months oldWilliam was baptized on Apr 13, 2014 when he was 4 months old at La Vang Church, Santa Ana, California by Father Bảo Thai.  Holy name is Paul.

Father Bảo
Father Bảo
William with God Parents Than Vo & Julie Nguyen
William with God Parents Than Vo & Julie Nguyen
William with God Parents Than Vo & Julie Nguyen
William with God Parents Than Vo & Julie Nguyen
Our family
Our family
Paul William Quy Bui
Baptized on Apr 13, 2014 at Lady of Lavang Church
Baptism Certificate

William Was Born!

My only son was born on Nov 24, 2013 at Fountain Valley Hospital at 2:00 PM.
William was born in the Year of the Snake.
Năm 2013 là năm Quý Tỵ ( Rắn ). Mệnh ( mạng ) : Trường Lưu thủy (Dòng nước lớn)

Tuổi dương lịch: Nov 24, 2013
Tuổi Âm lịch: Oct 22, 2013
Ngày Giáp Ngọ tháng Quý Hợi năm Quý Tỵ

William Quý Bùi is 2 days old! He’s in NICU because he has trouble breathing since birth.