Bye Ms. Marilou – We’ll Miss You!

Dec 31, 2021 is the last day that Ms. Marilou will be with TasKids.  Can’t believe it has been 3 years!  She’s one of the best Behavioral Therapist that we’ve had.   William loves her; and they’re getting along really well.  I love that she introduced William to “1 mindful minute” where she played this video from YouTube and had William followed the instructor: sit down nicely with both hands on the knees with palms up.  With his eyes closed to listen to the instructor voice, he looked so cute and peaceful!

I still remember the first Xmas she was with us, she helped us assembled the bike that I bought for William for Xmas gift.   She’s always considerate and addressed our concern very seriously.

Too sad to see her go but if it’s for her best interest; we’re happy for her.  We wish you all the best and luck on your new adventures.

In the mean time, Thomas, our BCBA will take over Marilou session until they can find a new BT for William.


IEP 2021

It’s time for William’s IEP (Individualized Education Program); it has been 1 year since William moved to Mr. Castaneda class at Thomas Jefferson elementary school.   I still remember how shocked I was when Mrs. Newman proposed that William should be transferred to this school because he was doing so good in class).   How time flies!  William is gonna turn 8 years old next month and is in 2nd grade.

With the Covid-19 pandemic is still going on, the IEP this time hosted by Mr. C was thru the zoom meeting just like last year (which was hosted by Mrs. Newman at Lincoln elementary school).  This time we have Mr. Catenada (Special Ed teacher), Ms. Linday (OT), Ms. Karen (speech), Mrs. Karen (General Education 2nd grade), Mr. Eric Merrit (vice principal)  andThomas (ABA supervisor from TasKids).

Yesterday Mr. C and Ms. Lindsay (Occupational Therapist) called to briefly tell me how William’s doing.  Mr. C made my day by telling me that William is doing so good with math so he’s gonna send William to a general education class, 2nd grade with Ms. Maureen for 1 hour math session; and Ms. Crystal will go with William to support him.    He also said William is good at reading too, but he wants him to try Math in normal class setting first to see how he’s doing there.   It’s such a great news to me; and I’m so proud of William.

Ms. Lindsay (OT) said that William is making so much progress on holding the pencil, he prefers to write in upper case but she noticed that if she gave him the adapted paper with visual cues, he’d write correctly with lowercase letters.  So she thinks William no longer needs OT every weeks any more; she proposed once a month for this coming year.

Ms. Karen (speech) said that William still has issue with the L letter, especially if it stands in the middle; he says it correctly if L is at the beginning of the words; so she’ll continue to work with him on that.

One other thing Mr. C mentioned that in the class he’d sit still for 30 minutes without standing up and wandering around the house like he did when we had online class.  I was so surprised to hear that cuz William I know can never stay still for few minutes, unless he’s watching iPad.

The meeting concluded in half an hour later, then I drove William to school.  We got the tardy yellow slip for being late with the “Excused” mark from the school office.  It’s Costume Day at school but he refused to wear any costume; we brought some candies for him to share with his classmates.

New School – Thomas Jefferson Elementary School – First Grade 2020

Thursday Oct 29, 2020.

We had the annual IEP meeting few days ago thru the Google Meet with Mrs. Newman Heather, Mrs. Principle, his speech and OT teachers from Abraham Lincoln elementary school, and Mr. Castaneda from Thomas Jefferson school because William would turn 7th year old soon.  At first I did not know why Mr. C was there but soon I found out the reason; and that came to me as a surprise.

I think it was about a month ago when the Mrs. Newman asked if I had any input/suggestions/comments about this whole thing of distance learning because of the Corona virus; I said that William might be bored because the routine is the same every day.   All I was hoping that Mrs. Newman can run the class a bit different each day so that it’s less boring.   Back then when he went to school in person, I have no idea what was going on in the physical classroom.  Now that William is at home learning thru the Google Meet; and I’m there with him every day, I know exactly what’s going on.  He most of the time tried to get off the chair and play with his toy: I always had to re-direct him back to the chair,

“I don’t want to sing!

I don’t want to select a song!

I don’t want to talk about feeling!” – It was almost everyday that William refused to participate.

That’s why I made that comment to his teacher.  Mrs. Newman then said if I was thinking about moving him to a different class.  I felt bad because I thought she took it the wrong way; I did not mean to hurt her feelings at all.

Then after that Mrs. Newman did not mention anything about the new class; and I also forgot about that conversation.

Back to the IEP meeting, just like last year IEP meeting, Mrs. Newman went thru William’s goals and said that he mastered all his goals; and she set the new goals for him.  Then all of sudden she introduced Mr. Castaneda!  Mrs. Newman started with William’s reading level is at the 2nd grade; he can count to 100 with no problem while his classmates can only count up to 30; he can do addition and subtraction math with single digit fine.  And then she recommended to transfer William to a less severe school, Jefferson elementary school.  That was when I realized why Mr. C was invited to the meeting, because he was gonna be William’s new teacher!  Mrs. Newman asked if I agree to transfer William.  I hesitated for a bit because I was worried that William might not like the change, that he would not fit in with the new class; but I also knew that if William stays in this class, he will not learn anything new because his level is higher than his classmates.

Mr. Castaneda started to talk about his class, that this class is for moderate autism; the class size is small also but the difference is that it focuses more on the grade curriculum.  I’ve been always wondering what would they teach in the normal class; and if William can go to the normal class so that he can learn the same thing that the 1st graders are learning so that he will not be behind on his academic level, but at the same time I’m worried that William cannot survive in a 25 or more children classroom: I did not know that there’s class for Autism kids that focus on the curriculum!  Mr. Castaneda’s class is what I’ve been looking for for William all along; so I agreed!

Which also meant that was the end of Mrs. Newman’s classes for William!  Tears came to my eyes!  I said “Thank You” to Mrs. Newman and everyone else, knowing that I would not see them again.   William was expected to be in his new class the next week which meant  he had 1 last day with Mrs. Newman and his classmates on Friday.

Later at night, I told William about his new class, he said “OK”.  He took it so well that I was kinda surprised.  I was not sure if he really understood what it meant.

Friday came, toward the end of the class, Mrs. Newman played a song to say good bye to William. She’s so thoughtful; Ms. Birdie and Ms. Sandy too.   We love them all!  I’m sad to say good bye to them.  They’re very dedicated teachers who are willing to go out of their way for their students; I still can’t thank Ms. Birdie enough to pick up the Chrome book for William at school and dropped it off at our house.

Monday Nov 2, 2020

William was supposed to start the new class today (school still conducts classes via online due to Covid-19 pandemic) but we still had no information about the class.  Mr. Castaneda promised to send us info over the weekend but he did not.  It was 7:00 AM in the morning, I texted Mrs. Newman about my concern. She got back to me right away saying that she’d contact Mr. C for me.

Later Mr. C called me and said that it’s best for William to start on Tuesday because he did not have the class materials yet; and that I we could come to the school to pick up his material around noon.  I said Yes.  So at noon, Tim drove William and me to the Jefferson school; it’s about 15 minutes away from our house.  I met Mr. C in person at the gate, he looks more friendly in person than from the online video meeting :).   He gave me the class materials and an enrollment form to transfer William to this new school.

Tuesday Nov 3, 2020

It was William’s first day with the new class.  Mr. C introduced William with the class, there was only 3 more kids about his age; and I don’t think they really paid much attention about William’s presence.  They all seemed very talkative.  Mr. C has 3 teacher aid but they’re very passive: all the time Mr. C was talking while the teacher aids just sat there and listening, unlike Ms. Birdie and Ms. Sandy.

The class starts at 8:30 AM.  Mr. C played some Good Morning songs from You Tube, then followed with the Social Story which was about using the Polite words. This first session ended at 9:00 AM.  Then at 10:00 AM it was math, and reading and some grammar about Noun; the class ended at 11:30 AM.

William survived the first day of class with no problem.  Now that I know what’s Mr. C is teaching in the class, I’m relieved because I know William can handle it: reading is about his level; he might have a hard time with words math because it’s the first time for him.  But I know William is a very smart boy, with a little bit of help, I’m sure he can understand words math soon.

So that’s how William got transferred to a new school to be at his academic level.

As a Mom, I could not be happier :).



Meeting With The School Principal

Now that William is in Kindergarten, his school ends at 2:00 PM instead of 1:00 PM like last year. This conflicts with the Speech therapy at Providence of Speech & Hearing center, which is 1:30 PM every Monday. I planned to pull him out early around 1:00 PM on Mondays to take him to the speech therapy because the speech center doesn’t have any availability to move his session to later time.

So I stopped by the office to talk to Ms. Velado, the Lincoln school principal. At first she said the district will not allow it because it’s the parents responsibility to send their children to school; and we could go to jail if there’s so many absences. I explained to her our situation; she then asked how old is William. ‘He’s 5 now, will be turning 6 on November!’. She then said it’s ok until William turns 6 because the district only enforces the rule for 6 years old and up. So we have about 3 months to pull him out early on Mondays. After that we need to have a solution to our problem. The issue is easy to solve if the Providence center has new available spots; but then after a long day at school, I don’t know if it’s a good idea to send him to speech therapy. 6 hours at school is a long time for a 5 or 6 years old boy.

Lately his speech therapy complains that he doesn’t comply well. So maybe we take a break from speech therapy at Providence center. We still have speech therapy at school; 15 minutes a week.

I’m not sure what to do. It’s a hard decision to make because it’s really hard to get a spot at Providence center; If we give it up, there’s no guarantee that we’ll get a new spot that fits our schedule.

Back To School – Day 3

Wednesday, it’s day 3. Nothing new. I took some photos before pushing his stroller out. He doesn’t look straight to the camera as usual, doesn’t matter how many times I told him to look at the camera.

Back To School – Year 2019 – 2020

Summer break is over, time to go back to school. I prepared William mentally for the last 2 days that he would go back to school starting today.

Same school (Abraham Lincoln Elementary School), same classroom #54 and same teachers (Ms. Newman, Birdie and Sandy); except that William is now in the Kindergarten, and his class hour is from 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM (not 1:00 PM anymore)

Waking him up is hard as usual; and “I want to scratch my back!” is the first sentence that he said. He whined as usual, asked for few more times to scratch his back but eventually everything was done and we were ready to go to school. At first I wanted him to walk so I did not bring the stroller out but he said, “The school is far!”. He refused to walk so I had to bring out the stroller.

William’s sleepy face

It was good to see everyone is back: Ms. Newman, Ms. Birdie and Ms. Sandy. (We did not see Ms. Newman and Ms. Sandy during the last month of the last school year, before summer!)

Ms. Sandy with the boys, walking to the class room.


Recently when William is upset and cries, he put his fingers into his mouth!

Not sure where he learned this from but looking at this picture really saddens me. Would a normal kid act like this?

This morning after I put on his socks and went to the kitchen sink to wash my hands; when I came back and saw he already took off his socks! I raised my voice a bit, “Why did you take off your socks? Put them on!” – That was when he started to cry and put his fingers into his mouth. I bet the reason he took off his socks is because he was upset that I turned off the TV. He wanted to turn off the TV himself. He kept whining “I want to turn off TV” while I was carrying him from the bedroom to the door.

I told you, “Put on your socks or I’ll send you to grandma” and then I sat on the couch waiting for his actions. After a while, he sat down on the floor, kicked/pulled the entrance rug, and tried to put 1 sock on. “I need help!”- He said.

I ended up put the socks on for him because we were getting late. While I was doing that, he saw my new water bottle, he took it and played with it. Soon after, he’s so attached to the bottle that he stopped crying, and acted as nothing has just happened. We walked to the car, put on his seat belt, he ate the biscuits while I was diving him to the day care.

He’s easy to forget like that!

He kicked the rug while trying to put on his sock

Arrived at the day care, I let him sit in the car to finish his biscuits before going in.

Every morning I have to deal with his whining, “I want to scratch my back!” so I have to scratch his itch before I can get him to go brush his teeth to get ready to the daycare. My days always start with struggles.

I hope one day when he grows up more, he’ll give me less headache.

Another Day …

Another day at the day care. As soon as he went thru the little door, he sat down on the floor and scratched his legs! So I went in, pulled out the chair and told him to sit on the chair, not the floor.

I remember when he first started here, he’d lie down on the same spot. So nothing has improved. He has no awareness that people would get in /out that little door and might step on him.

I’ll try to remind him not to sit on the floor or ground; hopefully one time he’ll stop doing that.

I took this picture thru the shelve, the little door is on the right.

Lonely Boy

Tuesday 8:30 AM

Dropped William off at the daycare today, while I was sign up, he sat right next to the kid entrance door with the lunch bag next to him. So I came in, put his lunch back away and asked him to go outside to play. He said his belly hurt and wanted me to rub. So I told him to wait because I needed to replace his swim suit with the new set I bought from home. He followed me outside to the wooden shelve where they put the children’s swimming stuffs.

So I rubbed his belly; then he wanted to go to the restroom. He sat on the toilet for quite a bit. Then when he was done, I asked him to go outside but he refused. He sat down on the floor in the corner next to the restroom. I told him to go outside several times, finally he did but as soon as he got out of the door, he sat down on the ground! I told him to go sit on any chair because the ground is dirty. He refused to stand up; until I told him I’d rub his belly if he sits on the chair. That’s when he followed me to sit on the bench in the playground. I rubbed his belly a little bit more; but I needed to leave for work so I told him to continue sit there.

As soon as I stood up and turned my back about to leave, he went back inside and sat in that same corner! I came in to ask him again to go out and sit on the chair. “I want mama to go to work!” – he said.

I guess he wanted to be left alone.

Left is the restroom, right is the door to the play yard. He leaned on the door that leads to Yellow Bird Classroom.

I don’t mind if he sits by himself but the fact that he sat on the floor near the restroom really sadden me. Plus, he leaned on the door; what if someone opens the door then he’d get hurt! After 4 years at the same daycare, I thought he’d be better at this place but obviously nothing has changed. He acts the same way as did the first few months when he started going here.

I looked around, Ms. Rose Mary and Jennifer and the new teacher were busy outside with other kids; no one really paid attention to him.

I left the daycare with broken heart and tears on my eyes. What kind of a mom I am that I left my only son there feeling lonely and unhappy. But there’s really nothing I can do; unless I quit my job and stay home to take care of him. Finally, I can’t do that.

Closer look. He has been itchy a lot lately.