Monday 5:30 PM, we have ABA session with Thomas as usual. Today Huy, the supervisor stopped by; Jody did not come because she will come to Truck & Treat event with Thomas and us on Friday at the Blessed Sacrement Catholic Church in Wesminster.
In a typical ABA session with Thomas, he would let William jumps in the Trampoline for about 10 minutes and/or walk with dad Tim outside the house to practice “Wait” and “Come Here”. Then William would take a shower. When he’s done with shower, Thomas would ask William what game he wants to play; and the the last few weeks his response is either Monopoly or Uno. He understands the basic rule of the games which is good; but sometime he cried or kicked because the game did not go the way he wanted. For example, sometime he wants the Chance card when playing Monopoly but it’s Thomas who got the chance card, so he cried.
William talks a lot more playing game with Thomas; they’re bot so cute when playing.
Listened to Huy & Jody from TasKids, we bought William his first trampoline so that he can jump to release all the energy that he has. The plan is to let him jump before each ABA session so that he’d have less energy to run around. But seems like he doesn’t like to jump that much because he’d only spend less than 10 minutes in the trampoline.
Friday, ABA session as usual from 5:30 PM – 7:45 PM. The supervisor Huy suggested we took a walk to practice safety rules: Stop, Wait and Come Here commands. William must learn to listen to commands and do not run without asking permission.
So when we’re walking, I’d tell him “Stop and Wait here with daddy” then let him standing there with Tim, I’d walk further up then turn around and ask him to come to me, “William, come here!”. He’s supposed to walk to me and hold my hand; but every time he’d just run past me! So Thomas would have to stand behind me to block him from running.
William did that every time on today’s walk so Huy suggested that we train William on walking nicely first.
William and Ms. Jeanne at our house. This is her last session at our house.
Friday 8/24/2018. Today is Ms. Jeanne’s last ABA session with William, the Behavorial Technician, who has been with William at the day care for almost every day for the last 3 months. She recently got her BCBA credentials; and she found a new company that meet her needs. I’m so sad to see her go because I’ve seen her teaching William; she’s really good at teaching William to pretend plays like ordering food at Mc Donalds, in the airplane listening to the flight attendants instructions to put the bags under the seat, buckle up, etc.
May 11 – Aug 24, so Jeane has been William’s BT for a little bit more than 3 months; time does fly. I still remember the day when I heard about William’s accident with the Merry-go-round while under Jeanne’s watch, I was so sad and wanted to ask for a different BT; but I didn’t because I recalled the first day she came to our house; she would pay attentions to little details as to what William likes to do; and she put on the music softly in the background. She impressed me with her creative ways to get Williams to do things. I’m glad that I did not ask for a new BT.
Last week she asked if I saw William dance yet; I was like “Uh no, never!”, then she played the youTube video “Cha cha dance” and told William to dance. It was so fun to see William kicking his legs and swing his hands up & down. I’m so happy to see my boy having fun in the ABA session.
From her observations, she believes that William will understand better if she writes down the words on the papers and read it with him. For example, “Welcome to Mac. Donald, what would you want ?”
She only came once a week to our house, on Thursday from 5:30-7:45, so we did not get to see her much; but she was with William everyday from 3:00 – 5:15 PM. When it was summer, she’d be there with him in the mornings also. So I bet William grows to be closed to her and loves her as much as we do. We’re sad to see her go but at the same time we’re glad that she’s moving up in her career.
Good luck in your new role, Ms. Jeanne. We’ll miss you!
Thomas, William’s BT for every evening ABA session at home from 5:30 – 7:45 always comes with 2 bags full of toys. William’s favorite now is Pop the Pig and Monopoly. We love the way he’s being patient with William. He’s a very nice young man.
Aaron had been cancelled too many session so TasKids decided to remove him from our case and sent Thomas: a very young, nice guy. He paid attention to what William does, asked me what William likes, brought 2 bags of toys to every session (unlike Aaron, who came with only a notebook!). I’m happy to have Thomas covers the sessions; I concurred with what Taylynn, the scheduler from TasKids, “He’s very good!”.
Monday afternoon, normally it’s the PC session with Jody and One to One session with Aaron but Aaron cancelled so Jeannie covered for him. The supervisor Huy also came to go over the progress report that he had to prepare to turn over to his director; the report is due to the Cal Optima on Sept.
He went over the goals that set by previous company ABEST and how William achieved the goals. There are about 7 goals that he marked “Discontinued” because he thinks William achieved them. And in conclusion he recommended to reduce the One on One hours from 24 hours / week to 17 hours/week, meaning cutting back 7 hours/week. He also cuts back the PC hours from 12 to 10 hours/month.
We’re not happy with his decision because William achieved a few goals but there are still lots of goals in the list that we haven’t started yet. He based on the ABC data collected by the BTs at home or day care sessions to conclude that William achieved the goals. I was learned from parent training from previous company that in order to master a goal, William has to demonstrate that skill with BTs, and with parents and can generalize that skill out in the community as well. We rarely take William out to the communities during session so Huy would have no idea how William behaves when in the community. From our recent travel trips, we were very frustrated because William would never listen, he would run off unexpected and throw tantrum if we did not allow him to do what he wanted. Huy only comes few times a month, and observes for about 1 hour per session, how much can he learn about William in such a short time; plus, he just took over our case for only about 3 months! As a Mom, I know William the best, I know William still needs lots of training on controlling his behaviors so cutting back the hours is not gonna help. 3 or 4 hours of cutting back is ok but 7 hours is too much!
Tuesday evening, ABA Session with Ms. Jody as usual.
Which book do you want to read? Ms. Jody asked
Rosie! – William responded without thinking.
Last year when I brought the books into the room; he would throw them out the door and close the door. Now he loves to read the books; and we read book every night on our bed before he goes to sleep.
The book “Rosie Comes to Preschool” is long but he always wants to finish the book. He know about 80% of the words in the book.
Fri 5:30 PM, ABA session with Aaron as usual. Today William actually played the game and followed the rules. Before he just likes to hold the cards and, that’s it!
This is how it looks when Tim picked him up from school. From the pic, it doesn’t look as bad but it’s really bad!
Wednesday. William was sent home today with a big dark bruise on his face below the right cheek with a note that he had an accident! According to the note he was trying to jump off the Merry Go Round and slipped and hit his face on the metal bar.
Ms. Jeannie from TasKids was there with him at the time of the accident.
Today, it’s 6th day and the bruise still bad. When I touched it gently and asked him if it hurts but he did not say anything.
The Merry-Go-Round that William loves to play with everyday.Report from Ms. ChastityMerry-go-round pic taken from the other side of the playground1 day later, the bruise is starting to get darker.