New ABA Staff

William with teacher Dan, playing “Breaking the Ice” game

In order to prepare for transition to ABA services funded by Cal-Optima (currently our ABA service is funded by RCOC until end of Oct 2017),  ABEST’s director has made some changes with the staffs that teach William.  Ms. Annie has been the primary teacher for William, and some times Ms. Jody; and Mrs. Jody is also to supervise and parent training.   Cal-Optima has different requirements for ABA staffs that’s why Ms. Annie and Jody can’t be on the case anymore.

So William’s new teacher would be Mr. Dan, a very young nice man; and the supervisor would be Mr. Kevin which we have not met yet.

First day Mr. Dan is 1 on 1 with William, Mrs. Nhu came to make sure everything is fine. I love how she cares for her staffs and clients.
First day Mr. Dan came with lots of toys, he put them on the floor to see which one William likes.
Playing domino


Discrete Trial Training (DTT)

William has DTT every morning from 8:30 AM for 20 minutes.  I heard the teacher and staffs saying the word DTT all the time, “William, let’s go to DTT” but never knew the meaning of it so today I asked Ms. Vanessa what it means.  She saids it’s Discrete Trial Training.

So i’m looking up this word in internet and starting to understand more about this technique.

“Discrete Trial Training is one of the most important instructional methods for children with autism”
– Smith (2001, p.86)

Hopefully William is learning from DTT.  William has made lots of progress over the past few months; I’m not sure it’s because he’s learning from school or from ABA sessions at home, which is 5 days a week from 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM (Mon-Fri).

Now he likes to sing Happy Birthday, ABC  and Twinkle Little star songs.  He knows to request for “More Time” when he wants to play with toys that he likes.  He uses the word “Open” a lot when requests to open the door or candy packets.  He learns to say in a complete sentence “I want iPad”.  And he’s toilet training at home.

And importantly he responds to his name by looking up; which he never did before.

Another Session with Ms. Annie

William and Ms. Annie

Tues afternoon.  This week ABEST sent Ms. Annie to come for William for the whole week; reason being RCOC changed their requirement for ABA Service staffs so Ms. Han and Mr. Quang are no longer eligible to teach William.

Ms. Nhi (in dress) is supervising. She’s due on Sept for a baby boy.


William & Ms. Annie. William likes to sit on the floor so Ms. Annie uses it as an enforcer.

RCOC Gave us extension

Now that we have Medi-Cal, our RCOC Service Coordinator  Kim Than told me that we need to get Medi-Cal pays for ABA services.  Also, She wants us to send her a letter from Tim’s HR saying that we will remove William out of Tim’s policy with Anthem Blue Cross.  So we did.

Usually she has meeting with Behavioral Specialist on Fridays; so today she emailed me saying that they approved the contract extension between RCOC and ABEST so that William can continue to receiving ABA services while waiting for Medi-cal to approve.  And the new contract ends 10/31/2017, which means we have 2 months to get approval from Medi-Cal.

Now I can rest my mind without worrying about making sure William still can continue receiving ABA services until the next 2 months.

Medi-Cal Approved

Got the approval letter from Medi-Cal.  One day later got the BIC card.  Tried to contact our Medi-cal case manager Juliana Mendosa several times on Friday and Monday but all I got is the voice mail.


Tues 7/25: Juliana returned my call; I told her about our current situation with William’s ABA services; and asked her if there’s a way to expedite the transfer of Medi-cal to CalOptima.  She said yes and scheduled to meet with the personnel from reimbursement department tomorrow at 9 AM.

Wed 7/26 @9 AM: Juliana called and set up a 3 way meeting so that the personnel from reimbursement department can ask me questions.  She only asked me 1 question “Have William been using ABA services?”

– With Medi-cal?  I was not sure so I asked.

– Yes – She responded.

– No, our ABA services agency said that our case must be transferred to Cal-Optima first before then can doing anything.

– OK, I’ll expedite the case, you can check with Cal-Optima tomorrow to see if you’re in Cal-Optima network; It should be in their system tomorrow.

That’s it.

Thursday 7/27/2017: I called Cal-Optima (714 246 8500) to check if our case is in Cal-Optima system yet or not.  After asking about our Medi-Cal number, name, DOB, they transferred me to another department because they said my son is disabled and that department would be able to assist us.  I left a voice message with my name, phone number and Medical-Number.

2 hours later I got a phone call (Vietnamese speaker) , asking what I need help with.  I told her that I’d like to select group United Care and add my son’s doctor in the plan.  I also asked her what does it take to get approval for ABA services.  She gave me the Behavorial Health department number to contact.

So I called the number (855 877 3885) asking about how to to obtain approval for ABA services; I told the lady that we already have the ABA Services agency so she tried to look up ABEST name but could not find it; I gave her Nhu’s last name and first name, she could not find it either.  She asked if I know any of the therapist name so I told her Nhi’s name; but she wanted to know Nhi’s last name which I don’t know.  She told me to call back when I have enough information.  (She refused to look up by MIS number).

So I called Nhu from ABEST, asked her for Nhi’s last name.  And then called the number again.

A different person answered the phone; and she said that they don’t work directly with parents; ABA agency must contact them!

I’ve been making quite a few phone calls for the last few days; I’m so frustrated!  ABEST told me to call Cal-Optima and Cal-Optima told me that they don’t work with parents; I really have no idea what to do!  Frustration!

So I called Nhu, told her exactly what Cal-Optima told me, gave her the phone number that I called earlier so that she could call them.  She said “That’s weird”, that with all the self-referring clients that she has, the parents always have to talk to the Insurance providers first to get a case manager assigned before she can talk to them.

Half hour later Nhu called back; she said she was assigned a case manager and given the case manager’s email to contact.  Hopefully the case manager will contact her soon.

What a relief! finally it’s going somewhere.  But I’m truly tired; mentally and physically tired!

Monday July 31, 2017: Mrs. Nhu came to our house for consultation; she said she still has not heard anything from the case manager.




Hard Session With ABEST Staffs

Thursday night, William had session with Ms. Han from 5:45 – 7:45.  It was the most difficult session for the  ABEST staffs since we started 2 weeks ago.  William threw tantrums, hit his hands against the wall, lied on the floor and cried.  Ms. Nhu finally calmed him down by drawing the numbers on the board from 1 to 30.

A Day with ABEST Staff

William ate a whole plate of lasagna!

Thursday Noon, another hot summer day.

No Mitchell school until beginning of July so William stays at the daycare full day.

Ms. Nhu from AExceLearning Behavorial Services (short for ABEST) sent me a report of this morning session with Ms. Han and Nhi at the Children’s World Preschool via email, including a few pictures.  Needless to say I’m very impressed with how they’re guiding William.  Below is the whole email from Ms. Nhu.

Hi Chi Michelle and Anh Tim!

Session at daycare today went great! William played with peers in the playground and ate snacks (crackers), was able to participate in circle time on and off (for now, we are ok with him sitting from afar since he doesn’t like to sit with peers, but will slowly work to ease him in), and he participated in art project (tracing shapes and letters). During lunch, Ms. Cheryl said that William usually does not eat or he will take a bite and then stop eating altogether. However, we were able to work with him and got him to eat the whole plate of lasagna and carrots (he spoon fed himself), drank his milk, and had jello for dessert. He did a great job today! Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
William and Ms. Han

Is the day care good for William?

On Fri June 16, Ms. Nhu from AExceLearning called me right after she went to the Children’s World Preschool to see how William is doing there.  She told me that she’s concern about 2 safety issues:

One  is that William’s bed is right under the hanger; if that falls then it’ll be on top of William.  I drop William off at school every day and watch him running to his bed but didn’t notice that.  I knew his bed is right next to a table but didn’t notice the hanger is hanging above his bed from the other side of the bed.  So the next day after that conversation, instead of just watching him running to his bed from the door, I followed him and sat by his bed, now it’s very clearly to me that the hanger is really over his bed!  I felt really bad that I didn’t notice this before.  So I told Ms. Cheryl who was in the room at the time to move his bed up away from the hangar.

Second issue is that, about 5:0 PM everyday the children will be in the big room waiting for parents to pickup.  William just sits in the corner staring at his classroom door.  The bathroom is between the big room and his classroom; which means he sits right next to the bathroom; it’d not be too much of an issue if the teachers don’t clean the bathroom at that time.  But they do, they use Clorox to clean the bathroom everyday about 5:00 PM so William has been breathing that stuff everyday!  Ms. Nhu said that is not good for William so she asked if it’s ok for her to take William back to his classroom so that he doesn’t have to breath that stuff.  Mr. Gary said it’s ok as long as she tells the teachers that she’s watching William.

Today when I dropped William off at the daycare and had a little chat with Ms. Jennifer.  She told me how nice the ladies from AExceLearning  agency are, “she’s really nice that she took William to the back room (means William’s classroom)  and spend 30 minutes with him there”, “William loves to sit at this corner to stare at his classroom”.   Now that I know the exact location where my boy sits, I felt so sad just to imagine William sits there everyday and no one cares to pull him away from the corner that’s full of toxic smell!

I don’t blame the teachers at the daycare, they have to watch quite a few children and have to clean up at the end of the day; they already have their hands full so they don’t have time to care for an Autism boy.

For the first time, I really appreciate the presence  of the AExceLearning staffs at the day care to watch over William!