Tio’s Tacos

It’s Monday, Labor holiday so we had no school/work.  We heard about this Tio’s tacos place and decided it check it out.

It’s a Mexican restaurant but the unique thing about this restaurant is that the owner built those art sculptures using junk and recycled materials; some of the tables are hand-made and decorated with soft drink or beer caps.   It’d be a better place if there’s no trash around and not too much dust.  We bought 4 tacos (beef & chicken) and 2 quesadillas (beef & chicken) for total of $21.00 which is reasonable price.

William at first did not want to go in because he said it’s too hot outside. Yes, yesterday it was hot! I tried to persuade him that inside the restaurant it’d not be so hot, but he did not want to get out of the car.  Finally I had to carry him thru the parking lot.  Once we were in the shade I put him down and he was ok since then.  He was running around and extremely curious about those soft drink caps on the tables and walls: he kept touching them.

Check Up After Tooth Extraction

After 3 days, he still complained about hurting where the tooth was removed.  Even when we gave him Tylenol.

Mrs. Sandy from school called this morning saying William kept complaining about his teeth pain and refused to eat/drink anything.

Fortunately I took a day off today for his IEP meeting, but the meeting was not until 2:00 PM So I asked my friend Nhi if I could bring him in today for check up. She said OK and set up appointment at 11:00 AM.

Taking X-ray of the painful tooth
Waiting for the doctor to finish with her patient.

The doctor said his gum was swollen that causing the pain. The extraction are was starting to heal so there’s no issue there. She advised to keep brushing the teeth to keep them clean; and keep giving him Tylenol when needed.

There’s nothing else they can do.

Then we met Nhi for lunch at the ILanet Coffe in Westminster. It was her day off.

Beautiful Nhi with Shaking Beef salad
William only wanted to eat fries